Nikon Sucks

October 13th, 2012
I bought a new camera about 6 months ago, a Nikon P510, because it is light weight and has an amazing 42x zoom. It got a little bit of water splashed on it not long after we got it but it continued to work all summer long, no problem. I took thousands of pics with it.

About a month ago, the zoom stopped working. The reputable camera store where I bought it said it was a known problem with that model and sent it away to Nikon to be fixed. Nikon refused to fix it because they said it was water damaged. I'm absolutely certain there was no water damage going on when it stopped working. I was at a wedding and had taken several hundred pics that day, then it stopped working during the indoor reception.

The camera is pretty much useless to me without the zoom. The macros are poorer in quality than my smaller and older NikonP90. The zoom shots were incredible for a camera of that size and price.

So now, I'm so ticked off at the store and at Nikon that I can't even be bothered picking up the camera or for that matter, picking out a new [non-Nikon] camera to replace it. I have arthritis in my hands and can't carry a heavy camera so that rules out a lot of models. I'm likely just going to get an iPhone 5 and play with that for a while. This is my rant for today. Thanks for listening.
October 13th, 2012
You're welcome!
October 13th, 2012
Everyone needs a good rant Anne, let it all out! :) Really sucks about the lack of support; you aren't the only Nikon user who has complained about it!
October 13th, 2012
Let us know which camera you decide on. I'd be interested because I too like a light camera. Take a breath. And take it to a different camera store to be fixed.
October 13th, 2012
Or switch to a Canon with a good zoom....they've got some nice light ones. Hear the iPhone 5 is not the greatest!
October 13th, 2012
:( That really stinks.
October 13th, 2012
Sorry to hear that your motivation is down! A new camera could inspire creativity again! Because of weight and size issues, have you looked at the micro 4/3rds cameras? Olympus' E-PL5 has the interior engineering of their big E-5 but in a smaller body and with DSLR-type lenses. And I believe they're weathersealed so a bit of rain and splash of water won't kill it like your poor Nikon.
October 13th, 2012
Its not just Nikon, unless you get a weather sealed camera, rain is a problem. How about Canon Ixus 510. Small light, easy to keep dry?
October 13th, 2012
Buy Olympus.

@bobfoto yay
October 13th, 2012
Haha, you guys are great listeners! Many thanks for commenting.

@grizzlysghost Thanks Aaron, yes, i'm finding out that I'm not the only one!

@carmichaelbev Thanks Bev. I don't think any other store will fix it - they would just send it to Nikon and Nikon says it's not worth fixing.

@lynnb Yes, Lyn, hubby mentioned Canon too.

@bobfoto Thanks Jason, that certainly sounds interesting. I'll look at that for sure. Thanks for the tip. There's likely something similar to litmus paper inside the camera which got triggered when we first got the camera but, if that slight splash caused the zoom problem, the camera would have stopped working thousands of pics earlier than it did.

@godders Yes, as I mentioned to Lyn above, hubby mentioned Canon too. I'll look at that particular model. I'm certain rain didn't cause this problem - that's the part that ticks me off the most. It would be fun to take underwater pics - maybe I should go that way! lol
October 13th, 2012
Anne, So sorry to hear about your bad luck. It really sucks when you can't get something fixed that should be covered. Something to be aware of about many portable electronic devices, companies put small sticker looking things in different places inside the device that change color when the come in contact with water. If one of these shows signs of water no company with honor the warranty. I truly am sorry about your bad luck, this is just a pointer that a lot of people might not be aware of.
October 14th, 2012
@jsorensenart Hmmm, that's really good to know Jake; I had no idea but it makes perfect sense.
October 14th, 2012
I'm sorry you had all the problems with your camera, Anne. That's awful that Nikon won't rectify the situation. I hope you can find another suitable camera. I would be upset, too.
My husband bought a second hand Nikon D40 and the default white balance is off and there's nothing he can do about it. He is not happy.
October 14th, 2012
I'm so sorry, Anne!
October 14th, 2012
@jsorensenart Thanks Jake! Yes, I've heard about the litmus paper stuff. Thanks for confirming that. I just wish that when there's a known problem with a camera model and the circumstances under which a specific camera stopped working had nothing to do with water, that the customer's word was worth something. I guess Nikon is too big for that.

@mittens Thanks Marilyn!
October 14th, 2012
i've tried this camera for 3 weeks and went back to Amazon--pictures were sharp but there's a slight zooming defect:(
October 14th, 2012
Pretty sure no company would fix something if it had water damage as that probably voids the warranty. The only defects ive found on the internet with this camera is soft/blurry focusing on the zoom not the zoom just stopping working. Unless you told nikon you got it wet how else would they know it had water damage unless it did in fact have water damage that they could see when they opened it up.
October 14th, 2012
Sorry to hear about your camera and your dealings with Nikon. I have had amazing service from them when I was taking my D200 to them...and it was not purchased here in Canada.
Be very careful with the iPhone 5. I have heard that some folks are not overly happy with the images they are getting compared to the ones in the iPhone 4s. I understand that there are a few other things that are not so good with that model too. I hope you are able to get something that will be suitable for you soon!!
October 14th, 2012
@soia @grizzlysghost @jsorensenart Jake is 100% correct. We use them and many others do as well. They are very small stickers that you mount inside of electronics. You can see them on some models of iPhones and other items, usually with a fine small light and you look into the speaker and connector areas. These water sensors can even turn negative if you take your electronics into the bathroom and it is steamy from hot water, so be careful. Once they turn colors they stay negative. So, even if the device continues to work, when you send it in for service the technician looks at the sensor and if it is negative he probably is under instructions to not work on it further, even if you explained the situation.
October 14th, 2012
@soia thanks for replying Kevin. The known problem with the zoom is just what the shop owner talked about. i didn't do any research to validate that. As for the water, i'm certain that whatever moisture caused there to be an appearance of water damage didn't result in any actual damage to the camera. i took thousands of pics in the months after the slight splash occurred. On the particular day when the zoom stopped working, i was in perfectly dry conditions and had taken several hundred pics in the few hours before, without the camera leaving my hands.

