Which lens to use/renting suggestions

April 28th, 2012
My question is two-fold.

First, my daughter is going to be in a play in a month and I'd love to take photos while she's on stage. I have a Nikon D80. What would be the best lens to use in this situation? It will be a typical dark theater with stage lighting.

And second, I know no lens I have will suffice and I'm guessing whatever lens is appropriate for this wil cost big $$$$. And I'm just a hobbyist so right now, I'm not willing to make a big investment. I'm going to rent a lens from an online service. Any recommendations for this?
April 28th, 2012
I did borrowlenses.com and loved them. The service was excellent. Not sure what lens to use though.
April 28th, 2012
@brumbe Paula....thank you! I was thinking of you because you're the one who had mentioned it in the first place....I had no idea you could rent-a-lens before you said it
April 28th, 2012
I used borrowlenses.com also and agree- great service and quality lens condition.
April 28th, 2012
@goodnouc I actually emailed the prior to renting a tripod and mount head. Told them what I was doing, what I needed, what my limitations were and they recommended both pieces to me. What is interesting is that I went and bought the tripod, but realized the mount head they gave me did more than I personally would need and was a bit heavy, so was glad that I had the option to test out previously.
April 28th, 2012
yes, borrowlenses.com.
if it's going to be dark, you want to get a nice prime lens like 70-200 f/2.8 like this one http://www.borrowlenses.com/product/nikon_telephoto/Nikon_70-200_f2.8_VR_II that will allow you to get the most light with the zoom (non-prime lenses have higher aperture values as you zoom in)

i didn't check compatibility with D80, but it works with my D90
April 29th, 2012
If you can move around and get reasonably close, I'd go for a f/1.4, probably 85mm f/1.4.

The 70-200m f/2.8 is a pro lens, good zoom range for what you're doing, but if the lighting is like I expect it will be, f/2.8 may not cut it.
April 29th, 2012
@mikew @sdpace @brumbe @jannkc Thanks all for the suggestions! I went to borrowlenses and wrote an email to ask their suggestion, inquiring of both the 70-200 f/2.8 and the 85mm and f/1.8. We'll see what they say! I appreciate your help!
April 29th, 2012
I would be very careful that the theatre is ok with you taking photos. I would worry more about getting an aisle seat near the stage with a view then which lens. I would turn off flash and auto focus assist lights. Could you take a monopod in to rest the camera on? Anti Shake might be as useful as a wide apperture.
April 29th, 2012
I agree with Stacy, the 70-200 f/2.8 would be ideal. Although its a theatre, it shouldnt be too dark as they use spotlights for the actors - a helpful hint would to set the camera on the spot metering..
This lens would be great because pretty good in low light, plus you have a good range of zoom so where ever you are you should be able to get good pics. I've used this lens on nearly all of my concert photography and it comes up trumps all the time.
April 30th, 2012
@godders Thanks, Paul. I know the theater is okay; it's a youth/school production so while definitely no flash, photography without a flash is okay. I've definitely sat near people where they click away. :-) Good point on the monopod...I do have one, I will bring it. @blightygal Thank you for the spot metering suggestion! There's another parent and I swore he said his lens is f/2.8, and his pictures are defintely extraordinary. I'll have to see if I can catch up with him but sometimes it's hard. It's ships passing and we don't know each other's schedules. Nor phone #'s for that matter, LOL.
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