Baby 365 projects...

October 2nd, 2012
So, I become a Mum on the 8th November 2010 and I have taken a photo every single day since then..(not particularly professional and often used really rubbish mobile photos but I've onlyactually cheated about 6 times in that time.. every photo is of THAT day) I have loved it but recently have become really tired of the pressure.. I would just like to go somewhere and enjoy the moment rather than having to take a POTD (picture of the day - as it has become known amoungst family and friends)

I live in London - My problem is my Mum lives in Spain, my Dad lives up North and my Parents in law check the photos every single day and phone/email me about nearly every single one... they love the project!

I love the project and my photo skills have improved greatly... I was just a snapper before but have been asked by quite a few friends to take photos of their children/weddings/christenings etc and they've all come out great... so I love my new photo confidence

However, my dilemma is... do I continue???? I looked today and I have 35 photos left... which left me a bit relieved but also sad.. but how long do I carry on? Will my daughter hit her teens and go 'Mum!!! Stop taking photos! ha ha

Has anyone else become a little tired of a photo every day???

Any opinions greatly received.. good and bad..

October 2nd, 2012
Those first two years have so many changes in a child, it is great that you have a photo a day of that time. Why not go to one a week and whenever something fun/different/cool or whatever occurs. Let everyone know the changes you are doing so that you're not harassed by them asking where is today's photo. Once a week is still a really great photo diary! Once they hit teen years we were happy to get them on the first day of school and their birthdays and Christmas!
October 2nd, 2012
I think that's such a wonderful project, one that your daughter will cherish as she gets older regardless of how long you continue. perhaps if you would like to continue the project but are feeling a bit of a rut or as though you're hitting a wall - instead of taking pictures of her each day, perhaps something in the moment or that relates to her in some way. perhaps a picture of her favorite stuffed animal, or her favorite spot to cuddle up. A swing she plays on, a toy she plays with. Sometimes detail shots are just as important as the person the details represent. It can help give more variety to your shots and provide some memorable context to that time in her life. It will also challenge you photographically to think "outside the box" as it were and look at the thigns around your daughter rather than just her alone :) I hope that helps!
October 2nd, 2012
I tire of this project often, but then become inspired by something and want to keep going. I don't take a photo everyday anymore (but do most days). Sometimes I will be out and about and take several and it seems a shame not to put some of them up because they were not taken on 'the day'. So what I do is put up a pic each day, but it is not necessarily taken on the same day. Do what you want to do, it's your project and if you don't feel like completing it then don't. There are a lot of sources of inspiration from this site, so that's what keeps me going. But when my year is up, I'm done ha ha...I am sure I will miss it though.
October 2nd, 2012
Also, you could consider doing shots of her but in a different way - her hands, her toes, her hair, her eye, instead of only portraits or traditional photos of her, you can add variety by trying to capture the small wonderful pieces that make up the amazing person she is :)
October 2nd, 2012
Thanks people - some amazing tips.. and yes, you've all got exactly how I'm feeling... I was all ready to give up last year after a year but carried on and loved that I did because I caught some amazing experiences.

I'm going to enjoy my last 35 days and then see.. I like the idea of either just not keeping to the every day rule and just posting my favourites and also not just of her but things we are doing/seeing...

