
April 12th, 2012
Do you guys feel overwhelmed sometimes?
Everytime I came here, and I came here at least twice a day, I see all these beautiful photos of those I follow,and I feel that I can't keep up with them,that I can't impress no one.And since my camera is broken,I sometimes use old photos:(
Do you have any advice?How can I feel that joy of uploading photos again?
April 12th, 2012
I think you need to not focus on how good everyone else is and just enjoy the ride! No matter what you experience in LIFE, there will always be someone better than you or more everperienced or qualified etc. I think this is an awesome site to meet people, and learn from them and view AMAZING places and images. I think my advise to you would to be to just be the best you can be and be proud of your accomplishments...
I think feeling the joy in something is to bring it from within... remember what it was about... the experience the situation the sun on your face, the smell in the air and you should not worry if it impresses anyone else only how it makes you feel!
April 12th, 2012
remember the 365 is your project and you are doing it for you. i'm always amazed by scenery shots from parts of the world i will never get to see. i can feel like my local town shots are not good enough but then think of others photos as showing me things rather than trying to keep up, if that makes sense.
don't worry about using old photos, as long as they are meaningful to you then thats fine.
April 12th, 2012
I totally agree with @shirljess. Do not look at your project as a competition with others here. We all have pros and cons with doing this project. We just can't make comparisons and have them mean anything. Our projects are unique to each of us. Yours is no exception.

I see nothing wrong with uploading what you have while you wait for a new camera. It would be a great time to dive into editing. Take those older pictures and learn all you can about editing. Have fun with them. It 's your project, your photographs, your memories, your story. There isn't a better place anywhere on the internet to share them.
April 12th, 2012
@michellina the last time I felt the way you do I took two months off...I felt stir crazy and had an epiphany....I love taking photos but had to stop feeling bad...I realized that I am ultimately taking photo's for myself and to grow while doing it...with the advent of Facebook's timeline I am now using my Facebook as my photo blog...no rules...if I want to use an old photo I do...I am at the point where I had to realize there is no way in hell I can keep up with everyone's projects and I have to stop caring about my view count, popular page, etc...in a way I have freed myself of constraints by just embracing photography in general not caring at all about rules/technique or even pleasing everyone...its for myself...I feel that this approach has kick started my art and liberated me from the bondage of negative hubris...if you would like an example of what I mean please follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/trevor.baird3 its where I sort of journal my daily adventure and the photo's here actual then creep into my 365 (Facebook being a sneak peak)...in a nutshell...love photography for you...don't make it work...don't try to be like others...by just being you you will ultimately be different...as far as the camera thing I started with a point and shoot so get a cheap replacement until you can afford another...its really not about what you use in my honest opinion its just your style of composition and what you want to share with the world
April 12th, 2012
I do feel that way sometimes. I'm blown away by the people I follow who create amazing and beautiful images day after day after day! This year I vowed not to get discouraged, though (since I sorta gave up on my project last year). I try to take inspiration from those photographers, and I've learned so much from viewing others work, and from my own successes and my failures.

And I agree with @kmrtn6... sometimes what looks boring to us is fascinating to people from other places. One of my favorites things about this site is getting a glimpse in to different places all over the world :)
April 12th, 2012
A while ago, I had to decide that as much as I admire other's photography I can't hold myself to their abilities.

Comparing my photos to other's was leaving me feeling disappointed. I was even considering "why bother" with the project.. After an attitude check I realized that as I look at other's great projects I am inspired. For me, I should be using that inspiration to grow, rather than be defeated. I'm growing slowly. The perfectionisat in my says: "not enough". Some days it's a victory just to get a photo posted (like today).