i'm pretty certain i got caught in what @mikegifford mike is alluding to --- an overly sensitive litmus paper type product indicating one thing and a faulty component causing another. Thanks for the info Mike. Situation still sucks ... lol.

@k1w1 thanks Christine. That's very disappointing to hear. I was looking forward to good things from the 5.

@jodimuli hi joey! i had a problem with the focus sometimes when using the zoom. More often than not, I couldn't get the camera to focus on what i wanted it to focus on, without backing off a little bit on the zoom. i'm guessing this is what you are referring to? it was frustrating for sure. Seemed as if i was being robbed of some of the zoom capability.

@cjwhite thanks Carolyn. i'll poke along with the old camera for now. i'm not really doing much technically to improve my shots these days anyway - just documenting day to day stuff. i hope to get back into it eventually.
October 14th, 2012
@sunnygreenwood For what it is worth, I'd be looking at the Panasonic super-zoom range. Their bridge cameras have many of the features found in DSLRs without the weight. Their latest looks good on paper. I use one, my daughter has my hand-me-down and my wife uses a compact version.
I had water damage to a video camera some years back, my insurance company paid for a replacement - accidental damage.
Good luck with your hunt for a suitable replacement
October 14th, 2012
Rant accepted. But I love my Nikons! All of them! Well...Both of them.
Sorry to hear that all happened to you. :/
October 14th, 2012
I love my Nikon, but then I haven't ever had to send it back and been given the cold shoulder in return. If I did, I would feel like you do. I have a Lumix P+S and it is fantastic. If you decide to get a new one I would recommend a Lumix.
October 14th, 2012
Sorry to hear about your troubles Anne, I hope you find your motivation again soon as I really enjoy your daily shots whichever type or make of camera you get!
October 14th, 2012
Anne ~ so sorry about your Nikon repair/ non-repair experience. I have a Nikon and love it...but haven't had to deal with repair issues yet. I'm with @seanoneill 100% in the Lumix P&S recommendation. I have a Lumix as my second camera and LOVE it. I actually think I use it more often than my Nikon because of it's amazing zoom capability. And the Lumix, with a Leica lens, has fabulous picture quality. I have RA, and rather wonky hands, so ease of use and lightweight cameras are important considerations for me...the Lumix gets an A+ in both categories.
October 14th, 2012
So sorry to hear about you camera, Anne! I know you haven't had it for very long and must be really frustrated. Hope you have better luck with your next choice!
October 14th, 2012
@tonydebont @remirixjones @seanoneill @sjodell @peggysirk @timandelke Wow, you guys and all the ones who came before you on this thread are awesome. I was half expecting people to tell me to suck it up and stop whining, that this was my own fault ... lol. I'm very happy to have some starting places for when I start looking for a new camera. I wonder if anyone wants to buy a slightly used Nikon ....

Peggy, sorry to hear about your RA. We probably have lots of notes to compare on that too.
October 14th, 2012
Sorry to hear about your camera. I have had excellent results with Nikon reliability but these are complex devices and I have friends who have had problems with Canons also. I recommend you use this opportunity to get a better camera, that will be the silver lining in your cloud. My experience with superzooms such as your Nikon is that the image quality suffers compared to a good DSLR or even a mirrorless camera. I suggest you upgrade the optics by going with an entry level Nikon or Canon DSLR, or one of the wonderful mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras. Good luck and let us know what you get!
October 14th, 2012
I've heard quite a few rants about the camera on the iPhone 5 and not a single rave, so you might want to reconsider that.
October 14th, 2012
If you're looking for an amazing small camera, try taking a look at the Panasonic Lumix line... I was never into compact cameras until I saw what some of the folks up here are shooting with them. Now, I want one for my walk around camera (maybe a waterproof for my next Maui trip?!?)
October 14th, 2012
Since I have a Canon - I just stopped in to see why Nikon sucks.

I too have some light Pansonic Lumix cameras and love them as they offer some flexibility without the weight of the DSLR I lug about on a daily basis.

There is a fully waterproof (good to 10 meters) Pansonic Lumix.

October 14th, 2012
My first P510 developed a fault with the monitor screen in that it was pixilated so it made it difficult to review the pic you had just taken. I sent it back to Nikon who sent it back exactly the same. Anyway, Amazon refunded my money and I bought another one from John Lewis which I am still using. Touch wood, I haven't had any problems with this one as it is a brilliant camera.
October 14th, 2012
I had to stop in and see why Nikon sucks.. I have 3 a point and shoot L810, a small compact S6200 and my baby D5100, I have also had the L120, and the L520 and have yet to have any problems with any of them... In fact my kids have the 2 I don't have anymore and still use them and love them. I am sorry you had a bad experience with Nikon. There are some really cool small lightweight with interchangeable lens out there, but I would make sure it is weather sealed so this won't happen again. Good luck..
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