Fun Post...Browse and Pick

July 18th, 2010
Just for fun to help highlight each others work browse the project of the poster ahead of you and post one image you think is a must see or something that speaks to you or one that makes you wonder why you didn't think of that, etc. Just for fun.
July 18th, 2010
I think this one deserves some recognition.... It's very well composed, and has a fresh, feel good vibe to it. I like.
July 18th, 2010
OK, I'm game. Here is a great macro caught by Adrian:

July 18th, 2010
Here's one of Allison's:

So simple, yet fun! A total *wish I'd come up with that* shot :D
July 18th, 2010

My pick for Marianne's shots. :)
July 18th, 2010

My favourite shot of Arlyah's!
July 18th, 2010
One of samantha's that I love :D

July 18th, 2010
I like the colours in this one
July 18th, 2010
how do you make the picture a picture, not a link?
July 18th, 2010
Clikc on the picture you want, select more sizes and copy the code for the one you want (should be medium I found out from doing small above!) Then click back into this post, click below to 'How can I format my reply', copy the second line of code and replace 'URL' with your copied image code.
July 18th, 2010

Loving this one!
July 18th, 2010
July 18th, 2010
P.S. Great idea, Erin!
July 18th, 2010
Ingo Meckmann takes the kind of photos I am supremely jealous of (with admiring jealousy - not "I'm going to break into your house and steal your camera so you can't take any more photos" jealousy)
July 18th, 2010
You are supposed to pick from the photos of the last person who chose a photo, not anyone in the list.
July 18th, 2010
July 18th, 2010
(this is from kevin) oh and sorry it came out small D:
July 18th, 2010
Sorry, I completely missed the point didn't! Let me try again...
From Hila F, I like this:

I also really like her "enhanced" images, particualrly they blowing foreworks off the palm of her hand!
July 18th, 2010
And to be fair to Emily Robson after I ballsed up the whole concept I can't get enough of the texture in this:

July 19th, 2010

I really like this in black and white!
July 19th, 2010

This is from Brenda. The color is great and for SOOC, it's pretty amazing.
July 19th, 2010

Loved it so much, I just faved it :).
July 19th, 2010
What a fun idea Erin! My FAV from Jenna is:

Great group of nature shots :)
July 19th, 2010

Tough choice you've got some amazing shots! :)
July 19th, 2010
This one is from Leslie

I love this one so cute!! It was hard to choose though she has some really good shots.
July 19th, 2010
I got skipped! lol ahh well.
July 19th, 2010
Here Krissy I will pick one for you too.. I loved this one of yours even though a lot of yours are awesome..
July 19th, 2010
woo, thanks, Tracy! I would pick one of yours, but I don't want to take over the game :P.
July 19th, 2010
Krissy- I'm so sorry skipping you was not at all intentional- we must have been uploading at the same time. I'm glad I came back and saw this- your album has a lot of great pics. Here is one of my favs. Again sorry!

July 19th, 2010
lol no problem :P. Yeah, we definitely must have been uploading at the same time.
July 19th, 2010
I posted one of Krissy's at the same time so I have deleted and will go to pick one from Rebbecca now
July 19th, 2010
Thats fine, I just didn't want you to be skipped!
July 19th, 2010

I love this as I am a reader too!

July 19th, 2010

THIS IS JUST TOO CUTE.! i was below tracy
July 19th, 2010
Love this one for Ashley.

July 19th, 2010
I have been following Sara for a while now and this girl is ridiculously talented on many levels but I think this may be my favorite shot. It is so pure and honest and vulnerable. And the writing... "I have canceled my subscription to your issues." Brilliant!

July 19th, 2010

i love this one
July 19th, 2010

sorry dont know how to post pics!!!! this is the URL of the moon shot,i wish i could take a good shot of the moon :-)
July 19th, 2010
awesome idea, Erin!

this is my favorite of Autumn Eden's
it was a tough one!

