A hobby into a business?

July 8th, 2012
Have any of you started a photography business? I've been asked to take pictures for events, but I'm scared to death! I have a Canon 7D, but my lenses aren't all that great. I've studied all aspects of photography, watched videos, read books, taken LOTS of pics, etc. I just don't think I can deliver with my average "kit" lenses. Has anyone made it work without the use of "L" series type lenses? I've also read that camera bodies will come and go, but your lenses make your pics. Am I being over cautious? Over thinking it?

Thanks in advance...
July 8th, 2012
I have made money off pics i took with my point n shoot - - a good photographer's eye is something that cannot be bought. Have faith in yourself and your talents, and i am sure you will do great!!
July 8th, 2012
It is possible I would think. There are those who have the big expensive cameras and lenses, but if they do not have the "eye" for composition, many of the photos are just plain old pictures. It all has to do with the individual and their artfulness, use of light and perspective. I have done some event photos, but it drives me crazy because of my perfectionistic attitude.
July 8th, 2012
Yes I have :) I've shot for a number of clients - a bakery, a florist, a few hairdressers. I use a Canon 500D which was more than adequate for what my clients needed (mainly web-based images, no huge prints or anything) and the lens I usually shoot with is my f/1.4.

I don't really think it matters what camera body or lenses you have (with the exception of some highly specialised fields) - it's all down to whether your work is good, and fits what the client wants.
July 8th, 2012
@pocketmouse Great work! Had to like your page.
July 8th, 2012
@sticksandstones Great point, Jenny...thank you!!!
July 8th, 2012
@digitalrn Very true, Rick. I've read tons of articles and have studied lots of photographers, so the mentality is...I need an 85mm 1.2 lens!! I need a 70-200mm 2.8 lens! That's a lot of money...especially if you have 4 kids!! LOL!! Thanks again, Rick.
July 8th, 2012
@pocketmouse Thank you Teresa! Your pics are wonderful!! Top notch stuff!! Thanks for your info and for sharing your pics.
July 8th, 2012
I have. I have the 7d and the 50mm 1.4 is my one and only lens.
July 8th, 2012
GO for it Arnold!! And then use the proceeds to buy some dream lenses!
July 8th, 2012
@sweett Thanks, Jessica! Your work is awesome!!
July 8th, 2012
@m9f9l Thanks!! My wife says the same thing...
July 8th, 2012
I am tentatively working towards doing the same thing, so have started up a blog and a FB page. I would like to start printing greetings cards, maybe some advertising photos for businesses and take portrait sessions. Still figuring out the best way to go about things really... I have had a few people interested in portrait sessions so hopefully that will lead to things. I must admit I feel a bit nervous about it all! I did a maternity shoot for an acquaintance the other day and it was great practice. I have a Canon 550D and I use a 60mm lens. https://www.facebook.com/LittleBlueWren http://littlebluewrenphotography.blogspot.com.au/
July 8th, 2012
I'm pretty sure your clients will be more interested in the end results, rather than the kit you used.
July 8th, 2012
@sweett Perhaps that all you ever need.... amazing photos.
July 8th, 2012
@weekendhacker I did a job as a paid wedding photographer with my P&S... the bridal couple were absolutely thrilled with the photos. It's more about the eye, experience, and mostly, confidence. Of course you're camera must be good, but it doesn't have to cost thousands...
July 8th, 2012
Like everyone has been saying - its all about the "eye" and not the equipment. For most of my project I had used my kit lenses and so many people have asked to purchase those photos so I'm putting together a website. Just have confidence and go for it!
July 8th, 2012
I agree mostly with everyone, eye is so important. When getting paid for events, something that you can't just reshoot, you do have to make sure you have back-up equipment and post-processing skills to fix any mistakes.

I work as an 2nd shooter with a wedding photographer and she gives me lots of help and support for my own gigs. Recently, I did a shoot with a family that had special circumstances and it was like a wedding: there were no re-dos. What did not know is that my camera and lens were not working together well and the group shots turned out blurry. As I processing them, I was DEVASTATED and TERRIFIED. I spent hours (days) researching and trying to fix. Finally, I turned the files over to mentor and she fixed it in less than 10 minutes.

Needless to say, my confidence has taken a hit when it comes to the paid gigs. It all worked out but I am definitely investing in more classes, and better equipment. My mentor is priceless to me. I am glad to have her and she is so generous in what she gives me.

I don't want to be a downer, I just wanted to share with you my recent story getting paid for photography. Eye and skill are sooo important, but there is knowledge that is definitely needed when venturing out there in the world of event work.

Good luck, Arnold. I think you should go for it and start where you are comfortable and work your way from there.

