Wow...was it something I said???

September 12th, 2012
It feels kinda icky when you've been sharing and caring with lots of folks and all of a sudden...dead silence. Tumbleweeds. Crickets.

I'm experiencing a is trapping me...I need inspiration...a new camera! :-D Everyone...have a fantastic "rest of your" week and looking forward to viewing more incredible photos from your work. And I hope it wasn't "anything I said." :-)
September 12th, 2012
I wonder that too. I've lost about 10 followers in the last few weeks. I don't think my pictures stink so I'm just pretending that they're leaving because they're deleting their account and not because my pictures are rank. I'm off to look through your pics and give you some love and a follow!
September 12th, 2012
Start of the new academic year, perhaps? Teachers and students alike are going to be busy around now.
September 12th, 2012
yea same here.. it could be cause the seasons are changing.., people maybe working longer, could be just anything,, hoildays are approching fast.. so that maybe one reason too.. who knows ...
September 12th, 2012
I lose on an average of 3 followers a month. They just fade away. I don't take it personal nor should you. A lot of people have bust lives and just don't have time to keep up with the 365.
September 12th, 2012
Yep very quiet it has been in decline for months now.
September 12th, 2012
:I so appreciate your comments and friendship I'm sure it's not you!!! I missed a couple of days crying over my dog and am working 2 jobs again as it's term time and need to find a regular slot for 365 in my routine - please don't get disheartened your fabulous comments have kept me going a few times. Hang on in there - I look forward to seeing your next series as I've really enjoyed my tour around your home town xxx
September 12th, 2012
I was thinking it was quiet lately too... I haven't been really active since May because of schedules and things, but when I started posting again, I was thinking, "where is everyone?" haha! All the entries in the various competitions seem low. I'm certainly guilty of disappearing for long stretches, though, so I can't complain. I appreciate every one of my comments and views! I still get tons of inspiration from this site. I love looking through the albums of the people I follow, the PP, and even "latest" when I have extra time.
September 12th, 2012
@shamrockinmom You know Sherry, I have noticed that your pics have not been showing in my feed.....I thought maybe you just got busy and hadnt posted but then I searched you out and found you have been posting! I wonder what is going on....
September 12th, 2012
I think back to school time, vacations over is a big one. It recognizably impacts the traffic patterns on the freeways in my city. So I imagine it would impact the traffic here as well.
I know as a teacher these first couple of weeks have worn me out and even getting pics taken is tough. I have been trying to get around, but I am pooped when I get home and then I am taking a night class and back to school night, etc etc.
Hang in there and do what you can. We will be back and we all have off times.
September 12th, 2012
I thinbk it is very quiet Sherry. I have more than 230 followers, and I follow just over 100. I rarely get more than 20-30 comments on a photo, but that doesn't worry me. I was so busy this summer that many of my followers stopped commenting. I am now happy commenting on those who comment on my shots and a few others whose work I like. Keep going, I like your work, :))
September 12th, 2012
People ebb and flow on here. I've noticed a few people drop off my followers list from time to time. I don't take it personally. There are thousands of people posting here. Just keep doing what you are doing because you love photography. :-)
September 12th, 2012
@shamrockinmom I follow my feed, add new people every week, and I am trying to improve my feedback. I love to go thru my feed when I log in, and get lazy. I know when I have a long day, sometimes it is hard to catch everyone's posts. With the time difference, we tend to post off peak for so many abroad. I will do better. You and the mermaid are doing great!
September 12th, 2012
@shamrockinmom @superbeyotch Chris I noticed the same thing. I thought that maybe I missed the posting but even if I don't post photos daily I still go on and ohh and Ahh over photos. I do think the summer and back to school schedule has everyone busy.
September 12th, 2012
I've been a bit lax on commenting others. Been busy organising final wedding touches! I'll be back to it next week. :)
September 12th, 2012
Not you at all... I think life get in the way sometimes. I know for me...Ihave had company the past week and have not been able to get on here and view, comment or post much at all. I hope to get back here soon, as I miss you all much!
September 12th, 2012
I think there are probably a lot of people who start the project and then for a variety of reasons don't continue with it. Apart from a few exeptions, I don't get lots of comments, but I'm continuing to enjoy my project, and the interaction with others. Plus I have learnt more about my camera in this past year, than I ever thought I would!
Join in the themes and competitions, they are usually fun, and sure to lift you out of your "lull"
September 12th, 2012
Hello, probably not something you said. ;-> I was working on some computer projects, went out of town for long weekend, and needed to finish my "reading assignment" for book club. But I sort of go in spurts anyway, so don't mind me.

Yes, I think that some folks are teachers and grad students, and have gone back to school so are busier.
September 12th, 2012
I've been unable to keep up with comments and such. We are in the process of moving - again- and it all becomes just too much. Am sure things will pick up again soon. Seems to be an up and down here when seasons change.

Winter, I have so much less to do and will be able to comment like crazy!
September 12th, 2012
I'm having a hard time finding time to browse everyone's photos and comment etc because I'm suddenly getting a lot of photoshoot jobs and its that time when people want senior portraits done, so its been a very difficult balancing act between work, my photography, shooting seniors and kids birthdays, editing, finding time to relax, and 365. As the colder weather approaches, I'll probably be indoors more and then will be back to posting/commenting the way I used to. (and I do feel like a terrible follower some days.. sorry)
September 12th, 2012
@shamrockinmom same here hun, i;ve lost about 7 followers or so and my views and comments have dropped a lot over the last month.
i presume its cos of the holiday season and schools going back etc
September 12th, 2012
Nothing you said. :)

School started here last week. So, I know I have been posting my pictures but tend to fall behind looking at others. I will catch up.
September 12th, 2012
Just missed you. Sorry. Post at the worng times and people miss your pictures. Particularly if they follow 100s of people.
September 12th, 2012
@msk1p2 @carmel @stude73 @cromwell @johnnyfrs @plainjaneandnononsense @polarvrtx @superbeyotch @tigerdreamer @seanoneill @dmortega @welcometocarolworld @sianipops @magentarose @shirljess @onie @bonniebouman @swguevin @jsw0109 @kmrtn6 @godders

Thanks everyone for you kindness -- I didn't really think it was anything I said :-D -- but am glad to know and understand everyone's perspective. You guys are all so awesome and do such great work and have been so kind to me -- I really appreciate it -- and thanks for continuing to extend yourself to me and countless others. And with that said...I best get back to work...happy "back to school" all and "Happy Seasonal Change" depending on where you are...and I look forward to seeing more of all of you.
September 12th, 2012
c'est normale
September 12th, 2012
Don't worry about it. A lot of people i follow or did have left, no photos sind beginning of summer in some instances. I try to look at everybody's shots that comment on my shots. Then once a week or every other week I sit down and go thru my followers lists or my friends lists and do everybody I hadn't commented on lately, It does take a while. Sometimes I go on the new people and just click on great shots and get new followers from that a lot of the time. That's how i got you I think. Chin up
September 13th, 2012
@sailingmusic Oh, am fine -- was being a big "tongue and cheek"! It just was all of a sudden -- dead calm. Things cycle through and there are ups/downs and it does take a lot of time to comment. that' s why am up at 4AM doing this -- no kidding -- insomniac night so why not! :-D
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