How do you choose who you follow?

October 13th, 2012
Hi there. I have been on the forum for about 8 months now. Over this time I have picked up a nice following of folks. The amount of followers I have exceeds my own following. I wonder if any of you automatically follow those that follow you? I sometimes feel a bit guilty about not follwing some of those that follow me, but I don't know that I could keep up if I did.
I just want to say thank you for all my followers and please don't be insulted if I don't follow you back immediately. I guess if I know you are consistantly looking at my pics and commenting I might be more inclined to follow back. Cheers all.
October 13th, 2012
It's quite simple, the more people you interact with, the more people will enjoy your comments and photos. As they get to know you, or get to like your photography style, they will follow you.

Personally I sometimes feel I follow too many people as it can take hours for me to go through all their photos. As a rule, I follow people for the same reasons they follow me, I like there photography style, or just what they say about my photos.
October 13th, 2012
@gphelps5 I find a lot of my follwers are newbies and am just wondering if they expect a follow back, but I am not sure if I like their style or not.
October 13th, 2012
I don't automatically follow those who follow me, but whenever I get a follow notification I do check out their work and if I like it, and they are active, I follow. Being active is a big deal for me, so if a person isn't involved and commenting on other peoples photos or participating in challenges, or just not producing work I'm interested in, I don't follow. I may begin to follow if any of that changes, and I base this on whether or not they are commenting on my shots or the shots of those I follow, or if they get onto the popular page, or participate in discussions and challenges. I treat 365 as more of a social network of like-minded people with a common interest rather than a dumping ground for my photos, and try to follow those who feel the same way.
October 13th, 2012
I am slowly building up people I follow, I tend to chose people who have a style I like plus those who do the project as a daily record of their lives rather than a photography project if that makes sense. I love some of the beautiful photos I see people take but I may not be interested in following them if there's no story for me.

I don't follow everyone who follows me, mostly because I don't have much time to spend here so I would find it a bit overwhelming.
October 13th, 2012
They may 'expect' a follow back, and although I used to follow everyone who follows me, I do now pick and choose, based on their photos.

The more you follow, the more fantastic shots you will see, but the longer it will take to go through them.
October 13th, 2012
I have a hard time following as it is... I don't follow all who follow otherwise I'd be on here 24/7 and it already takes up hours of my day ... ooops. Every now and then I go through and clean up and remove ones who don't post any more or have left or whatever. I follow when I really like their shots and I've learnt a lot just by following some people ... so I guess.. twofold... cos I like their shots and I learn from them :)
October 13th, 2012
I choose those whose photos I love - and especially those who have the same camera as me :)

I'm trying to keep my follows down to 80 ish as it's hard to keep up otherwise :)
October 13th, 2012
I've been getting a lot of new follows from newbies, but they don't leave any comments, so that voids any chance of me following them. I'm only interested in those who participate in having a back and forth dialouge. That has always been the biggest allure of the 365, to not only share each others photos, but also disscuss them on some level.

I still choose to follow people, but try not to go overboard since it's difficult to keep up as it is. Once a month I'll prune my list of people I follow. if they have stopped posting for over two months...gone. If they no longer bother to comment...gone.
October 13th, 2012
@cromwell If they post a flower...gone! :)
October 13th, 2012
I follow anyone whose photography I admire. At one point I had way too many people I was following and could not get through all their photos in one day. So I trimmed the list, even though that was painful to do.
October 13th, 2012
@grizzlysghost -- Well, then there would be nobody left to follow!
October 13th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Aaron, you fail to remember that Crom has the odd flower in his project lol. @cromwell
October 13th, 2012
@grizzlysghost @cromwell
But that was my push that week :(
October 13th, 2012
@ozziehoffy --Odd is the key word. If I have any style at all it is the captures of the odd and unusual. That reminds me Cass, would you sit for a portrait shoot? ;-p
October 13th, 2012
All good input. Don't feel guilty. Check out their work periodically if they regularly comment on yours. You can reciprocate without following. I tend to follow those who are better than me, whose photos I admire and learn from, and who are socially active on here.
October 13th, 2012
@cromwell ROFL oh you comedian :P
October 13th, 2012
I'll also follow if they're cute; but if they don't put out I will drop them like a bad habit. Tuff Luv and all that.

#1: Good photography
#2: Active
#3: Cute

Have all three and I'm your slave. ;-)
October 13th, 2012
#1 hope I'm getting better
#2 absolutely, that's a great part of why I'm here
#3........oh well 2 out of 3 aint bad!! (I have cute dogs, that has to count!)
October 13th, 2012
I generally follow people who follow me. I look through the posted picture thumbnails on the home page, click about 1 out of 10 to actually look at them large and comment on about one or two images a week. I don't think I have ever clicked fav on an image.

Occasionally I'll stumble across someone from Seattle or who's work I like and follow them as well. After almost two years on here I have 40 followers and follow 53.

What this means for me is that I rarely get comments or favs on my images. It is not uncommon to go a week without a single comment. Heck I don't even tag pictures so they show up on searches. I discovered I used Zombie once and that is my only tag since I started.

Bottom line, I like comments when I get them, but my project is for me. I use it to help keep me shooting and learning.
October 13th, 2012
I have changed my approach considerably over the past few months... i would say in a nutshell i follow people who inspire me, who make me laugh, who make me think, and with whom i have come to interact with...

I don't necessarily follow those who follow me... I DO try to check out the work of any new followers and leave a comment or two... and i DO try to comment back on anyone who comments on my shots, whether I follow them or not... and I do try to get thru the postings of people i follow every week...

it has become increasingly difficult to keep up, but there are only so many hours in the day...
October 13th, 2012
@northy @mcrt @grizzlysghost @ozziehoffy @rockinrobyn @cromwell @tigerdreamer @soboy5 @boogie @gphelps5 @scuffer Thanks everyone for your input, I cull the list every now and then for the same reasons you all have mentioned. I enjoy interaction with you all and the others that I follow. It is not just about good photography on this site, but developing our cyber friends around the world. Thanks!
October 14th, 2012
I only follow someone if I like their photos. I'm also a YouTuber (KeepCalmProductions) and I don't like sub for sub thing. It's just empty subscibers. And, sadly, a YouTuber is rated by how many subscribers they have. I only follow people that I know I'll check out their photos. :P
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