London and Paris in September 2012

June 21st, 2012
I am coming to London for a week On September 17th, then heading to Paris on September 25th, looking to make some photography friends, My trip is mainly for vacation and taking photos, practicing long exposure night photos of London and learning more about my sony nex not bringing my dslr cameras as I am not wanting to lug the weight.

I am from California and totally enjoy the architecture and atmosphere London, and it will be my first time in Paris. so looking forward to my trip as we do not have anything as old or cool here in California.

Shelli Sherwood
June 21st, 2012
You'll regret your decision to not want to lug the weight. Carry your DSLR, you know it means best. I have carried mine for over 200kms of the mountains of PNG walking and today, am so glad I did.
June 21st, 2012
Great idea to take your Nex, I hear they are great cameras.
June 21st, 2012
I am with Jason...I'd lug the DSLR. If I go again, I will. I took a heavy 35mm to Paris about a decade ago, with several lens, including long lens. I LOVED it and the pics I got. I especially loved that from the top of the Eiffel Tower, I could SEE things (and take a pic if I wanted) others could not see. At Notre Dame, I could see and got s hot of this little "nook" with a clock on it and a balcony...and everyone else was saying "What clock?nook?" I don't know about the camera you mentioned, so maybe it can do as well as a DSLR, but if not, I'd lug the weight. But that is just me.
June 21st, 2012
Good for you! I had my first trip over seas last September, 2011, to those exact places, london then paris. It was amazing! I hardly went inside the museums and other attractions because I just wanted to wander with my camera. The weather was absolutely perfect then too.
June 21st, 2012
congrats on the trip planned! Another vote for the DSLR though.
I think you should condense what you need down and get something like a slingshot bag to carry it in. If you have more than 2 lenses, then figure out what you're seeing on that day and pack the 2 lenses that you're most likely to use.

Generally speaking i take a general all purpose lens (24-105L) and a wide angle (10-22), polarising filters, Lee filter system and sometimes a flash
June 21st, 2012
Another vote for the DSLR from here. I live in London and I'm sure you would regret not taking it with you.
June 21st, 2012
June 21st, 2012
I live in essex, about 50 minutes from london on the train, I would vote for DLSR too! Can't leave the house without mine
June 21st, 2012
Would love to meet up in London :-), I am going to Paris in August and can't wait. What dates are you in London? You must must use your DLSR.
June 21st, 2012
ps. sorry just noticed what dates you are in town.
June 22nd, 2012
@ Megsy will arrive in London on September 18 and be there a week. I put my email in the original message, if you like send your email to that address. It would be great to meet up.

To everyone else, thanks for all the dslr votes. Will consider bringing my Canon 60d then, in defense of my reasoning for the Nex 5n here it is:

I recently bought a remote cable release for the nex 5n ( it works awesome), it has bulb mode and shots raw with 16mp, I have the adapter so any of my canon lens work on it plus the emount lenses I have, and the sensor is slightly larger than the 60d, APS-C 23.4x15.6mm vs APS-C 22.3x14.9mm. I also have a canon bridge camera with great zoom sx40 hs. I would like to bring them all but I cant.

If I bring the 60d would be fine just with my 50 f1.4 and not bring the heavy mid range and 200mm zoom lenses?
June 22nd, 2012
Hey ya! I live in Paris... it would be nice to meet up with you. Am not sure though if I'll be available on the week of the 25th... after office hours, maybe? Just drop me a line on my 365.

You absolutely have a lot to bring if you bring them all! The niftyfifty is great for night bokeh but if you do street shots, architecture, night shots and long exposure, it is not really the good lens to use. :-)
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