Roll in a week!

September 27th, 2012
Take film shots all week from the 1st of october to the 5th/6th and post your best two frames over the weekend and tag them film-lives-1

So post your two best film frames from the week on the weekend of the 6/7th of October.

@chewyteeth @ayearinthelifeof @charli321 @northy @aleksandra @blahblahblah @cmc1200 @automaticslim @grizzlysghost

I think that is what was agreed on.
September 27th, 2012
Ok with me. I shoot so many rolls anyway
September 27th, 2012
Great. Looking forward to it.
September 28th, 2012
fabu :)
September 28th, 2012
Sounds good, and I'm with Peter; push about three rolls a week anyway! :)
September 28th, 2012
Sounds great, I'm in!
September 28th, 2012
I'm shooting film all month, so this is perfect.
September 28th, 2012
October 1st, 2012
@blahblahblah Different!
October 5th, 2012
@ayearinthelifeof @peterdegraaff @blahblahblah @cmc1200 @charli321

ok - i'm a-struggling here...

i have very limited shooting time during the week, and unless i simply stop carrying the digital (meaning nothing to post all week) i don't think i can make it thru a roll unless i shoot completely indiscriminately...

AND unless i'm willing to fork over a small fortune each week, i need at least 24 hours to get the film processed... so i need to be done a roll by end of day thursday to pick up the prints / disk on friday in order to be able to post on the weekend...

and yes, i realize i can lie blatantly about when i shot the film and will very likely do so (;p) but curious as to what others do!
October 5th, 2012
I knew I'd be shooting four days this week, so I aim to shoot six frames a day. I will go somewhere and take six completely different shots. Sometimes I do just leave the digital at home. I'm posting mostly film this month, so leaving the digital is not a problem. Other than I miss them.
October 5th, 2012
AND my buddy Gary develops my film in 15 minutes for just $4.99 US! I will take it to him tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning.
October 5th, 2012
@northy I go around with many cameras because I am totally addicted to film, but that is my foible. I will often shoot a couple of rolls each week, get developed then scan myself. I am not sure that anyone is particularly worried about when you shoot or how long it takes you. I tend to shoot less in a sense with film than I would if I was just using digital. That being said, because I like using 120 size film, there are only 8 or 12 shots per roll depending on the format. A roll of 36 can take a bit longer to get through. Just post when you can. It is the participation within the overall time fame that is more the thing, and this activity was for over a week or so. BtW for the purposes of 365 stats etc, the important thing is the scan date of film, as this will show up in exif
October 5th, 2012
@northy Don't worry about it, I have been carrying my DSLR all week to make sure I got some useable shots for get pushed so I won't be finishing my film till the weekend and then it will be a week before I can get to the lab in theory so I will be back dating the two dates :0)
October 7th, 2012
i just saw this, I think, and I ain't the room but incidently I shot a roll, can I post two pics and tag them on monday and tuesday? I'll post them here, are other people posting them here too, that would be a nice thread to see!!!

@northy @ayearinthelifeof @peterdegraaff @blahblahblah @cmc1200 @charli321
October 7th, 2012
@chewyteeth Good idea. Not sure what I'm to do, possibly shoot another roll this week!
October 7th, 2012
@chewyteeth I think the laid backness around here just says do what you will, so long as we all stick to using the tag we will live. I used my digital all week for the get pushed challenge so have yet to fill a roll, I have started. I have about eight frames of doubles then the rest are just 1 exposure per frame as normal, I'm up to shot 15 out of 36. Poundland are selling 36 exposure Afga now. Kodak supplies must be done. I have been grabbing the last few rolls of Kodak from the Gateshead shop before they catch up.
October 7th, 2012
@charli321 yeah just do it again and leave the dates free. That is my plan.
October 7th, 2012
thanks for the heads up, ebay isn't as cheap as that so will get down there this week. I like Agfa too though.
Will post monday and tuesday as long as I got two shots worth posting!!!
October 7th, 2012
@chewyteeth Yep, it doesn't matter how much you buy in bulk either you just can't beat a quid a roll. I feel like I should buy something different but then I look at the prices and think again! There is a bloke who sells mixed bags for about £2 a roll. I might have to treat myself to a bag for xmas.
October 7th, 2012
@ayearinthelifeof @charli321 @northy @aleksandra @cmc1200 @automaticslim @grizzlysghost

so Jase left again?
was it one-bokeh-discussion too far?
he'll be back in a week or so, no bother.
October 8th, 2012
@chewyteeth Wow, I guess so! I would be surprised if he came back though.
October 8th, 2012
@chewyteeth well dang... and i was just gonna post a bokeh shot to bug him... dang... an hour wasted ;p
October 8th, 2012
hahaha ha
October 8th, 2012
@chewyteeth @grizzlysghost @charli321 @northy @ayearinthelifeof @cmc1200 @miley89 @automaticslim

I think Eddie has summed up the situation very eloquently. Just post, tag and be laid back. I have posted a few shots during week, over weekend and some more during week which are being developed. @cmc1200 Sounds like a cheap deal
October 8th, 2012
@peterdegraaff yeah... i figured there's no point in angsting over it ;p in the end, i was able to get my film developed yesterday, so i have stuff to post... we'll see how i do next week... but i don't want to have to over-think things to meet a schedule... having enough trouble these days as it is!
October 8th, 2012
@northy Yesterday I did some digital macro and film macro of wildflowers. Ended up posting all digital last night because loved so many of the shots. Saw flowers I have never seen before. Funny how we move from landscape, to street to flowers, etc. i must try some models one day, but then again....

At work right now so guess I should do something
October 8th, 2012
I'm being laid back! Case of having to be, but should have something to post soon. Next time I might be more organised ... should at least have more time to spare.
October 8th, 2012
@automaticslim @peterdegraaff @northy @grizzlysghost @chewyteeth @charli321 @cmc1200 @miley89

This thread and challenge are a great example of what I think working in film does to us, I believe it teaches us some of the older way of living. It helps us mellow out and slow the fluff down. At least this is the case with me.

I have unprocessed film from I don't know when sitting in the fridge FFS. When I work in digital I do two things when I get home, I fire up the laptop while making a coffee and then I sit down and get the pics off my camera straight away. No ifs buts or maybes. When working in digital I feel as though I must post my project picture on the day every day. Working in film for the project as I am at the minute, I'm much more relaxed. It will be done when its done, its not going anywhere. My point is, I have none. I just felt like saying why I love working in film.

I believe every one who wants to take photography seriously should do it, no ifs buts or maybes. :0)
October 9th, 2012
I'm still not at the end of any rolls. I don't take so many pictures, as with digital and tend to think more before actually taking the shot.
October 9th, 2012
@automaticslim @peterdegraaff @northy @grizzlysghost @chewyteeth @charli321 @miley89

So glad you are all as laid back as I've been. I shot my roll. Had it developed. Scanned it today, but just can't seem to get them uploaded. That's what's tomorrow is for, right? Putting of the stuff we didn't want to do today?
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