July 8th, 2012
Arnold - pro leneses simply take more punishment and operate through a longer range. I am sure your kit would be fine. But be warned there are a lot, a lot of people taking photos now who are pretty good. You will need to be very good and specialise to stand out amd earn your cash. Paul
July 8th, 2012
@bluebell Thanks for the encouragement!! Your photos are really great!! The lenses I'm using are my 18-135 mm 3.5 and a 50 mm 1.8. My 50 mm works great at 2.8 and above. I can't seem to get great shots below 2.8. Thanks again!
July 8th, 2012
@victorypuzzle thanks, Dominique! I appreciate your encouraging words.
July 8th, 2012
@michaelelliott Thanks, Michael! I think I'm going to do it!
July 8th, 2012
@cfitzgerald Hi Courtney! Congratulations on the gig! Your story is my biggest fear!! What if I get blurry pics? I'm going to continue practicing on people in different situations and light conditions. Thanks again!
July 8th, 2012
@godders Thanks, Paul! Yes, there are lots of photographers, but most of them purchased good equipment and went for it (in my area). I think I can present more quality rather than just a picture with people in it. I'm going to continue to study so that I COULD stand out. Thanks again, Paul!
July 8th, 2012
I do paid shoots with a 7D; in fact, I did a wedding last weekend on it, coupled with a Fuji X100. If your technique is good then you should be fine. I have no formal training either.
July 9th, 2012
@photographyandphilosophy That's great to know...thanks!!
July 9th, 2012

This! You can do it!! I am just starting the process myself and only have a P & S, but will be upgrading soon. I have done 5 sessions. I know I am not in the best situation to do this, but I know I want to and that means a lot. :)
July 9th, 2012
@pocketmouse I just visited your FB page...so all of those images are done with a 50mm f/1.4? I have been debating on getting that lens or the 1.8 (because its cheaper)...any suggestions?

@weekendhacker If you have a good eye....most people don't care what type of camera you took the photo with. They say its the photographer that makes the photographer not the camera.....Good Luck to you!!!
July 9th, 2012
I'm new here. After looking at a few pics from your album, its obvious you have a good eye...go ahead, take the plunge...you will do fine :)
July 9th, 2012
@cfitzgerald I'm curious what your mentor did to quickly fix blur?
July 9th, 2012
@rockinrobyn It wasn't a bad blur, so she did some sharpening and layers in Photoshop, I could do the same in Lightroom (minus the layering).
July 9th, 2012
@weekendhacker I definitely think that you can do it, and I didn't want to be a downer either. I have had MANY successful gigs. I am learning the lessons on having knowledge and good gear (but I don't think you have to have L glass to play with the big boys.). I also think that putting all your eggs in one basket, like having one camera for an event that can't be redone, is playing with fire too. Just sharing my story so others can learn, it's something I NEVER would have thought of until it happened.
July 10th, 2012
@irabat Yeah, most of them are with my 1/4... it's the lens I use the most, by far :) The only exception is my landscape/architectural stuff generally - that's done with the 18-55mm kit lens.
July 10th, 2012
Random remark - I HATE it when people say "Oh my gosh your photos are so [insert positive adjective here]... you must have a great camera!!" I hear it often and it annoys me to no end.

When I hear it, this springs to mind:

July 10th, 2012
@pocketmouse Ha! Ha! Ha! That's so TRUE!!!! An outspoken friend of mine said to me on Facebook,"Man, that's one hell of a camera...your pictures are great!" I know...

Thanks for posting this...I'm using it!!! Ha! Ha!
July 10th, 2012
@mariboo thanks, Missy!! I appreciate your encouragement and I wish you the very best!!
July 10th, 2012
@irabat thanks, Tabasco! Very much appreciated. I think I'm looking at it from a technician point of view...enough bokeh...fast enough lens...great colors...etc. Just point and shoot!!! LOL!! Thanks again!!
July 10th, 2012
@caloymiranda Thanks, Carlo...that's means a lot. Very much appreciated!
July 10th, 2012
@cfitzgerald Thanks, Courtney. Your story just prepares me more. I really appreciate it.
July 10th, 2012
@pocketmouse Love that quote!!!
July 10th, 2012
@pocketmouse I LOVE that story and think of it often! People just don't get it. When I tell them it's not about the camera, then they compliment the model or place. No one seems to understand that it does have something to do with the photographer too.... ;-)
July 10th, 2012
@cfitzgerald We're artists, Courtney. Artists are unappreciated by most. It's okay, I've been an artist my whole life and I LOVE IT!!!
July 10th, 2012
@pocketmouse perfect!!!
July 11th, 2012
@weekendhacker SOOOOO True! Lately I have been writing and tonight, I told Scott that what I love about writing is I get credit for my words, not the computer or keyboard. Scott said, "You get credit, until you have an editor...." It's SO TRUE!!!!
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