Allergic Reaction, Not Feeling Well

July 13th, 2012
In case I don't post my thumbnail-challenge today, due to a severe allergic reaction. Not sure if I have to go to the emergency room or not, as I've had 2 Anaphylactic shock reactions in 2010, so took some Benadryl and hope that works. Not sure what has caused it?

July 13th, 2012
Hope you get it resolved quickly.. Feel better!
July 13th, 2012
I had three such incidents a few years back, turns out I was allergic to a new medicine I was taking. An ace inhibitor to reduce blood pressure.

Hope you get through the rest of your day incident free. It is a scary reaction.
July 13th, 2012
You dont have a new Canon do you??

hope you're better soon : )
July 13th, 2012
Sorry you have had these frights & hope you soon feel fully recovered.
July 13th, 2012
That's terrible! I hope you are felling better very soon :)
July 13th, 2012
Like Sheila I reacted to ace inhibitors but I had been taking it for 10 years and suddenly developed an allergy. It was quite frightening as my tongue swelled up and I felt I couldn't breathe. You have my sympathies and I hope you feel better soon
July 13th, 2012
Oh my gosh.. sorry to hear! Hope you get well soon and do not have to go to the emergency room!
July 13th, 2012
OMG - hope you feel better soon x
July 13th, 2012
Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon, too.
July 13th, 2012
Please post an update and let us know how you are doing!
July 14th, 2012
Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts.

I did have to go to the emergency room as my hives got worse and throat started tightening up and some chest pain. They did that cocktail of Benadryl, Prednisone and don't know the other one. It helped some, the throat got better and now 4 hrs. later the hives aren't quite as red, nor the rash around my eyes. I was there about 3 hrs. came home and rested, but any excursion causes me to be out of breath, so no pictures today. I tried and just didn't feel well enough to do it. I had two sever ones in 2010, 3 weeks apart, the last one, like you Rosie was the worse. My tongue got go big so quickly that I couldn't breath, lips swollen and throat closing and hives. It all happened within 10 minutes and it got so bad, my husband had to call the paramedics due to me not being able to breath and chest pain. The first one, 3 weeks before, caused the lips to swell and throat closing, inside of mouth swelling and a bad rash all over and shortness of breath, so he drove me the 10 minutes to the emergency room. It is a very scary feeling as you don't know if your throat is totally going to close like I had it happen 6 yrs. ago in the emergency room from the Nitro patch. Anyway, this time wasn't as bad, but I wasn't going to take any chances, and I called my allergist and that's what they told me to do. I have no idea what caused it and would love to know. Started a new medication 4 days ago, but I had took it before a few weeks ago, no reaction and when I took it for 8 yrs. no reaction either. Had carpet cleaned 4 days ago, can't believe it was that. So, I'll see my allergist on Monday and see what he tells me to do. Just glad that it wasn't as bad as the other 3 times. I'm sorry to hear that some of you have had the same experience, their is nothing worse than not being able to breath from swelling of the tongue or throat.

Thanks to all of you for your kind comments.


@cheribug, @swguevin, @lorraineb, @quietpurplehaze, @jillmstruss, @rosiekind, @shirljess, @megsy, @mittens, @swguevin

July 14th, 2012
Sounds really scary. I'm glad you went to the emergency room so they could help you. I hope you can find out what it was. This happened to my daughter a couple of weeks ago but not quite as bad. Her throat did not swell up. She had been taking amoxicillin and the doctors think that 's what caused the reaction. Hope you feel better soon.
July 14th, 2012
OMG Linda that must've been scary..I bet it was the solution they cleaned the carpet with.. since you had it before you knew what to expect. but still I'm glad you went to the emergency. I read the announcement this morning but didn't click on it. now I wish I had. of course I didn't know it was from you...feel bad that I just now found out..I could've sent some good thoughts your way before...I'm just so glad that you're ok now...
July 14th, 2012
@mittens I just wish I could find out what is causing these. I haven't had one since 11/2010 and they were worse, but I can't afford to take any chances. I've still got the hives and rash, but the swelling is not as bad. I was also shocked at how show they were to react to the situation, as I've been there twice before, but maybe it was because I was worse. I did tell them about my tight throat and chest pain, so you think they would have taken me back immediately. They were excellent on the other two occasions. I'm resting now and tried to do pictures but got out of breath, so will try tomorrow.
Thanks for your concern,
July 14th, 2012
@bruni Gosh, not to worry, I posted it pretty quickly as I was monitoring the situation. Thanks for your concern, will be calling my own doctor on Monday.

Take care, Granny7
July 14th, 2012
@granny7 I forgot to say, I was sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter. I know I'm allergic to Penicillin also. What did they do for her. Thanks for your concern.

July 14th, 2012
Get well soon!
July 14th, 2012
Oh my goodness, take care @granny7 ! I am glad you went to the emergency department! Hope you are feeling much better, glad you are resting.

Thinking of you,
July 14th, 2012
you should carry an epipen with you. Also never rule out food. At 40 I gained a new food allergy.
July 14th, 2012
Drug allergies almost never present with the first course of a drug or sometimes even for years of taking something - the reaction you are having is called anaphylaxis and is increasingly life-threatening with each recurrence. Talk to your allergist about the Epi-pen - it may save your life. Worry about the photo challenge when you are fully recovered - 365 will still be waiting!
July 14th, 2012
Sound scary, I hope you're feeling better today, as Kitti says, we'll still be here, no point worrying about not getting a shot done.
July 14th, 2012
I hope you are feeling much better today. I am glad you went to the emergency department to be treated. I have multiple allergies. I have reacted to a medication and to a food this year. I know how scary these allergic reactions can be. I hope your doctor can offer you some suggestions. I like Paula's suggestion of carrying an epipen. Take care of yourself!
July 14th, 2012
@kittikat, @daisy,

Hi Kitti, Yes I have an epi pen and called my allergist right away, I didn't give myself a shot as she said that since It wasn't as bad as the other times, that just take it with me in the car and I could do it as the hospital is 10 minutes from my house. I've never used the epi pen before, as I didn't know about it and my last two bad reaction were 18 months ago. I had been carrying it in my purse, but will always take it now. Need to get a medic bracelet also. I have a feeling that it was me taking a new generic brand of Wellbutin, which I just started taking again. I was on it when I had the bad reaction almost 2 yrs. ago. My psychiatrist told me that she has had several patients have a severe reaction to certain generic brands of this medication and I just switched to another generic 3 days ago. That's a possibility! I'll see my allergist on Monday and see what my doctor says. Thanks for all your nice comments. Still have a swollen face this morning and eyes and they come and go, so am taking the Benadryl and Prednisone.

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