Runners up:
Worm's eye view of a bee in a poppy
One of my favorite "jelly shots" at Monterey Bay Aquarium
July 19th, 2010
sorry i accidentally skipped you sarah!
here is my fave of yours :)

July 19th, 2010

from Sarah Richardson - LOVE this one!
July 19th, 2010
my favorite from dawnetta

July 19th, 2010
LOL Taleweaver... I was looking at hers, and chose the same as you! I will look through yours. How do you post the pic, not just the link?
July 19th, 2010
i didn't mean to skip...this is my favorite from taleweaver

July 19th, 2010
hi dawnetta! i noticed that too, hehe. that was cool. :)

from craigy above:
Clikc on the picture you want, select more sizes and copy the code for the one you want (should be medium I found out from doing small above!) Then click back into this post, click below to 'How can I format my reply', copy the second line of code and replace 'URL' with your copied image code.
July 19th, 2010
oops here is the link
can't figure out how to post the pix :(
July 19th, 2010
Oh I got skipped
July 19th, 2010
okay...this is my fave frombelinda =)
July 19th, 2010
i guess people get skipped because there are some who post at the same time or simultaneously...
July 19th, 2010
This is from Rainee . . .you've really got some beautiful and interesting shots, but, I'm sucker for good water photos.

Great idea Erin!
July 19th, 2010
Awesome idea Erin! There were so many great picture by KerriAnne but I am a sucker for flower pictures. I love the lighting, colors and detail.

July 19th, 2010
My Fave from Diane would probably be this one :) you have a lot of beautiful photos of her but I like this the most.. her eyes just stand out even with the b&w..

July 19th, 2010

My favorite of Gen's! Hard to choose because there are SO many that I love. I am partial to bugs though and I haven't been able to get a shot of a dragonfly this year.
July 19th, 2010
What a great idea Erin! Great photos here! LOVE your photos Karen!
July 19th, 2010
I love this portrait by Brenda!

July 19th, 2010
Hell, I'd do it for everyone, but like Krissy, I don't wanna take over the game. Fun idea, Erin. :)
July 19th, 2010
What a fun thread and thank you so much for the kind comments you guys have left on my photos! Who knows... I may be back tomorrow to add a new pick to the thread of the last poster. Neat idea! Thanks, Erin!!
July 19th, 2010

Nicole has so many incredible photos, but when I came across this one I immediately clicked "Fav" and was informed it already WAS a fav! So I went with this one. I love the feeling I get when I look at it.
It is simply *stunning*.
July 19th, 2010

can't figure out putting pics directly on, but this is my fave of Autumn Eden's, mostly because I LOVE meerkats ;)
July 19th, 2010
Sabrina, you have a lot of fun shots! I love the ones of the kitty and the one of the moon. And I think this one is absolutely amazing...

July 19th, 2010
Teresa has many stunning shots, and this portrait tugged on my heart the hardest:
July 19th, 2010
what a wonderful and fun idea. Plus I found someone new to follow! I had a tough time choosing but the quote from Frank Black sealed the deal.
July 19th, 2010
What a wonderful idea, I love it! I really like the girl's expression in this one, I've been there myself, so very many times when I was a child.
July 19th, 2010
I like a lot of Heather's - and I am now following her, but this was definitely my favorite!!!
July 19th, 2010
can you post more than once? ;-)
July 19th, 2010

pretty awesome i reckon!
July 19th, 2010
Natalie, I love this one of yours:
July 19th, 2010
Loved all of Veronica's animal shots, but I'm a sucker for a great sky shot.
July 19th, 2010

i think this photo is so beautiful!
July 19th, 2010

This is a classic shot by Katie Rose. I just cant seem to get this picture thing happening. Sorry
July 19th, 2010

July 19th, 2010
I forgot to mention how much I love Megan's self portrait! :-)
July 19th, 2010

Ummm, it was incredibly hard to choose! I love this one, I love the colours, and the clarity, and it helps that I love jubes!!!!
July 19th, 2010

I love this!
July 19th, 2010
Definitely scored some new favs off this. :) Awesome idea, Erin!
July 19th, 2010
From Amanda:

July 19th, 2010
Great idea - some excellent photos.

Here's one from nicola above

July 19th, 2010
wow this is fun !!!

so many to pick from murray his really good .. But i love this one !!

