
May 30th, 2012
I recently just paid for flickr pro.... well lets just say I wish I could get a refund lol.
There seems to be a world of people there that I can't connect with lol I comment and get no reply, I post my pics and get very few comments. Does anyone else here use flickr? any tips on how to use it properly? I am probably driving it wrong LOL
May 30th, 2012
I'm on flickr - comment on photos you like and make those people your contacts, then you will expand your base. But I much prefer it here.
May 30th, 2012
I'm on flickr. Like @soboy5 said, comment on photos you like, add contacts and join groups. It takes a while but you get there. I mostly have the pro account as extra storage for my photos, having had in the past laptops and computers break and I haven't had a chance to back up the photos on there I know that at least my favourite photos are stored online.

I will say though the community here is nicer, it's easier to navigate here.
May 30th, 2012
@tracywilliams Flickr is fine you need to be in lots of groups and post in as many as u can, it's not as warm and fuzzy as this site, most times you will need to just copy & paste code into replies, like I saw this in "Nature only" etc... most times you will just get pasted rewards and no comments, just how Flickr is.
May 30th, 2012
I get most of my comments from people in my local area, so I'd say join groups that relate to your locality.
May 30th, 2012
I use flickr as an online backup but don't really interact in the community. Like this place, I think it just takes time.
May 30th, 2012
@tracywilliams i'm on flickr, i have made a few comments and joined a few groups but not really built up any relationships - i found it much more difficult to get feedback than here - so now just use it as an online backup
May 30th, 2012
I am on Flickr, get very few comments but to be honest don't have the time to comment on others shots any way. It feels more of a community on here too, plus the vast majority of comments I do get are from people also on here :D
May 30th, 2012
When I first joined Flickr, it took a while to adjust; but like so many have said, getting involved in groups and adding your photos to groups really helps. If you post a picture of a "Red Apple" for example, search for groups about "Red," "Apples," "Fruit," and anything else that comes to mind. Be cautioned though, doing this burned me out in about 6 months! LOL I do a little bit of Flickr now, and will eventually clean it up and use it again, but I do prefer it here :)
May 30th, 2012
I'm on flickr - like John, get very few comments, (but don't have time to comment either) - I've had a Pro account for several years now.
However, I'm not really there for the community - much more to share albums etc, with friends who for whatever reason aren't on Facebook, so the lack of connection with unknown contacts isn't a problem for me.
That said, I tend to post the 365 photos there first & then here - v. interesting to see the difference in response that I get.
May 30th, 2012
@emmadw It's the same for me. Flickr is very quiet, but you can at least upload a bunch of things instead of one photo at a time. I tend to think of it as online storage and a sort of try-out area. The way the colours display seems to be slightly different there to here, I think: maybe something in the way they upload.
May 30th, 2012
I recently moved across Tracy, when several of my fav people left here to go there. but whatever people say its quite, and the layout has more options and you feel like the website is so big you kinda get lost a bit in there. you do have to post your pics to groups like Aaron says. find me
I've got a pile of 365ers in my friends group and there's a 365 group on there, but only for film, don't know if you shoot film?
May 30th, 2012
Thanks so much everyone :) I appreciate the tips. I might just use it as an extra storage place. @chewyteeth I don't shoot film, I only have my digital :(
May 30th, 2012
Picasa seems to work a lot better for me. See also SmugMug.
May 30th, 2012
Flickr is awesome, as the others have said it's all about the groups. Search and get involved with groups that shoot genres you are interested in, or maybe some local groups to hook up with other photogers.
May 31st, 2012
I love Flickr!! I don't get any comments on here but I get tons on Flickr, BUT i have been a member of Flickr for 4 years and have a large friend base there and am a member of quite a few groups.
May 31st, 2012
I am on Flickr, get very few comments as well! I usually reciprocate when one comments on my photos Flickr @paigerice
May 31st, 2012
I've had a flickr pro account for years, but use it primarily to archive photos. It's great for that.
May 31st, 2012
I like posting my photos to flikr in original size..Flikr has different viewing options for seeing your photos .. When I post my photos on Flikr and enlarge them to original size, I can tell whether my photo is noisy...Great for archiving:)
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