Not Keeping Up with My Commenting

November 21st, 2012
Quite a few people comment on my photos very diligently. I am feeling very guilty and embarrassed for not being able to keep up with my commenting. To those who follow me and those who comment regularly, please accept my apologies. I appreciate each and every one comment. Right now, I am thinking that if I can't reciprocate, I should just stop my project.

If I do, I would like everyone to know that you've all been great and to thank everyone for making this journey a wonderful one.
November 21st, 2012
OH no! Please don't stop your project! I love your photos. If it's any consolation, it seems comments have dropped off by many people, myself included. Life gets in the way! I've noted some 365ers have well over 500 followers, but are not getting more than 40-50 comments. I do hope you'll continue to post photos. Take care!
November 21st, 2012
With holidays coming up , I too feel like my commenting is dropping off, but I do look at what I can when I can and still enjoy.. not a reason to stop... do it for yourself if not others.. :-)
November 21st, 2012
@srahman Hi! I know mutual comments keep the place going, but it's a photography project, not a commenting website :) If I get behind, I try to comment on 'today' and catch up with other shots that really catch my eye when I see them. It's true, it seems it has got quieter all 'round, it would be a shame to stop your project just because of that. :)
November 21st, 2012
Do your project you. If people choose whether to comment or not it's up to them. You shouldn't feel obliged to reply. A lot of people don't always check their replies either. I'm sure people know you are grateful for their feedback.

The site is looking a bit like a ghost town lately anyway. You're lucky to be receiving comments! I've noticed a lot of people have disappeared and thought about quitting now, for a long while, myself. I really messed up October and even now I've not shot anything for a couple of days, when I used to be so against using fillers. I can't seem to get my mojo back. I hope you reconsider. It would be a shame to lose another "long term" person from the site.
November 21st, 2012
Don't stop your project! I've been dealing with some things, too, that have been keeping me from commenting as I should. It's been all I could do to get a photo every day. We all have times like that.
November 21st, 2012
Please DON'T STOP!!! Your pictures always delight my heart! I wish there was a simpler way to comment, or reply to the comments (such as a "thank you" button under their comment -- !!!). I feel the same way -- can't always reply to my comments but APPRECIATE them so much!!!
November 21st, 2012
@nanalisarocks Thanks for the vote of confidence. Its just that sometimes I feel I am not being fair to the people who comment. I think I'll be posting soon.
@cheribug Sometimes getting a pic in for the day seems I all I can do. @filsie65 I guess you are right. It is, after all, a photography project. Thanks for the perspective
@miley89 Thanks, Miley. I guess I'll go on being one of the long-term people on this site
@clmiller You, too, eh? Just that I hope people won't be too offended if I don't reply
@cscecil You are one of my regular commenters! I really appreciate that Carolyn. I guess I'll continue after all.
November 21st, 2012
I'm all for Carolyn's suggestion. Maybe 365project can consider an easier way for people to respond. The 'Thank you' button would be nice. Or just a simple 'Like' button a la Facebook. A 5-star rating system would also be great.
November 21st, 2012
I hope you don't stop your project either. Your photos are so beautiful. If you are having fun, keep enjoying it. :)
November 21st, 2012
Yep - we're all in the same boat and shouldn't be a reason to stop. Do what you can with no guilt.
November 21st, 2012
I use to really stress out about commenting on everyone! sometimes its just impossible! Now that I've excepted that I feel more relaxed and I just enjoy being here now! this time of year we are all busy! Don't worry! I hope you don't quit!
November 21st, 2012
@srahman I agree, I've thought a simple "like" or "thank you" button would be great!
November 21st, 2012
@mittens Yes, Mittens. I'm having fun posting the photos.
November 21st, 2012
@tara11 Thanks, Tara
November 21st, 2012
@orangecrush I'm about halfway over that hurdle. Thanks, Jerry.
November 21st, 2012
@nanalisarocks Hear! Hear! Hope they put in that 'like' or 'thank you' button soon.
November 21st, 2012
Do not what you can....when you can. It is frustrating not to be able to comment enough, but if youngest up a year of photo journaling...even if just to look back at later, you will feel such reward!
November 21st, 2012
I think everyone has trouble keeping up with the comments. Some days, one just doesn't have time to go through and comment. I always try to go through and look at all the photos first and then if I have time I make comments.

A "like" button would be nice. Good suggestion.
November 21st, 2012
Everyone understands, some people have more time than others... But you started this project for yourself... End it only due to wanting to not because you feel pressured.
November 21st, 2012
I have been in the same boat. I love to look at everyone's photos, but don't have the time lately to comment on everything. I've been very hit and miss recently. I am determined to finish the's not going exactly how I thought it would. :) Which shouldn't be a surprise since that's how everything seems to go! :-D Keep pushing through...your project looks fantastic!
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