July 19th, 2010
I'm back! Such a great thread!!! And here I thought I had been following Brenda already but I was wrong. Maybe it just felt that way because I see her so often on the popular page. Regardless, her shots are stunning and it was hard to pick a favorite but the ocean will almost always win with me:

July 19th, 2010
I have already done this once, but I am going to do it again. Hope that is OK!

I love, love, LOVE this picture of Autumn's!
July 19th, 2010
You and me both, Emily! And Thank you! Honestly, that shot still gets me every time I see it. That was taken with my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. =)
July 19th, 2010
Since Autumn is just replying I'm picking one of Emily's photos

July 19th, 2010
Chris has so many amazing photos it is very difficult to choose! Here goes...

July 19th, 2010
I really like this one, but I have many favs!
July 19th, 2010
I felt like who ever looked at my photos was going to pick the bee!

My favorite of Sandra's is...
July 19th, 2010
Chris, I almost didn't pick the bee because I was afraid it would be the obvious choice. What can I say, it's a winner! I am offering up my second choice here because I was skipped on the list. lol. I know it is a timing thing.

July 19th, 2010

Love this one of Carol-Ann's. If this worked, I'll be amazed! (Craigy P gave instructions for posting a pic rather than a link: Clikc on the picture you want, select more sizes and copy the code for the one you want (should be medium I found out from doing small above!) Then click back into this post, click below to 'How can I format my reply', copy the second line of code and replace 'URL' with your copied image code.)
July 19th, 2010
It worked! For others who are clueless like me, I left in the little "less than" and "greater than" signs and the quotation marks.
July 19th, 2010

My pick for Ellen E. --- Great expressions captured when everyone seems so entranced by what they are seeing. I love the editing.
July 19th, 2010
From Dorrena
July 19th, 2010
There is an easier (fewer steps) way to post the photo here:
1. Find photo you like best from the PREVIOUS poster's shots and click on it.

2. Click in the "share" box (to highlight the link). Right click to COPY.

3. Return to this thread and PASTE directly in the box. (The link will have 3-4 lines, just paste the whole thing.) You will not see the photo until you make your comments and hit "post reply".

The size is already done for you and you don't have to use the "How can I format my reply?" list.

Hope this helps!
July 19th, 2010
From Chris Adair:

This was hard but this picture just fascinated me, it can't have been any easy shot to get!
July 19th, 2010
Oh crap. I'm stupid, I just realized it was already picked, sorry! Okay, so here's another one that caught my eye that I don't think has been selected yet:
July 19th, 2010
Bia, you have so many nice pictures to choose from! Almost went with the sunset, but then this caught my eye...

Fun thread, by the way!

July 19th, 2010
And from Linda C's ...

I love the detail.
July 19th, 2010
Okay So Ed, I loved the most recent one you've added..but I didnt want you to think I didnt go browsing through your I found this one and thought it was really really beautiful :)

July 19th, 2010
Lauren, do you realize how hard it is to pick just one of your photos? =) It was hard - I had 3 that I could not pick from, so I let me 3 year old tell me which one he liked best - here it is:
July 19th, 2010
hahaha tha means a lot Nicole, really :) :) and your 3 year old has good "taste" ;)
July 19th, 2010

I love the color and the bokeh. :)
July 19th, 2010
This is to much fun...
Here is one of CarahMia's photos

July 19th, 2010
Loving CarahMia's photo! Darn ... I want to play again!
July 19th, 2010
Chris was that your 3rd time? Lol this waaas a pretty brilliant idea. fun too!
July 19th, 2010
just realized I did it wrong. In my original post, I just posted a pic I liked. Here is one I really really like from the poster ahead of me Carol-Ann...yeesh, I need to read the directions :)
July 19th, 2010
Can we play again? I have played twice!!! LOL! Great thread with some fantastic shots!!!
July 19th, 2010
Yeah that was my third photo x.x

I just find stuff like this fun, especially cause I've been seeing lots of stuff I have never seen before1
July 19th, 2010
Me too, Chris. I am going for a 3rd time! This shot is amazing from Sandra M. And no editing! NICE!!!

