Publication question

October 17th, 2012
Hey, all.

I just got a message asking for permission to use some of my space shuttle photos for a trade publication. They can't offer cash, but will give full photo credit. This is a new thing for me. Is the exposure worth the lack of pay? What are your thoughts?
October 17th, 2012
Sounds cool to me!
October 17th, 2012
I'd go for it!
October 17th, 2012
I would go for it too ~ i would be chuffed to bits that i got one of my photos in a publication ~ i would ask for a free copy though :-) ... and have it framed :-)
October 17th, 2012
I think the exposure gives you credibility, so yes, go for it Chris! And congratulations! Make sure you get a free copy of the publication and share a photo of it when it goes to print! :)
October 17th, 2012
first off, Congratulations Chris! That's HUGE! Is it the one you took of it parked in the temporary garage? Go for it, get it published - with full photo credit - get a copy of the publications, frame it, and relish in the fact that one of your photos is out there beyond our community! :-)
And yes, please do share it with us when it gets published!!
October 18th, 2012
How great that they actually asked permission! Go for it!!!
October 18th, 2012
congratulations and do it! It becomes a credential and it can be part of your portfolio. You'll actually get to say you are a published photographer in a trade magazine.
October 18th, 2012
I agree with everyone......street cred.....or nasa cred can go a long way!
October 18th, 2012
dont really have to say much more than whats already been said, congrats
October 18th, 2012
I work for a trade magazine. If you have a website, ask them to list that as part of the photo credit, they shouldn't have any issue doing that. My edit budget is small, but I do expect to pay photographers $50 for a photo used as inside art, but each magazine is different.
October 18th, 2012
Well done, I'd do it for sure.
October 18th, 2012
October 18th, 2012
Congratulations! That's awesome!
October 18th, 2012
Thanks all for the advice. I've contacted the editor and let her know I'm interested. It's a trade magazine for the heavy equipment industry. I will ask for credit, full copyright (unless they pay), notification of any future use, amd copies of the printed magazine for my portfolio.

I'm very excited! This is a tiny step towards becoming a photographer for a living!
October 18th, 2012
Right now those photos aren't earning money. But if you agree to allow this publication, you will have clips you can use to pitch to other publications. I'm also a writer and clips matter. I've given photos away plenty of times and it has lead to more work that actually pays. Only give them first print rights, unless they pay alot. If these photos are some of your best work, make sure you have a contract that states that in writing.

And congratulations! This is an exciting first step.
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