October 2nd, 2012
I'm 20 days away from finishing year 2...i agonised about staying a second year...the reality is, I've changed my rules a little, less pressure on commenting and "catching up" and more time doing what is right for me that day. I'm finding myself not even questionning whether year 3 should be'll just happen. If I had a littl'un to photograph, i'd certainly want to be making the most of this project ot document their growth...I have many lovely (monthly) photos of my nephews that I';m sure they will love when they are older!
October 2nd, 2012
I would say to you that
1. you have made a great record of the first two years
2. she's gonna change a whole lot in the next two years, would you be happy to miss that?
3. whilst your skills have improved you're not perfect and you could concentrate on certain elements of photography in the third year and let Emily become your muse but not a chore. i.e. focus on improving your photo skills using emily, not record emily via a camera. I only looked at a few and your mobile camera had struggled with focusing maybe you could work on getting great pictures and be less strict with yourself about just capturing her. for instance if you get bookings to shoot other peoples kids you could feature them in your third year.
4. ditch the mobile phone camera.
I also agree with widening your project.
October 3rd, 2012
Yes, I have become tired of a photo a day. I am just a few days away from finishing year one and not sure if I'm up to doing year two even after I just renewed my membership. Not sure what I'll do - maybe a pic a week, just to stay in touch with people.
October 3rd, 2012
I stuck to a photo every day for year 1. I stuck around for a few months and then just got tired of it and took a couple of months off (baby #2 arrived with about 8 weeks left in year 1). I missed it and missed documenting all of the little daily pieces of my boys' daily lives. These little things are the memories that fade quickly that you look back on and are really glad you captured. Having said that, do the project for you not your family. It is nice to share but you need to enjoy it. As a mom there are enough demands on your time to come up with one more obligation that you don't want to do.
October 3rd, 2012
I have less than a hundred days left on my project and I am TIRED. I'm enjoying it, but the pressure gets too much some days. I don't know if I'll do a second year or not. Regardless, definitely glad for the experience :)
October 3rd, 2012
My first year I tried to stay closer to the photograph a day posted on that day but never stressed out when I had to alter the "rule". The best advice I read on here was "It's your project, your rules". Life doesn't always let you take a shot a day. And sometimes you hit more than one good shot in a day and then the next day nothing comes up. Why not post one from the day before? So I've thought about it even less in my second year (which will end on Dec. 31). It's been just as fun and challenging in year 2 as it was in year 1 and I think I'll probably head into year 3 without a second thought. At this point I'm just trying to figure out a way to not be so consumed with commenting. As much as I love it, it does take a lot of time out of my day. But I don't want to sacrifice my friendships on here because of time constraints. So we'll see what happens!
October 3rd, 2012
Just to share, I am on my second year and I don't know when it started. I am actually thinking that the whole year is not Earth Year haha.

I am really not pressured whatsoever when I started on this project, the community helped me in many ways about POVs and sort. I don't have a Facebook or this Instagram so that leaves me with 365.

Lastly, nobody explained that I need to do 365 photos a year. I just know there's a free account with amazing people around and I signed up.

Happy shooting! :)
October 3rd, 2012
Your two year diary so far is great for a fabulous timeline; I absolutely agree with Lynn as to maybe lessen it to weekly; if it becomes a chore where is the fun in that. As she gets older you could even give her the camera and record her first shots too. If you are happy with your shots then don't worry too much about the quality, if not then maybe have a go at improving, which ever way you go, do not beat yourself up about it. Your project, your rules:0)
October 3rd, 2012
I don't have kids except the furry kind but for my first year I stuck to the photo-a-day rule which at times was very stressful but now I'm into my second year & am much more relaxed, am uploading when I feel my photos are worth it or if I feel they are interesting!

I go online to comment daily as I like to keep up with everyone but don't necessarily upload! But the most important thing is as mentioned above it's your project so make up your rules!!!
October 3rd, 2012
I'm on my second year of the project, I don't think I would want to stop now as looking back at my children and how they have grown and the memories are more important to me than anything, I would hate to not pick up my camera for a few weeks and suddenly be totally disappointed that I have a big gap in their lives where I've missed the day something new (even the small stuff) has gone by and there is no record to remember it by. Memories fade fast without a visual picture to help. Have fun :)
October 3rd, 2012
Wow, you guys are the BEST! So many great ideas and opinions.
I feel much less pressure now and will just see if year 3 happens naturally or not.
Thanks again ive been reading your comments over and over all day..thank you x
October 3rd, 2012
I'm about two months from finishing my project and at times it has felt like a chore, but then I get some awesome idea or other and feel excited about it again :). Haha, it sounds like kind of a cop-out answer, but you have to do what works for you. If you find year three happening naturally, go for it! If not, no worries! :)
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