What's on your Chrissie wish list?

December 8th, 2012
Have you let Santa's little helpers know what you want, or are you leaving everyone guessing so they can surprise you?

I know what I am hoping for, and it's not that. Well, maybe! But I have got in early and it is on its way.

On my list are to participate in a photographic workshop in a fabled location, lenses, dark room kit, other accessories and peace, love, happiness and goodwill on earth. (note to self - send Christmas cards).

What's on your Christmas wish list?

December 8th, 2012
All I want is the new Tallowah album, if anyone wants to buy it for me..?
December 8th, 2012
..and some socks!
December 8th, 2012
thanks to you Peter, I really must have a Mamiya 6 and Blue Fire Police film; plus a ZeroImage 4x5 camera (for color film pinhole) and one other old rangefinder camera to convert to a zone plate camera and then lots of time to learn all the new techniques! Oh, and a trip to a stormy Irish island to capture the sea.
December 8th, 2012
a nicer camera, reflectors, a new external flash(mine died earlier this year), a diffuser for the external flash, a nicer lens than my kit(though I do like my kit). Not that I expect ANYTHING photography related for Christmas.

I also want things from Fred & Friends. I was surprised to find their stuff at Books A Million earlier this year! Um, maybe donate some money to something in my name? IDK.

I love being surprised at Christmas. I normally get things that I love and never thought of asking for.
December 8th, 2012
GoPro Hero3, I've asked for...
December 8th, 2012
A 50mm lens :)
December 8th, 2012
@vase the Zero Image cameras look cool. I am having to restrain myself from wanting
December 8th, 2012
One of these please pic taken by @grizzlysghost

December 8th, 2012
A 1D-X ...is that asking too much? Or maybe a EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM! But I would settle for a Big Stopper! :)
December 8th, 2012
My Christmas present was taken care of months ago... a 7-day family cruise to Mexico in January!
December 8th, 2012
EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM would be awesome! Polaroid and ND filters needed, two cool photo workshops coming in January and lots of Lindt chocolate please, preferably dark :)
December 8th, 2012
I have lots of things on my list this year... Tops from a photog perspective are a wide angle lens and a camera raincoat :)
December 8th, 2012
My dog back.

He passed away almost a month ago, but it feels like it was just a few hours ago that I got the news.
December 8th, 2012
Some filters, a 35mm prime (don't know why, I just want it--I have a 50 prime and it pretty much is all I use).
December 8th, 2012
A great big book of Bill Brandt photographs. And that tripod bag I mentioned last time one of these threads came up.
December 8th, 2012
A job for my husband and to get out of debt......it's been 6 months now.....I'm lucky that my kids are older because there isn't going to be a Christmas this year,,,,,,it kills me but they say they're ok with nothing this year :(
December 8th, 2012
I've been test driving my chrimbo present, hubby very kindly got me a new camera, Canon 60D, and I love it!

Hope you all get your wishes.
December 8th, 2012
I have my eye on a Fujifilm X-E1 camera - might be too rich for Santa's budget, though.

@remirixjones So sorry about your pup.
December 9th, 2012
@michele66 I hope that this happens for you. @remirixjones I am sure Santa will have something up his sleeve.
December 9th, 2012
We're getting a dishwasher! I'm thinking I might like a wide angle lens.
December 9th, 2012
@northy Camera raincoat?! I like that idea!

My Christmas list includes PS CS6 (and maybe Lightroom) and another MOD brand camera strap for my IR body. Ladies, these are comfy straps, so check them out!

I'm also considering a Nikon D600, but not committed to upgrading all my lenses to full frame just yet. So I'm still thinking about that one.
December 9th, 2012
@remirixjones ;~{ i am so sorry for you!
December 9th, 2012
Seriously I wish for peace and happiness to all my 365 friends! i know it is corny but I can't think of a "thing" that I want.
December 9th, 2012
d600 and my brother spilled the beans that my dad got it for me!! also a lensbaby, tripod and external flash!! :o)
December 9th, 2012
I would like a new lens or two. Some ND filters.

