Can I contact another 365'er outside the public comments process?

November 23rd, 2012
Sorry to start a "topic" but I couldn't find any other place to ask a general question.

Without directly asking for email or other 1-1 tools.

Two pieces, especially. Extended discussions that would not interest the general community, and plagiarism. I have seen at least two situations of this last and I would like to talk to the person outside the public forum about using "sample" images of tutorials and attributing them to themselves.

Thanks. And for this newbie, I love this site, and the support of its community. I have learned so much in such a short time. And I read. A lot. Which turned up the "plagiarism" problems.
November 23rd, 2012
There is no private messaging facility on the site, but you could make a comment on one of the older photos of the person concerned, and in that post mention the date of the photo in question.
That way, the person would get notified, but not in a current photo. Some people have an e-mail address in there profile blurb.
November 23rd, 2012
You can put your email in a comment along with whatever explanation you want to give, post it then once it's up, delete it. I'm not sure about everyone else but when somebody comments on one of my images I get the comment in an email so your email address would be sent to him even if you delete the comment on the 365 site.
November 23rd, 2012
@mgirard @frankhymus That would work, but some (like me) have disabled the email part so as not to receive too many emails. Michael's suggestion would work if you knew they received the emails. But his suggestion would also work if you went back and deleted your comment after you had received an email from the person you were contacting. That way you know they got it, but you don't leave your info up there longer than necessary. Just a thought.

Also some 365ers use other social media sites FB, Twitter and such and can carry one private convos that way. Peter de Graaff started a thread here for just such an occasion:
November 23rd, 2012
@frankhymus If you don't get anywhere talking to them, it might be worth contacting Ross, the website owner. You can contact him here:
November 23rd, 2012
This site is in desperate need of an Instant Message feature like Facebook offers. Sometimes you just want to say discuss something with another photographer that is "For There Eyes Only".
November 23rd, 2012
I think if there were to be a "private message" facility installed on this site, then Ross would have to look into perhaps a "blocking" ability too. One quirk of this site is that you have no choice as to whom follows you, of course you don't have to follow everyone back, but like I say; you can't edit whom follows your project.

So if a PM service were available you could get all sorts of messages from people perhaps you were not comfortable with.

So by keeping the messaging quite open and public, this tends to keep the discussions photo-centric, 99% of the time.

I would however not mind a PM ability on this site... it would save me a whole load of time on fcbk. Oh boy.

@frankhymus - Frank, if there are issues with plagiarism on a photo or two, I'd be getting it out and off your chest by just posting your message on the page in question. There will be one or two responses, you will either be hounded down or you will garner support for your cause. In the past when stolen photos have appeared, in the majority of cases, the general consensus has been in support of removal of said images and rarely in support of the person who has erred.

I'd be raising it.

@scrivner - you maybe interested in this discussion.
November 23rd, 2012
@cromwell Can we also get a "like" botton? lol
November 23rd, 2012
@chapjohn --I would "like" your comment if we had one. :-)
November 24th, 2012
@bobfoto @onie @cromwell @chapjohn @pocketmouse @geocacheking @mgirard @onie @scrivner

Thank you all for thinking about this and commenting. Now that I think about it, I like Jason Daniels view of reality. This is not a general purpose site, it is about photography, and not about 1-1 things. I now understand that. The simplicity of keeping this open, as Jason described, is, perhaps, one of the strengths of the site that we shouldn't interfere with. It is not Facebook, and not designed to be.

I am not sure I am yet going to challenge the plagiarizers publicly, but if any of you are following this. yes, you are in my short follower list, stop this!

Thanks folks. I like this site very much. You have all taught me a lot in such a short time.
November 24th, 2012
@cromwell @frankhymus I put "lol" after my comment to indicate that I was not seriously desiring or asking for any such thing.
November 24th, 2012
I haven't seen much evidence of direct plagiarism on here, compared to some other sites, but that doesn't mean it isn't going on. I've occasionally seen some interesting competition entries, particularly for the WWYD competitions, where the submitter has simply used a photo effect site to create their entry with a single click, and not admitted to that in their description. It's not plagiarism, but I do find it slightly dishonest when people don't admit it.

Have you considered, instead of contacting the person doing the plagiarising, contacting the person whose work was misappropriated? That way, they can decide what they want to do about it, and whether to take it further.
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