Sorting out photo's

September 27th, 2012
Just wondering about two things...

Some days I get a load of pictures I'd love to post for my project but as my own challenge to get a picture every day I will not yet allow myself to post photo's I haven't made on that day. So how to pick that single one? What made you choose that one peticular picture to post?
I'll go over and over them, to sort out that one that gives me the best feeling or means most to me, but it's hard sometimes. When I watch some of the work around here I can't imagine that those magnificent photo's are all once in a lifetime lucky shots. How do you choose from a whole stack of beautiful photo's?

Another thing I was curious about, how do you store your photo's? Do you sort them all out by theme or just the good ones? And what is the best way to keep those pretty pictures you definately don't want to loose safe?
Right now I'm storing mine on an external hard disc and I'm figuring out how to archive all those photo's I've got and wich ones I really like. Bad thing though, there's more coming in then I can handle sorting out.
(and to make matters worse I decided to scan my old pictures as well, what was I thinking?!?)

I'm really interested in everyones ideas about this and hopefully I can learn some more from the people around here.
September 27th, 2012
I got myself an ace account! Picking 3 is much easier than picking one.
I sort my shots by month and have my Lightroom cataloged by month. Much easier to go back and find something
September 27th, 2012
@pum71 Hi Muriel! Personally I shoot what I shoot and never delete images from camera. I then upload them using dated folders so I have them in year then month then date and perhaps a tag like "out walking" or something that I can quickly identify which shoot it was, so the path to my photography will look something like this "photography\2012\September\20120926\DogsinPark". Once uploaded I usually flick through them straight away to get rid of any obvious duds or shots that I don't feel work for me. Then I try to focus on what my aim was when I was taking the photos, for instance if I'm shooting birds, does the shot show it with expected detail, behaviour etc or is there a quirky shot that I think has an interesting twist on the can love lots of your photos and maybe just concentrate on one to work on, maybe cropping, a little post processing depends on your style etc. Its a really personal thing I think so its what you feel really.....I share my photo's on Flickr and Facebook too so I get plenty of opportunity to show my work in other ways as well as here. I spend time working on the images and then I leave them a while and go back to them after having taken a "step back" and look at them with fresh eyes, then usually a photo will become the one I'm happiest with.

I keep my photos on an external hard drive as well as working folders on my laptop and main pc.....make sure you sync folders often and maybe have a look at cloud storage - make sure you don't delete folders and files inadvertently though as I did with Dropbox, not realising that if you delete from your Dropbox folder it deletes from your main drive! Rather use one where you can COPY the file across so you have another copy of those images. I think the best format to save all images is by date (year, month, day) etc as its so easy to get lost in different names of folders - perhaps if there is a specific subject or project you work on then you could have a working folder or a project folder that is alongside your dated folders (so within the photography folder you have all your years 2010, 2011, 2012 etc along with a folder for working projects, paid work, client folders etc...) I hope that makes sense and has been of help, but as I say, we're all different, whatever works best for you, but once you work it out, try and stick to it :)
September 27th, 2012
I just pick the one that grabs me the most if I have alot to choose from. Sometimes (like today lol) I dont spend alot of time stressing about what I am going to photograph, set it up, pick it out and then process it which takes some of the stress off. Other days, I have oodles of photos and I have to spend quite a bit of time doing all those things so I thin it all evens out. 365 days to stress is a bit much..ha ha.
I always save my pic of the day on a external hard drive in a folder named 365 so I can make a photo book with just my 365 photos when I finish my year. Otherwise I save most of my photos on a thumbdrive and every couple of weeks I organize and file them onto my external hard drive. It works for me.
September 27th, 2012
It's funny that you ask how to chose the best photo... I was reading an interesting article all about it last night.
September 27th, 2012
Gosh I wish I had so many great shots to choose from! I use my favourite every day (which might be altered by what I've posted recently to save repetition but not always). I save my 365 shots in one folder, and have a 2nd folder called 'holding zone' for those I can't bear to throw out! I delve into them sometimes if I'm caught short or need inspiration. I also, of course have other folders like 'summer 2012' for all the personal shots and memories.
September 27th, 2012
Thank you so much for the replies and @aspada thanks for the article. Really love the idea of a 365 folder to create a book at the end of the year.
As for saving I use categories like 'nature', 'things' and 'animals', as well as subcategories like 'horses' and 'cats' , by name and by what they are doing. A lot of work, and if not done regularly it gets messy, but it does help when looking for a specific picture. Maybe adding years to some categories as well wouldn't be such a bad idea...

September 27th, 2012
Going Ace is a good idea, especially as the cost goes to help the site.
If you can't decide which shot to use - sleep on it! You may well find that standing away from your choices for a while will clarify your thoughts. Often the cold light of day will show up one of the shots that you liked as standing out from the others. You can always upload your day's shot later and it will still register to that day.
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