Yeah, that's about it.
December 9th, 2012
Nikon D800 for me.
December 9th, 2012
Its already under the tree - the iPad 4 (an upgrade from the vintage iPad1).
December 9th, 2012
@remirixjones - So sad to hear :((( I love my cat so I can imagine your loss.
December 9th, 2012
@michele66 Had years like that, but when the kids were young. But they actually remember those as some of the best Christmases when the budget was 1 dollar a person. That's when we started the tradition which we still have to this day. We draw names at Thanksgiving and that's the only person you get a gift for. We announce the "Christmas budget" which has ranged from 1 dollar a person all the way up to 50 whole dollars a couple of years! We all write our lists together, each person starts with their paper, we all write down one thing, then we yell "ready, team, break!" and rotate the lists to the right,LOL and we keep doing that until we can't think of anything else and we start writing things like "a sense of humor" on Dad's list.. We all remember fondly the year that Aiden wrote "a dog" on every person's list, or the year my elder son wrote "canoe" on every list :-) Then we put them in a hat and draw. This year my 6 year old asked me to help him with his shopping and he drew my name! (SO I'm definitely going to get something I'll like!) Santa also gets them one thing (usually same price range as the present budget). Somehow I'm pretty sure I'm getting a curling iron this year!LOL
As for my wish list? A lens without a busted aperature blade, I want ROUND bokeh blurs!
December 9th, 2012
World peace. Doesn't everybody? Obvious wish.
My best friend back. Although, she left me. So I guess she really was not a best friend.
My pups balls. I really feel guilty for setting up the heist.
My sister. Although I'm certain we'll meet again. I just hate waiting.
To be married. To be honest, I just want the big fancy party just for me. With the dress and the big band.
Sometimes I still want to be a nurse.
Sometimes I want to be a doctor.
I want everything and nothing. :)
And I hate what Christmas has become. When I was a kid, I was grateful for a new nightgown.
Times have changed.
So I guess I'll settle for time spent with 365. It's been another good year. Even though I've slacked off quite a bit. (partly not my fault)
December 9th, 2012
Silver Efex Pro and a peaceful time with my family and friends.
December 9th, 2012
Some days off work and good times!
December 9th, 2012
socks, pickled onions and some new converse :)
December 9th, 2012
@m9f9l thank you so much for sharing your story :) what a wonderful tradition! My daughter told ,me the other day I need to stop focusing on what we don't have and focus on what we do have.....makes me wonder when did Christmas turn into who can spend the most money?? It's always been about quality and not quantity with me but I think this year I forgot that....I just don't want my kids to feel bad when all their friends are going on and on about all the great presents they got....and deep down if I'm honest with myself I think they won't love me or think I don't love them if I don't get them a lot.....I'm going to give your idea a try!! because I DO love my kids and show them every day!! AND bonus....less presents means less mess to pick up after!! thank you so much :)
December 9th, 2012
All I want for Christmas is my mojo back. A new camera might kick start that nicely :)
December 9th, 2012
@bobfoto my brother bought one for himself for Christmas (with permission from 'the boss' of course) Can't wait to play with his new toy!
December 9th, 2012
@remirixjones I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost your little friend. Pets and especially dogs become a part of the family. I'm sure you must miss this lovely little fellow.
December 10th, 2012
Canon EF 8-15mm f/4 L USM Fisheye Lens... however given that santa (still my parents lol ;) ) isn't a millionair... i think im getting a Lens Baby scout with the fish eye optic... and im worried im going to not love it.. :/
December 10th, 2012
@shutterbugger - well I have a birthdy not long after Chrissy, so if no GoPro first, I'll ask again... here's hoping!
December 10th, 2012
@onie get the lense and make hubby do the dishes lol...
December 11th, 2012
I'm currently taking a film class so my wish list is long...

1) sekonic light meter
2) Polaroid back for Hassleblad
3) Canon AE-1 or A1 with 50mm 1.2 lens
4) 80mm 2.8 lens for Hasselblad
5) LOTS of film to shoot!
December 11th, 2012
I already have my Christmas present lol, it was a Canon 35mm L series lens, I love it!!!
December 11th, 2012
It's become a standing line in our house....my husband asks what I want and I reply....Peace and Happiness.....mostly I have that, but there were years....then I give him my selfish list, but really....as I tell my kids....whatever you get me, whatever you think of, if you're thinking of me it will be wonderful because I am truly most happy when they can all be home for Christmas.....it's not about the bling!
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