July 19th, 2010
I've tried to dp this a couple times already but I couldnt figure out how! Let's hope I get this right!

From Autumn
July 19th, 2010

This on just reminds me of home...I went through kwallabear's album twice trying to decide....i like the spot free photo too....
July 19th, 2010
I just went through kwallabear,s album. I'm not sure if this will work though as never tried to link a photo before. Love the blue
July 19th, 2010
Ok I missed Erin. I'll try again now I know how it works. Love this with the rust and all
July 19th, 2010
sometimes the timing isn't perfect and two people are posting on the same person at the same's ok and i really don't care how many times a person plays :)
July 19th, 2010
Erin, this is so much fun!! Great idea! I just looked through your photos, and I think I love this one the most - you have managed to capture two of my most favorite things - berries and dragonflies! =)

P.S. the dragonfly looks like it's smiling! :-)
July 19th, 2010
I love the simplicity of this, it makes me think of my childhood. Well done Slava!
July 19th, 2010
I just had to do it once more :) Tiffany, this was my favorite photo of all that you added :) very pretty!

July 19th, 2010
Its not fair that you can only pick one. Slava has awesome work and this one is so simple, but gritty and tells a story.. makes you wonder.. what was happening there?
P.S. Bulgarian women are hot heh heh

July 19th, 2010
ah no.. time lag! :(
July 19th, 2010
I'm going to do one for lauren too just to make it right. She's also someone who has amazing talent and its so hard to choose (and all this at her age!). My favourite is her current one because it sums up life perfectly as well as being amazing

July 19th, 2010

Love this one!
July 19th, 2010
oh this IS fun! one more time. This one caught my eye in Emily Robinson's project!
July 19th, 2010
it's neat to see what people pick compared to what i would pick :) just shows you how differently art speaks to people.....didn't really expect this thread to take off like this but so glad it's fun and really highlighting some great work.....keep it going :) it's really hard to just pick one for sure with so many great choices. all you guys are so gifted with the camera.....
July 19th, 2010
Yeah, I agree Erin, actually the one emily picked annoys me these days... I used to love it, then I saw the drops of water on the lens and now thats all I can see with it :(
July 19th, 2010
okay.. im doing this again:)

i like this one of sandra:)

July 19th, 2010
LOVE this one from HilaF

July 19th, 2010
Just had to do this again, so much fun! :)
This one was definately my fave from Dawnetta! :)
July 20th, 2010
Oh, and thanks Carol-Ann for telling me how to put in the picture! :)
July 20th, 2010
Oh! One more before I log off for the night! Loved Sabrina's Puppy Nose too but the clarity and dof here are lovely!

July 20th, 2010
Autumn, I love this picture. I like how the colors of the sky are framed by the palm leaves! It's a very creative idea!

July 20th, 2010
Zach, you already know I love this one ;)

July 20th, 2010
I just had to do this again! It was hard, but here is one of my favorites from Lauren:

P.S. Weng, you are too funny ;-)))

July 20th, 2010
Have to play again!

Love this one, Slava!
July 20th, 2010

This is a great shot from just has a good feel to it....
July 20th, 2010

Fun and tasty.. makes me want to be there
July 20th, 2010
July 20th, 2010
this is my favorite of janet's. what a pretty cat.

July 20th, 2010

July 20th, 2010
my fave of Brooke's :)
that song always makes me cry since my brother passed away.
July 20th, 2010
Thankyou, it makes me think of my uncle who died last year. I was with his wife when I took it.
July 20th, 2010
sabrina...i love dark and mysterious looking

July 20th, 2010

Cute! looks kind of retro! Twins?
Great idea for a thread topic! Gets peoples work shown that may not get represented on popular page etc!
Thanks Erin!
July 20th, 2010

This is a BEAUTIFUL photo!
July 20th, 2010
I LOVE this shot of Sarah's! Nice job of capturing a city icon and a local artist at work.

July 20th, 2010
wow.. its hard not to do this again.. and since there was some lag here is another one from Sarah's..

July 20th, 2010
This photo from Gen is just adorable!
July 20th, 2010
Here's one from Melissa as well :) I found this unique and beautiful!

