I am confused?

August 25th, 2012
I a little confused over the top 20 this week. I have the amazing privilege to not only have another pic in it but to be number three (thank you so, so much for all the comments and favs) but what I am confused about is that I had another shot just two days later also with 37 favs (within the week) that did not make it in. I thought the top 20 was just the top 20 shots, not like the PP which is a magic monkey algorithm.
I ceryainly do not want to appear ungrateful just really confused why one made it and not the other?

Thank you again to everyone who takes the time to view, comment and Fav my shots. I love this place you guys rock x
August 25th, 2012
I don't know. At first I thought it might be a situation where the photo was posted just before or just after "the week" (which runs from Friday to Friday??), but it looks like both photos are squarely in this week. I'm stumped.
August 25th, 2012
@mummarazzii I had a shot of 77 favs which never was there))) something with the time of uploading the shot and the calculation of the results:)
August 25th, 2012
@nyusha I have had one that was like that, it had 40 favs but posted end of the week and favs went over 2 weeks. But these are both well in the week as they where posted early and mid week and all stats where with in the week.
Anyway not important in the big scheme of things, i was just wondered why one was chosen and not the other :)
August 25th, 2012
Or this one which I think is fantastic and more Favs than most of the top 20?
August 25th, 2012
Yeah I agree, I think it has something to do with the timing of when you posted the photo - photos posted just after the most recent top 20 tend to get passed over - and the timing of the favs themselves - whether they happened all at once or were spread out... that's my hypothesis anyway!
August 25th, 2012
@jannkc that is gorgeous! See I thought the top 20 was the top 20 shots on the site, but maybe it is not?
August 25th, 2012
I have only ever had one photo in the top 20, so have no worries and just email ross and ask him directly.
August 25th, 2012
It's not just posting but also the shot must have been taken within the week too. We're both your shots taken within the week?
August 25th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Great shot! No it does not make sense!
@michaelelliott yes both shots where taken the day they where posted, one on Monday and one on Wednesday :)
August 25th, 2012
@mummarazzii - Lisa, I was confused once too. I have had the priv

Hey I wrote out a big response, but only the above was posted... Now I am confused.
August 25th, 2012
@michaelelliott Mine were. It is in exif
August 25th, 2012
@bobfoto You're confused because of the tropics comrade
August 25th, 2012
@peterdegraaff - I've gone Troppo!
August 25th, 2012
@mummarazzii Believe me, Lisa, your not alone! I use to think it was a mathematical, cut and dry process but unfortunately that's not so! I know of a handful of 365ers that have been left out when clearly they should have been on the list! Me included! Its a bummer but I take it with a grain of salt!
August 25th, 2012
Oh well I've never had one so no idea.. however probably best to mail Ross and ask better than trying to figure out why :-)... @peterdegraaff that is an awesome photo what a great POV and sharp as a tack.
August 25th, 2012
I think it's Wednesday to Wednesday as I have had shots that didn't make it that were posted mid week. So some favs were in one week and the rest in the other
August 25th, 2012
@mummarazzii Lisa I actually messaged Ross about this yesterday, he's told me its Wednesday to Wednesday, the figures are calculated and then he uploads the Top 20 on a Friday. I'm frustrated at this, of course I had hoped my shot would be somewhere at the bottom of the top 20 this week, just because thats what this site is about, actually placing it there makes it a goal I wanted to reach just once in my year here. And its based on FAV's.
@jannkc , thanks Jann.
August 25th, 2012
Yes, there's a number of 365ers who've came across this confusion,as Jerry said. But , quite a much larger number of other 365rs never get there at all, or even pp..:) so we should be happy anyway:)
Or we might create a topic of shots like this, which ment to be there but failed:)
August 25th, 2012
@bobfoto Bundy on
August 25th, 2012
I had a shot some time back with more favs and views than the ones that reached the top 20, and it never got there, so there is obviously more to it that we thought. Congrats on your top 20 though - it's well deserved!
August 25th, 2012
@peterdegraaff - Nah mate, up here, everything is good as Gold!
August 25th, 2012
@nyusha beleive me I am over the moon my shot made the top 20...this is not a winge thread just curious as to how it works. It is wonderful for others to share their amazing shots :)
@johnnyfrs @lorraineb thank you! That kind of sorts out the confusion...I think ;p
August 25th, 2012
@mummarazzii i know, i fully understand you ;)
August 25th, 2012
@lorraineb Seriously? You really thing this site is about making the top twenty?
August 25th, 2012
@38mm Jase, i don't think it's that it's about making the top 20 for Lorraine, @lorraineb - the site is about photography and sharing the frustration and joys of photography.