Keep on going. Judge yourself on how your growing, not on other's photos :)
April 12th, 2012
@michellina Use 365 to see how far you've come not where you are compared to other people. Enjoy photography, enjoy making up images, telling stories through your project. Ultimately, you are doing this for yourself not for others. If you want advice on technique, seek feedback through the forums, I've had some good advice through here, very helpful and can be very inspiring. ps. if the camera is broken do you have a hpone camera. Phonography is very in :-)
April 12th, 2012
@michellina I felt that exact same way a couple of weeks ago! (check out my pic dated 4/3 and the wonderful responses I got.) You would be sadly missed if you left. Think of it as a journey whereby you are learning about other people, different parts of the world and photography. I decided to pick 1 new thing to experiement with every few days and that helped. (today, I tried tilt-shift for the first time.) I bet you would be surprised at how you have improved and how much you have learned.
April 12th, 2012
Go to a few thrift stores, find a camera, pick up some film/any film and start shooting. Then get it developed and printed to a CD, edit or don't and post. It's not as wallet friendly as digital but it will help you grow and you maybe surprised at what you find! I have seen plenty of p&s cameras with a few vintage or low-tech cameras here and there. I picked up one the other day that has a viewfinder (not a slr type but a real look through this window and thats about what you'll shoot type) 4 aperture setting from sunny to cloudy and thats it, no focus, no light meter, no nothing, almost feels like winding a disposable camera and with the aperture adjustment, it is just a step up from one. But I got it for cheap and it should be fun to use. You can maybe even find something on craigslist or freecycle if you put up an ad, some people don't know what to do with their old cameras so they just keep them around, most would probably give them away, to clear up space. I got two Canon SLR's like that, plus a bunch of lenses and accessories...so it does happen.
April 12th, 2012
Don't feel bad Michellina! 365 is not supposed to make you feel down, but to be an avenue you get to express yourself. I have to echo all the others who have said it's your project for you to shoot and post the way that works for you. I know it's hard to not compare yourself to others- especially some of the wonderful photographers here. But when I realized I was never going to "catch up to them" because I can't afford to buy a better camera and my little point and shoot is limited, it started making me think about what I was capable of doing with what I had and I actually think I improved because of that. I will never be one of the top photographers here, and it's unlikely I'll get a super duper upgrade on my camera within the next year or even beyond, but I'm focusing on what I enjoy and learning so much from others. I do post older photos but I'm thinking of pulling some of my archives out in May and reworking them throughout the month. I hope you feel encouraged by all the responses you've gotten here. 365, above all, should really be fun. So do what it takes to enjoy yourself here!
April 12th, 2012
Everyone above has left such wonderful comments and I can only repeat what they have said. Remember the 365 Project is YOUR project - do it your way and be very proud and happy with every single shot :-) x
April 12th, 2012
Do exactly what @shadesofgrey said, you will learn more than you can imagine shooting on an old manual film camera for a couple of months.
April 12th, 2012
@shadesofgrey totally agree with Shades as well. I'm having the time of my life out shooting on my lil lomo cam with film right now. Admittedly, my shots at the moment are a little on the underwhelming side, but who cares?! This sh*t is FUN! Plus it's forcing me not to rely on my settings so much (not to mention post-processing) and really look through the viewfinder to get the shot I want. I can't just snap off 50 shots and pick from the best of them. I LOVES it! Plus it's all retro and funky:)
April 12th, 2012
@pwallis @38mm @megsy @olivetreeann @shadesofgrey @elizabeth264 @crimper_chun @herussell @polarvrtx @loztsoul @dmortega @kmrtn6 @shirljess
I wanted to reply to all of you separately,but I have an English homework that's kind of long.Thanks for all your comments,you are right.I should just enjoy each day and take it as it comes..And as some of you said,I should be inspired by all these amazing photos that I see here,and in the same time I should try experiencing on my own new ideas and perspectives.
I really appreciate you took time to write so much for me.
I'll try talking with friends and borrowing cameras in order to take good photos..for me.
April 12th, 2012
I had to take some off of here to do some soul searching. During that time I came to the conclusion that I love photography for the same reason today that I did when I fell in love with it. For me, it;s about freezing moments in time, capturing memories of my life. When I think of it that way, i can enjoy other's talent and not feel like I have to have any talent myself. I hope you can get your camera fixed soon. It is so hard when they break.

PS you are so busy, no need to respond back personally. Take care!
April 13th, 2012
If you're trying to get on the top 20, this site will bring you lots of misery. 365 isn't about getting on the top 20... its about learning and evolving and having a place to share your hobby with like minded people. Take photos of things YOU see as beautiful... if you feel you need advice on how to improve your photos, don't hesitate to ask... people will share tips and advice. Think of 365 as a journey, not a competition, and you'll find the joy again.
April 13th, 2012
Remember why you came here in the first place, it wasn't to compete.. It was to share. Never feel inadequate, your journey is one that is unique and worth documenting. Hugs.
April 13th, 2012
Sounds like a lot of good advice above, Mihaela. It is helping me, too. I've also has times when I've been overwhelmed and frustrated. Thanks everyone above for reminding me to just enjoy it and not to stress so much.
April 13th, 2012
There is a lot of great advice in the previous posts. Just have fun--the project is whatever you want it to be......

For me it's a little bit of alone time away from my family and a chance to document things that make me happy via photography. During the winter I really lost my ambition to photograph things. It's so cold here and every day is white. Now that it's spring, I'm so excited to get outside and take photos again. Right now I'm working to fill in the time I missed.

You can upload any photos YOU WANT--new ones, old ones, camera phone ones, borrowed camera ones, because it's for you.
April 13th, 2012
I have to agree with all of the comments above. But to make you feel better, I always feel overwhelmed on here. Its intimidating to come on a site like this when there are so many FANTASTIC photographers and post your own photos. Especially if you are just learning the craft.

But like everyone else mentioned, your project is for you and for your own growth. its fun to see how you progress from day to day. Take that overwhelmed feeling as a challenge to do your best and beat your own pictures every day. I personally feel like that intimidated feeling has been what's driven me to get better. of course I still have my "ruts" where I just post a picture that Im not totally proud of but, Im finding the longer I stay with this project the better i want to be! Just remember to do this for you.
April 13th, 2012
@jsw0109 Well said, my friend. If 365 had a wall, that should be hanging on it. :)
April 13th, 2012
I agree with @jsw too :)
Do you have a smartphone? because if you do I would suggest shooting on your phone and mucking around with different apps, it is fun :) might give you a fun focus while your camera is broken?
April 13th, 2012
@beautifulthing I'd been where @michellina is before. When I learned my lesson, I actually started tagging photos with a "screw the top 20" tag LOL
April 13th, 2012
@bluebell no smartphone for me:(
April 13th, 2012
@snipsnap I didn't pay any attention to seasons,but now I can't wait for each of them,because I expect something new coming from all of them.
April 13th, 2012
@cfitzgerald btw,I wnat to say I started following your blog,I get an email everytime you write/post something there,and you have some awesome things there!!:)
April 13th, 2012
@jsw0109 Exactly. The quickest way to doom yourself around here, IMO, is to get caught up in the statistics game and omg my views and omg the PP and omg the Top 20. I found myself to be a MUCH happier photographer the day I decided that crap doesn't matter. :)
April 13th, 2012
April 13th, 2012
@michellina Oh WOW! Thank you for following! My goal was to post there everyday, but... Thank you
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