July 20th, 2010

Love this one!
July 20th, 2010
I think Emily got skipped so here's my fave from hers :)

July 20th, 2010
This is fun! I just have to do it again! :-) Here's one I really like of yours, Gen!

July 20th, 2010
This one by Zach is pretty stellar
July 20th, 2010
Here's another one of Zachary's:
July 20th, 2010
im going again!!!!

im a sucker for parrots and scarlet macaws are some of my all time favourites so i couldnt go past this pic!
July 20th, 2010

Okay, I'm addicted to doing this! I love this shot! The composition is just great!
July 20th, 2010
Thanks Zachary, its also one of my favourties, hard to take a bad shot of these two as they make such great models!
July 20th, 2010
one of master-work from Froi Rivera
July 20th, 2010

just so prettty!
July 20th, 2010
I'm going again! This is so fun!!!

My favorite from Ashley is....

July 20th, 2010
My fave of Nicole's, because I love this type of shot!

July 20th, 2010
this is such a good idea! haha my 3rd post:)

i really like this one, tiffany:)

July 20th, 2010

July 20th, 2010

great shot!
July 20th, 2010

I'm going again as well :-)

I love this
July 20th, 2010

Love this one- so much personality in both faces and look at that concentration- love it!
July 20th, 2010
What a good idea.

I choose this one -

July 20th, 2010
Ding! Ding! Round 2! (For me)

July 20th, 2010
Great idea.
Some beautiful shots above from everyone.
The one that stood out the most for me from yours Ed is this beautiful one, love the colours!
July 20th, 2010
sorry i dont know how to get the picture to show up how you all did lol
July 20th, 2010
Hi Christina,

Carol-Ann provided the solution way up there somewhere!

There is an easier (fewer steps) way to post the photo here:
1. Find photo you like best from the PREVIOUS poster's shots and click on it.

2. Click in the "share" box (to highlight the link). Right click to COPY.

3. Return to this thread and PASTE directly in the box. (The link will have 3-4 lines, just paste the whole thing.) You will not see the photo until you make your comments and hit "post reply".

The size is already done for you and you don't have to use the "How can I format my reply?" list.

Hope this helps!
July 20th, 2010

christina this is very nice, i love the blue moutains, would have made a romantic honeymoon
July 20th, 2010
This is great Sarah.
July 20th, 2010
Love this one! It was hard to choose, Richard has so many awesome photos!

July 20th, 2010
and what an awesome way to view some excellent shots by others that you wouldn't normally see! I am now following a heap more people thanks to this thread!
July 20th, 2010
I can't help myself...gotta do it again. Here's a great one by Zephan!
July 20th, 2010

this captures so much character!
July 20th, 2010

How fabulous is this!!!
July 20th, 2010
One of Marne's

I really like the depth of field in this shot.
July 20th, 2010

Love this one of Chris's. The two dogs look so comfortable with each other.
July 20th, 2010

Seem to have missed Belinda; so here's one of hers I like too. Love the delicate shading.
July 20th, 2010

Robin had some great shots and it was hard to choose between about 3 I narrowed it down to but I really like this one of the wet dog shaking the water off. It's just a really good capture of the moment.
July 20th, 2010
Alright I'm game
Erin, this one is for you! :P

I actually went through your entire calender, and this one caught my eye pretty much right away

I love the colours, first and foremost, and the composition is beautifully done.

I have a thing for simplicity (where I think it's the best thing in the world) and you've pretty much nailed it in this shot :)

(also, the idea of a coffee can birdhouse is awesome as well)

Well done Erin! You've got yourself another follower :)
July 20th, 2010
Okay, this is just too fun for words! Here Wu, is probably my favorite of your shots!

July 20th, 2010
love the perspective of this from Zachary!

it's interesting to see which photos appeal to different people, i've discovered new gems, love this thread! :)
July 20th, 2010

I LOVE this one of taleweavers! I am a sucker for textured shots, and for blue skies, so this ticks all the boxes! Love it so much I am going to fav it! LOL!
July 20th, 2010
Great idea for a thread, so cool to see so much talent!

