Colour and clarity

November 21st, 2012
I just uploaded todays photo and was shocked at how bad it looked.
It was washed out, WB looked way to blue and the clarity was no where near as good.

You can see the picture here on Flickr and it looks totally different
Such a big difference and nothing is different from what I normally do.
November 21st, 2012
There seems to bea difference between 365, Flickr and Facebook. I find 365 tends to be a little darker.
November 21st, 2012
That happens to me too sometimes.
November 21st, 2012
@peterdegraaff that is more than darker, I am shocked it looks horrible on here, I have never had them look so bad. As it looks on Flickr is how it looks on my computer. I am embarrassed to have that in my project.

@tracywilliams your shots always look so good!
November 21st, 2012
Happens to mine all the time most noticeable in skin tones. And yes my entire workflow is srgb so no the problem isnt color modes lol. It is the algorithm that 365 uses to compresses the files on upload. In order to get files as small as they get them they have to dump a lot of color information and colors shift or wash out. They look completely different to facebook and flicker for me with 365 being the worse of the bunch.
November 21st, 2012
I'm at work and I can't access Flickr (work's webmarshall is a little irrational) to make comparisons but this is lovely - I think there is a high key effect particularly to her face and the light is not as soft and gentle as you usually present - but it is lovely - focus is tight to her face and her direct gaze is engaging.
November 21st, 2012
@soia I have never had a problem until today, not with such an obvious difference. Same with colour modes, nothing has changed at all from what I normally do.

November 21st, 2012
@kittikat thanks Kitti :)
November 21st, 2012
Wow, that's a MASSIVE difference!! Ps I do love the shot and have added you on Flickr... not that I use it much.
November 21st, 2012
My film shots are clear as day on my computer and murky and a bit out of focus here. Hence why i also use my flickr for my better photos.
November 21st, 2012
@mummarazzii I had a look at the Flickr photo and saw that this jpeg was in ProPhoto RGB colour space, while earlier photos was sRGB. Many web pages, such as this one doesn't render other colour spaces than sRGB correctly, the result being washed out.


adobe RGB
November 21st, 2012
Wow i looked at your flickr image and that really is a huge difference..... ive noticed differences in my own but never to that extent!
November 21st, 2012
@primitiveprobe thank you for that! It is really odd though as I have not changed my work flow at all so not sure why it is now saving in a different colour format. Anyway will have a look in the morning. And re upload.
November 21st, 2012
The shot I uploaded on the 20th is also very bad, especially when viewed on my iPad and iPhone. I lost a ton of the dynamic range. It was one of my worst color shifts yet.
November 21st, 2012
Don't know if this info helps or not but when I viewed them both on the tablet they looked identical and I thought I needed to get my eyes checked since I couldn't see a difference between the two.

Now viewing them on my laptop I can see the clear differences that you are talking about. Not sure what that is about either.
November 21st, 2012
This is actually one of the reasons why I had left 365 earlier this year. I just came back because I really miss the inspiration, etc but I have had to accept that the images are different on upload. =/
November 21st, 2012
I had never really noticed it before either Lisa, until 2 days ago with Speedwell Falls photo. I was so excited to upload it because I loved the detail and tone on my computer, and now when I look at it here I am so disappointed that it looks so flat. But like you said, I've never encountered the problem before, so I'll just see what happens from now on
November 21st, 2012
I really noticed a difference with my Immortal shot 2 days ago. Its nowhere near that dark in reality. The lighting was just right and then I uploaded it and it was too dark. I've thought about using the picmonkey link to lighten it for 365, but its not a huge deal.

