Boy Portraits/Photographs

July 25th, 2012
I see so many beautiful photos of sweet little girls. I don't have any daughters. I have a wonderfully rambunctious son (11 yrs. old). Looking for portrait posing ideas for him. As I am not a portrait photographer, I struggle in this area. I have heard hands in pockets with thumbs out, face on (not profile), etc. Looking at some posing guides, it seems to be mostly for girls. Pictures of him are pretty much going to be outside in natural light. Any great ideas? If you have photos, please attach.
July 25th, 2012
My son is a little older than that but it is good to catch them doing natural things... &
July 25th, 2012
Thumbing through your album I think you're already taking some great portraits of your son. I'm watching this thread, though, as I have three rambunctious little boys who may, someday, agree to let me do something other than a candid shot, lol. :)
July 25th, 2012
I have a nine year old son. He's not a big fan of posing so I generally follow him around and snap away as he's doing things he enjoys. If you search the tag "gage" you should see shots I've taken of him.
July 25th, 2012
I've got a two year old and nine year old son and I know what you mean about finding info about posing boys. I just tend to try different things and to follow them around and sometimes I ask my nine year old son what sort of photos he would like or think would look good. I'm not saying I have any great shots but feel free to have a look at my photos here.
July 25th, 2012
I have an 11 year old little man too and find it so hard to capture a really natural photo of him. I find the best way is to just try and catch him unaware. This is my favorite one of him to date :)

July 25th, 2012
@gphelps5 @rockinrobyn @kwind @coolgirlsar @linzi76 Thanks everybody. I agree that with boys, it is best to just follow them around as best you can and snap away. Sometimes my son will pose for me, but mostly, he just wants to be goofy.
July 25th, 2012
@linzi76 That is a good picture of your son.
July 25th, 2012
@4stories has some wonderful photos of her son, who i think must be a bit younger than yours, but i'm sure she can give you some tips!

July 25th, 2012
I love doing portraits...I, unfortunately, do not have access to many boys/men to shoot, so I envy you a little (c;
I find that some of the best shots of either gender are the more candid shots, but if you are looking at learning posing techniques I would highly recommend starting out by reading:
Really, the whole site is a wealth of information...not just about posing...but those are particularly specific and fantastic resources!
July 25th, 2012
July 25th, 2012
@coolgirlsar The photos of your boys are awesome! I will have to use them for inspiration if that's okay with you.
July 25th, 2012
@smevvy Thanks Heather, those are good shots!
July 25th, 2012
Hi Kara, I like your tread. Following are some of my son's pics:

July 25th, 2012
@bardejov Good pics. I am starting to get the "picture" that boys will be boys and you have to make the most of the opportunities they give you!
July 25th, 2012
I tend to go for candid shots of my 3 boys. The teen especially hates it when I turn the camera on him but every so often I can catch him unawares!
July 25th, 2012
Great thread! I've got 2 boys too and struggle to get 'natural' shots of them, especially my almost 8yr old. There's either the cheesy grin (which in all honesty I do love and have many shots of), or they run away! Thank you for all the inspiration!
July 26th, 2012
wow, I had just thought of starting a thread about boy photos, as it seem like everyone on her just takes girl pictures!! (including me!)
So I was surprised to see this thread! ;) I have 2 brothers that I like to take pictures of, one of them is 17 so it's actually really fun...but my 8 year old brother DOES NOT like standing still at all, so things like "hey just stand here real quick for a picture' don't work with him. I've learned to just let him play and I take pictures while he's doing that.
July 26th, 2012
My boy Jack, 7, features prominently in my project

July 26th, 2012

I have a ton more but Im sure you are bored by now... :)
July 26th, 2012
@nikkers Not bored at all! Love all the pics!
July 26th, 2012
@rich57 Thanks! These are great! Love all the ideas showing up here in this thread!
July 26th, 2012
I just try to catch mine busy... well, they're always busy, what I mean is not paying attention to my camera :p My 3 year old also has a really great sobbing face - I am the freakish mom pulling out her camera when her kids come to her crying (followed by tons of kisses though! haha). Here are a few I slapped on here, I have hundreds more on my facebook account ( ), you're welcome to drop by :)

A rather processed version of the sob:

And my little gangster...
July 26th, 2012
@ambermagen I really like these. Thanks for sharing them!
July 26th, 2012
@texasgold Thanks for the discussion... I like showing off my kids lol
July 26th, 2012
@ambermagen Oh my gosh Amber! I just looked at your facebook. You have tons of pics of your kids. They are so adorable! How do you have time to actually take the pics and edit the photos what with actually taking care of your little ones? :D Fantastic job!
July 26th, 2012
@texasgold A ridiculous number, I know haha As far as taking them, I am just never without my camera (that's why I use the Canon Elph, can do almost anything with it actually in hand and only need one hand to actually use it!). There are literally THOUSANDS of photos on my hard drive, the ones on Facebook are just the ones that made "the cut", and of those I have only actually done editing on a handful. And even with that I am several months behind :) So that's how lol But I love it...
July 26th, 2012
ooh, i just thought, @bluebell takes some gorgeous photos of her 3 boys!

like this one:

July 26th, 2012
Ah thanks @smevvy
Yep, I have 3 boys :) here are a few of my favourite pics from recent times. Sometimes I get them to pose and have found that getting them to lay on the floor is a nice natural way for them to do it (I have quite a few if you look through my albums)

But usually I just try and catch them when they are playing or busy. And I love photographing them when they are asleep (although I have only been managing this with my littlest when he sleeps in the middle of the day)

July 26th, 2012
@bluebell You rock the boy portraits!! Here was a candid group shot of my 3 boys that I felt so lucky to capture last night:

I would love to know how @4stories gets such awesome tones in her portraits?!
July 26th, 2012
I have a son too and I admit I post a lot more pictures of my daughter. I think my son is beautiful but for me there's nothing like a mother/son relationship and all the pictures I have of him don't capture HIM. He is two though, so getting anything w/ a two year old as goofy as him seems difficult lol. Great thread I enjoy reading some helpful hints!

July 26th, 2012
Sean (@seanoneill) just kindly shared this article with me as a mother of three boys -- and I thought I would share as it seems to be on topic.

I'm tagging people who indicated a genearl interest in the thread / reading for helpful hints: @meagang @aleksandra @gracej @ambermagen

Thanks @seanoneill! :)
July 26th, 2012
My boy was 15 at the time this one was taken. He was very patient as I set up the shot and actually a little disappointed that only two of him got used as we tried to make it 5 or 6 of him in the shot.

July 30th, 2012
@webfoot That's really cool! How did you do that?
July 31st, 2012
@texasgold Tripod and a willing subject who'll get his photo taken more than one time. Then blend the two shots together with PhotoShop.
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