Anyway... this is a fab pic, made me smile and I think its as cute as! I like theslightly dark but gentle lighting too.


July 20th, 2010
Alright now, Freida, I don't want you to think I didn't look through your photos! I've been following you for a while now, and I've looked through them all! But this, by far, is my favorite shot of yours!

July 20th, 2010
I see people are jumping in more than once so I am too. ;-) This is a good way to really look at another photographers work. Here's a very colorful one by Zachary.

July 20th, 2010
soo prettty!

July 20th, 2010
Here is one I loved from Ashley's - the colors are simply gorgeous and make me happy! :-)

P.S. this is too much fun!! ;-))
July 20th, 2010

One of Slava's. The color is beautiful.
July 20th, 2010
a new follow! i love CarahMia's work!
July 20th, 2010
Shay has some great photos, but 'flip gets a haircut' was the winner. Cracked me up.

July 20th, 2010
This is one of my faves of brad's
July 20th, 2010
I love te colors and composition of this shot of Cindy's! (Great idea, Erin!)

July 20th, 2010
Great photo
July 20th, 2010

July 20th, 2010
My fave of Nicola's

simple but powerful
July 20th, 2010
I wanted another go. This is fun
July 20th, 2010

i like this one of tiffany's
July 20th, 2010
I rather like this one from Erin. :)

July 20th, 2010
Look what you've started, Erin! I think this may go on for awhile. I enjoy your photostream and the way you're looking at things. I like this shot in particular.

July 20th, 2010

In this whole timing thing we have issues with it appears Mia got skipped so here's the one I like best of Mia's....i love shadows...

Thanks Brad my in box is always full now because of this post but it's just fine lol

Arlyah....That's one of my favorites I've captured :)
July 20th, 2010
Oh skip me and go to Arlyah and Brad so it get's back on track
July 20th, 2010
This 1 of Brad's jumped out at me :)

July 20th, 2010

This is one of Arlyah's, i love his eyes, altho he does look rather upset
July 20th, 2010

i'm having another go :D

this photo is adorable!!!
July 20th, 2010

one of my favorites of Beckys, i love how dark but bright this is - sorry not up on my "technical terms"! :)
July 20th, 2010

love this one from Becky :o)
July 20th, 2010

My favorite of Laura's! What a cute furkid! Welcome to 365!!

Erin, thank you so much for starting this thread, It's really fun!
July 20th, 2010
oops.. mines way out of sync now! sorry!
July 20th, 2010

ere's 1 of your that I like someone can do Karen or Katie instead of me.
July 20th, 2010
I hope this is right. I love this one by Katie Rose Allan, I love the stark contrast in colors.

Wish I could figure out how to copy a photo into the reply.
July 20th, 2010
Becky- this is one of my favorites of yours.. i love the contrasting white/green.. and the flowers are quite pretty :)
July 20th, 2010
I really like this one from you Kimberly :) simple, but cute & beautiful all at the same time. Great colors too!!

(ps. longest thread in history!! lol)
July 20th, 2010

This is a great one of Lauren's. Love the look on the squirrel's face and what Lauren has done to the photo to maximise the humour.
July 20th, 2010
love this!! makes me want to live by the beach

July 20th, 2010
Erica- i love this one! i love that you had the courage to show the internet what you look like on a monday morning! lol.. which is nice compared to me, hair pasted to face, sticking up all over, and baby drool on my shirt ;)
July 20th, 2010

I love this one!
July 20th, 2010

I'm a sucker for cloud pictures.
July 21st, 2010
This is actually Emily's latest shot, so not much digging was required on her profile - but, I think it's amazing!!

July 21st, 2010
My fave from Kit! :)
July 21st, 2010
Does anyone think we should start a new thread from here?
This thread is SOOOO long that it takes FOREVER to get to the bottom and to load all the pictures attached....
this is such a great idea I think it should be an ongoing thing haha
July 21st, 2010
how many times can we do this? :P haha
July 21st, 2010
I started the new thread. is anyone else having the same problem? maybe not. but it's called "Browse and Pick" Continued :)
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