November 21st, 2012
All I can say is that these comments are making me feel MUCH better, as I've had the same thing happen repeatedly and been disappointed with the image on 365.
November 21st, 2012
It's happening to my images too. It's disheartening.
November 21st, 2012
My images always look darker on 365. Many times, I lighten them before I upload them so they don't look so dark.
November 21st, 2012
I have the same problem...
November 21st, 2012
This has been a sore point with me for some time now. A perfect example is the shot i posted on the 19th. It uploaded much darker than it actually is. It's a shame since image quality should be a top priority for a site dedicated to photography. This glitch does a disservice to every photographer who takes the time to participate. In this project.
November 21st, 2012
I've had this problem since I first started posting in 2011. I use Photoshop's "Save for Web" feature and that usually sorts it out, if you have Photoshop that is. But look for a similar option on whatever program you use.
November 22nd, 2012
@cromwell I agree it should be top priority!
@mizikei20 thanks but I have nearly done 12 months and not really had this problem so something new.
@sugarmuser @henrir @suebarni @nanalisarocks @jsw0109 @jcarrollphoto @autumneden @cmc1200 thanks for support and it is unfortunate that is happening across 365 :(
@geocacheking that is funny, it must have something to do with the colour format then.
November 22nd, 2012
This one saved at the same time, only smaller looks heaps better. Nothing was changed in my settings...I am at a loss hmmm

November 22nd, 2012
@mummarazzii That is a HUGE difference and part of the reason why I left. It still bugs me now but I will try using the "save for web" option and see if that helps on really vibrant shots.
November 22nd, 2012
Worth people reading this thread, as I went into some detail to explain this phenomenon:

The important thing to bear in mind is that, if you are not saving your image in the sRGB colour space, you will receive inconsistent results when uploading it to the web.

This site strips out almost all EXIF data, including the embedded colour profile, so a non-sRGB image will *always* look bad when uploaded here. This can be argued to be a good or a bad thing -- it highlights that you're doing something wrong, but equally, it's not clear why it's happening.

When you upload the image to other sites such as Flickr, it will display correctly for some people, and not for others. Most, but not all, modern desktop browsers support colour profiles, so if you are using a browser version released in 2012, you will probably see it correctly. Older browsers (and there's huge amounts of the internet using those), as well as many mobile browsers, will show the image incorrectly.

Also note that most photo printing booths and other cheap printing places will ignore or incorrectly interpret non-sRGB photos -- so you will see incorrect colours when you print your images. Again, this will depend on what company or booth you use, so you will be tearing your hair out wondering why one batch of photos look great, and the next look awful.

One of my biggest bugbears with Adobe in particular is why their products don't default to sRGB. Yes, for professionals who know *exactly* what they are doing and understand colour space workflow through every step of the process, Adobe RGB and ProPhoto colour spaces can offer *very small* benefits. However, for the vast majority of people, they will cause confusion, result in other people thinking your photos are bad when they look fine to you, and generally screw things up.
November 22nd, 2012
@abirkill I agree with all you are saying. I only save in sRGB.
The picture directly above was saved only minutes before the other as usual, no settings where changed before saving the second.
I am not at home to try another picture but I think photoshop had a moment lol
November 22nd, 2012
@mummarazzii As @primitiveprobe pointed out, your Flickr version clearly shows that it was saved in ProPhoto RGB, not sRGB. Photoshop/Lightroom will not have randomly assigned it a different colour profile -- something has changed, or you did something differently, when you processed and saved that photo.

If I had to guess, based on the information on Flickr and comparing it with your previous photos on Flickr, you usually save the image from Photoshop, but in this case you saved the image from Lightroom. (I can't be sure of that exactly, but the data suggests that you usually do something in Photoshop that you did in Lightroom this time).

Lightroom uses ProPhoto RGB by default -- instructions for changing that can be found in the thread I linked to above.

Let me know if I can help further :)
November 22nd, 2012
@abirkill I know that it was saved in pro photo RGB what I am saying the photo just above your post is a different photo saved only minutes before and it saved in sRGB I did not change anything at all about how I save the photo and the second one was saved in pro photo (only the size differs from the two above photos)...they where saved from photoshop not Lightroom...I export from LR as a tiff not jpeg
A photo saved in photoshop since saved as sRGB as usual...again I changed nothing.
Photoshop was being glitchy for me yesterday so as all seems good again I am happy.
November 22nd, 2012
@abirkill Great reference Alex, thanks.
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