what aspect ratio do you use?

June 7th, 2012
when cropping, i generally go for 4x6... prolly out of habit... when i print, i use 6x8... and duh, bits get chopped off... i mostly edit in PSE and it doesn't seem to have an option of 6x8... at least none that i have found... should i just bite the bullet and use 8x10?
June 7th, 2012
I use 8x10 most of the time.. not that I am an expert, just my preference.
June 7th, 2012
@cheribug hmmm... i recently discovered 6x8 prints and for some reason really like the size... 8x10 feels too big... 5x7 always feels off to me somehow... clearly i need to adjust my thinking :)
June 7th, 2012
@northy 6x8 is 3x4. There is definitely an option for that. Use whatever the picture requires, don't restrict it to only one ratio.
June 7th, 2012
@bradleynovak i guess i'm always thinking in terms of printing... which, you know, i might actually get around to doing one of these days! issue came up this week as i ordered a bunch of photos of the kids printed in 6x8 for my mom, and some of them lost detail around the edging... :(
June 7th, 2012
@northy I guess it depends on what size you are going for. If you go 8 x10 then you probable aren't printing small as there aren't a lot of people printing 4x5s. I just think that you should do what makes your picture look best, because if you really love the photo, you'll always be able to find a frame to fit it.
June 7th, 2012
I've run into cropping issues with printing too. I was told to shoot wide to allow for cropping. I've had many sides cut off and it made the composition funny. I don't usually have one size that I stick to, but I always make sure I have the original to recrop before I send it to print
June 7th, 2012
I tend to go with a square cut
June 7th, 2012
Generally when cropping for the screen I make the crop match the image/ composition so it could be anything. I like square too, a lot for printing/ hanging. But rarely print anything.
June 7th, 2012
@carolinedreams Yes, I'm the same way. I tend to use "normal" aspect ratios, but which one depends on what I'm trying to do with that particular picture. The ONE picture that I've actually printed out and have hanging on my wall (in a 3 foot x 2 foot frame!) is NOT a normal ratio because none of them worked! It's an unusually skinny crop :-) Here, I'll show it
June 7th, 2012
@m9f9l I like that crop.
June 7th, 2012
depends on the picture - 3:1 or 2:1 or 1:1 or 4:3 or 3:4 mostly, but I'm about to do some printing, which might mean I have to think a bit more on this one. If you go for interesting sizes framing becomes more of a problem. I've have a painting of my daughter and the cat in the rain that's A2 ish but it's not an off the shelf size, so it's still not framed to hang, many years later

@m9f9l that looks pretty much 2:1 which works well for lots of shots
June 7th, 2012
I tend to create DVD Slide Shows from my images. Most of my older shots were taken at the 4:3 format of Olympus and Panasonic standard. I recently started shooting at 16:9 - the standard for wide-screen TVs. I can crop to suit paper size as and when needed.
June 7th, 2012
@shanne More like 1:1.6 LOL
@carolinedreams Thanks!
June 7th, 2012
I tend to crop to 8x10 as that's the size I like best to hang on my wall, if I'm going to print them out. If I wanted smaller prints, I'd go through and recrop from the originals before printing.
June 7th, 2012
@carolinedreams Thank you SO much for the link!! This makes so much sense, I totally don't ever even think about the "golden ratio", I just go by what feels right. Figures it would be so mathematical :-) Can't wait to tell my son, who finds the fibonacci sequence fascinating.
June 8th, 2012
@cheribug @bradleynovak @shutterbugger @brumbe @carolinedreams @m9f9l @shanne @tonydebont @wormentude

tx everyone... i guess, tho', this just raises the next question which is how you get them printed... printing at home, i can, of course, do whatever i want... but even tho' i have a decent printer, i generally find the quality is better when i get them printed at blacks (blacks is a photography store, but not a high-end one) i am limited in paper sizes...

anyway, tx for weighing in... i will clearly need to pay more attention to this going forward... always a learning experience!!!
June 8th, 2012
@northy you can always have them print on larger paper and then trim it down to your needs.
June 8th, 2012
@brumbe indeed i can... but when you're submitting online, you have to set it up right to make that happen... oh well, nothing worth doing is ever easy :)
June 8th, 2012
@northy that is the story of my day. I do my final crop in picasa which has several options for print sizes.
June 8th, 2012
@brumbe oh cool! tx! i'll check it out... i use picasa for some things as well...
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