HDR week of June18 ~ 25

June 26th, 2012
I have fallen in love with HDR processing. Even though I have found out recently that I may not be doing it correctly, I have noticed I have 6 out of 7 post this week that are HDR. Show me your HDR for the week of June 18 ~ 25.

Here are a few of mine




June 26th, 2012
@shirljess I love the way you did your HDR.. I didn't get any done this week, haven't been at my own home and I miss my programs!!! But GREAT JOB!!
June 26th, 2012
June 26th, 2012
@alisonp Alison for some reason your picture is not showing up?
June 26th, 2012
@shirljess I am an idiot when it comes to adding links :-) ~ hopefully now fixed :-)
June 26th, 2012
@shirljess I love your HDR !! ~ mine is using a single Jpeg and tonemapping using Photomatix
June 26th, 2012
@cheribug Thanks, I just found out I have been donig the bracketing and exposure stops wrong, so maybe my work will continue to improve now that I have the correct info for the processing. I got osme great advice from one of our fellow 365r's @jwlynn64 John Lynn. ;) This communityis the best and I have learned so much here.
June 26th, 2012
@alisonp Yep, there it is, now I see it! Awesome!
June 26th, 2012
@shirljess how are you doing it wrong? I use light room and make 3 or 5 shots of the same pic at different exposure levels. -2, -1, 0, +1, and +2 - save them then go into Photmatix and get all 5 and go from there.. :-) no way could I take 3 or 5 pics of the same thing without moving.. LOL.. But yours look good. Love the Green car the best!
June 26th, 2012
@cheribug Well, because I am an idiot for one... ha ha ha! I thought someone had told me (most likely I misunderstood) that since I have the D3100 and no auto bracketing that I would need to 1) set to auto and get the correct exposure and f/stop, then 2) I would have to click twice to get the next exposure so on and so on.. come to find out that has not been giving me the doubled values that I need for the correct exposures. Keep in mind I just got my DSLR for Christmas of 2012 and had never had one before, so am just learning and wasn't quit sure that I understand the stops for exposures, but now with Johns help I think I am on the right track. I have always done 9 exposures, John only does 3 and I see you do 5. However, as John pointed out I was ending up with wrong exposure stops and only getting maybe two under and 6 overexposed at the wrong value to boot... soooo, like I mentioned starting here going forward I hope my images improve. ;) Oh, and yes am using Photomatix pro. Also, I ma shooting hand held at the site and like I said just clicking off 9 shots at what I thought ws the right exposures. WRONG, oh well learn something new everyday.
June 26th, 2012
I'm fascinated with HDR, too.
June 26th, 2012
From the San Diego Zoo. That's an elephant's tracking collar.

June 26th, 2012
June 26th, 2012
@beeblebear I love the tones you have used on this.. is this a selfie?
June 26th, 2012
June 26th, 2012
@judithdeacon That is stunning!
June 26th, 2012
I love all your hdr shots. I will have to try this sometime!
June 26th, 2012
@shirljess It is. It's a selfie of me looking at a selfie of me :)
June 26th, 2012
done just a bit outside the week but I really like the outcome..

June 26th, 2012
I love that HDR pulls out all the colours - although I'm very conscious of over-doing it. Most of my shots from June 18 - 25 were HDR - I've only included a couple here...

June 26th, 2012
Beautiful pictures. Now I have a "dumb" question. How do you do or process an HDR resolution. I think this means High Definition Resolution? Is that correct?
June 26th, 2012

June 27th, 2012
posted these 2 in my other album

June 27th, 2012
June 27th, 2012
@henrir I use HDR Photomatix Pro.
June 27th, 2012
@henrir - Henri, HDR means High Dynamic Range. It's an attempt to make a picture appear more like what the eye would see. The eye can see a much larger dynamic range than any camera's sensor can. So, the idea is to take a series of bracketed images and then process them so the best parts of each one makes an image that is closer to what your eye sees.
It can be a bit of a slippery slope, however, in that it can be overdone and look really unnatural. Some seem to like that look, some don't. I strive to make mine look more natural so you can't tell it's been HDR processed.
ETA, I use HDRExpress.
June 27th, 2012
@orangecrush That is a superb HDR, but who the heck is flying that thing?????
June 27th, 2012
@shirljess Hahahahahaha! And look at all the wires hanging out all over the place! :o)
June 27th, 2012
@orangecrush OMG, I did not notice those at the first glance. Ha Ha. Was this taken at an airplane museum? I went to one in Palm Springs and they had tons inside as well as outside.
June 27th, 2012
@shirljess It was! This was an old TWA jet chopped of so you could walk in!
June 27th, 2012
I posted 3 HDR shots that week:

June 27th, 2012
@pizzaboy wow, Those are very stunning!
June 27th, 2012
@shirljess Thanks Shirley, so are yours, I love the old truck in the grass!
June 27th, 2012
June 27th, 2012
@mikehamm thanks for the explanation. Apparently, I had no idea. I'll look into it and add that to my "things to learn."
June 27th, 2012
I love HDR too, I love the detail and pop.

June 28th, 2012
June 28th, 2012
June 28th, 2012
June 28th, 2012
June 28th, 2012
June 28th, 2012
Been playing around a bit with HDR the lat couple of weeks ... This from the 25th
June 29th, 2012
@shirljess Just saw the HDR thread too late. Started a new one about HDR out of one photo: http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/13276/one-shot-hdr
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