What gets people about the top 20 and the PP is the arbitrariness of them both. And the fact that this site is geared towards achieving those things. The feeling when you've put together a shot that works and you're happy with it, and the faves say others are too and that picture then neither makes the PP or the top 20 isn't good.

And that whole gearing towards those goals, and then the arbitrary way you do or don't achieve them means I'm really happier on Flickr when I can just share pictures without all this baggage.
August 25th, 2012
@38mm No def' not just for that, although if I have a shot that deserves to be in the Top 20, due to the comments and favs by the 365ers then why not. It still make it next week, maybe it will, maybe it wont.

@shannew I totally agree with you there, lack of info on how things work leads to confusion, frustration and so on. I'm with you on the flickr angle too.
August 25th, 2012
Personally, I've learned to stay away from the top 20 and the popular page becauase neither makes any sense. We aren't privy to the workings of it. This only frustrates people. It's really meaningless when we don't understand it.

You ask a valid question. It's been an unknown gray area for people on this site. Personally, I feel if there is a popular page and a top 20 page, we should know how they work and not be given an answer that say's some monkey is picking pictures. That's a demeaning answer to all of us.

If the answer is ever revealed, it would be best to include that information on those pages so people will stop asking this question.
August 25th, 2012
@shannew @lorraineb @dmortega I definitely agree, how do you kick a goal when you don't know where the goal posts are?
August 25th, 2012
@mummarazzii Great expression! : )
August 25th, 2012
Just so you know, this has been an ongoing topic probably from the begining of time for this site. It's never been addressed in a way that makes any sense to the people here.

Popular page discussions http://365project.org/search/discussions?q=poplular+page

Top 20 discussions http://365project.org/search/discussions?q=top+20
August 25th, 2012
Maybe, for her, it is.

Y'know how, when a new person starts, they ask all those questions everybody always asks...

"Do I have to post a picture every day?"
"Am I allowed to 'backfill' missed days with other photos I've taken?"
"Do I have to follow the weekly themes, or are they just a guideline?"

...and so on?

And the answer everyone always gives is: "it's your 365 Project - you approach it any way you want!"

So, what if someone wants to approach in this way? (Aiming to get photos into the Top Twenty, and so on...) Why is that exempt from the "your project - your rules" maxim?
August 25th, 2012
Top 20? What's that? never had a shot make it there.
August 25th, 2012
I recommend that explanations go into the FAQ, and then people wouldn't need to ask about it so much. I have wondered what's the difference in criteria between the Popular Page and the Official Top 20 Chart.
August 25th, 2012
@manek43509 Because she has been here long enough to know that is not realistic.
August 25th, 2012
@mummarazzii Totally understand your confusion! But I'm sure your shot will be in the top 20 next week, it is so good and well faved. The position might not be the best possible, because some favs will be lost as given during last counting :( This is what happened to one of my shots posted on Wednesday 8th and appeared in top 20 posted on 17th (also now I know from this thread, that it's about Wednesday), but hey, I post my shots when I post them and people like them or not - it cannot be predicted. And as I've been away, I can go and fav your photos now and I know it will count :)
August 25th, 2012
@webfoot i am working for the top 500.
August 25th, 2012
I spent some time browsing every top 20 and way back at the start some pictures featured in 2 or 3 weeks of top 20. I don't think we will ever figure out how it works lol.... I do think your superman shot should have made it though, it is FANTASTIC!
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