
July 14th, 2012
I had been thinking about it for some time, and have decided to stop my project. I have done it for a year and a half, so I did complete 365 days. I feel accomplished.
I had thought It would be fun to continue, but it has become a bit of a burden now. And I don't get the feedback I used to.
I have just come home from a 2 week vacation, and right at the beginning, My laptop screen died. (it's fine now, for some strange reason!) So I wasn't able to post every day like I usually do. I borrowed my daughter's netbook for a few pics, and then we didnt't have wireless anyway, so I planned on uploading a bunch at home.
About half way through the 2 weeks, I made a decision NOT to look for THE SHOT for the day, and just shoot. I didn't realize how much pressure I put on myself to get the daily shot, until I didn't have to. Funny, I took tons of pics anyway, and if I look through them all, I could come up with at least one every day that I would have posted here.. but I was so much more relaxed just taking pics of the sights on our vacation.
When I did get my laptop working, and opened up to the few I did post from vacation, there were not many views or comments... I'm not upset about it, I know everyone is busy. (I did not comment while I was away either) But it made me realize that I was putting so much pressure to get 'the shot', and then no one was really looking anyway... I feel I got what I needed out of the first year, and have learned a lot from all my followers. It was totally worth doing. But I think it has run it's course for me......
that said... I will miss all my followers!!!! I will pop on from time to time and see how everyone is doing... but I won't be posting.
I will still be taking pics. I love photography! and will still be posting them on fb. If any of my followers would like to still keep in touch, please friend me there.

just msg me with who you are on here :-)
thank you for all your support and critique this past year and a half!!!!!!!

Kim :-)
July 14th, 2012
It is always sad to see a fellow 365'er saying goodbye :( I looked through your albums and love your pictures! All of the best for you!
July 14th, 2012
Goodbye. You have some great shots. Good luck in whatever you do next.
July 14th, 2012
I'm sorry to see you go, too, Kimberlee. I also looked at your album and liked your pictures. Sometimes I want to cut back more since I've also finished my first year but for some reason I keep plugging along. I know you have to do what is best for you. Take care.

I have discovered that in order to get comments you have to give comments. Commenting can be time consuming so when a follower never comments back, it gets discouraging. It's hard to keep commenting on them, then.
July 15th, 2012
I see more and more of these type "Goodbye" postings and just don't get it. The pressure part I mean. I have never felt any pressure in doing this project. I do it because it's fun. I don't go out when shooting thinking "I've got to get The Shot or else!" I go out to shoot because I enjoy it. I did it before I discovered the 365 and I'll continue doing it when I choose to call it quits. This pressure thing honestly baffles me.I just don't feel it. Sometimes people love my shots. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes I'l get 100 comments. Sometimes under 30. What does it matter if you love photography?

I think maybe some people come here just to be popular and get on the PP to say "Hey, look at me!" None of that really matters to me. Maybe if other share this simple philosophy you may no longer feel that pressure thingy anymore and just go out and take the best photos you can. Not to please others, but to please yourself.
July 15th, 2012

what Cromwell said.
July 15th, 2012
@cromwell ha ha. i have never made the PP. it's not about that. I love taking pics, but part of it is sharing them w/ my friends. I post on fb and everyone looks forward to and likes to view them. lately I post here, and I don't get one comment......
it's just a lot to keep up with this, fb, work, kids, etc.... something's gotta give. :-)
July 15th, 2012
@klf70 -- Now this I can relate. Good luck and I'm sorry i never found you until now on the 365!
July 15th, 2012
@cromwell i just uploaded some from vacation, because I had put them aside until I had internet :-)
July 15th, 2012
i don't understand the pressure. and if leaving, why post about it, why not simply walk away. shooting is supposed to be fun, not a pressure to have to do it or count how many have viewed or commented. i am way behind posting daily here, and never once worried about it. maybe i am just jaded and cold.
July 15th, 2012
@cchambers i posted so if my 365 friends want to follow me on fb, they have the info. as there is no direct message option here, I chose to to it this way.
July 15th, 2012
@cromwell I also will add that everyone on here is doing this project not only for themselves, but for others to look at. If it was just a 'personal project', why use an online forum anyway.. just take a pic every day, put it in a folder on your desktop, and never show anyone :P
July 15th, 2012
Sorry that you were disappointed after you posted your vacation photos. I went through and you had some really good photos. I have not seen your posts or pictures before, but I have only been on 365 for about 2-1/2 months. It does take time. However, I do find it is sometimes hard for me to common on all posts that are posted by those I am following when someone posts from their vacation after being away for a while. I realize it may be 14 days or longer all posted at the same time. Sometimes, it takes me a while to get around to posting on all of them. I notice on your previous months you had been getting good posts. Not an excuse, just a reason you may not have gotten replies on your vacation posts. I did enjoy viewing your albums. You are a good photographer.
July 15th, 2012
@klf70 Sorry to see you go but understand. @cromwell I agree we all post for the purpose of sharing or we would be using our desktop not the internet. I am surprised how comments and views dropped drastically when I finished year one. The joy is in taking, and posting to share so glad you are continuing somewhere. Take care!
July 15th, 2012
I completely understand.......there is a lot of pressure to get a half way decent shot each day, and it is time consuming. I also think the people who constantly whine and moan about others doing it to make the PP @cromwell, are generally the ones who desperately want to get on that page.

I quit because I have a jewelry business, I'm a single parent, and it was the Summer holidays. I generally don't have as much time as I did, that isn't to say I won't be back, and just because I discontinued with the project, it doesn't mean I've suddenly stopped taking pictures......I try and shoot whenever I have the time, and I'm still trying to learn as much as I can....and the same goes for Tara @tbats22.......she quit purely and simply due to lack of time, but I bet she's still out there shooting when she can.

Good Luck Kimberlee :-)
July 15th, 2012
@allisonrap -- Oh please. I've been on the PP plenty of times. Means nothing to me. Stop making excuses for yourself and others because you are quiters. Boo-Hoo, I don't have five seconds a day to upload a photo. Waaaah!
July 15th, 2012
@cromwell you're quite the nasty person aren't you Cromwell
July 15th, 2012
@allisonrap -- No. I really thought you knew me better than that. Guess I was wrong. I was actually sad you left the 365, now not so much.
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