iPhone shots

December 24th, 2012
I sometimes use my iPhone to shoot my photo of the day if I am out without my DSLR. I am often surprised how great my photo turns out and my comments reflect that my viewers feel the same.

I came across this video today made by a professional photographer about his journey with his iPhone: http://vimeo.com/53452178

I truly think that photography isn't just about the camera and equipment, it's about the eye of the person behind the lens - the photographer.

Your thoughts?
December 24th, 2012
I used my iphone for my entire honeymoon and in some respects I agree... my iphone did a FANTASTIC job in certain well lit shots. However, low light shots just weren't up to par in my opinion. For example, I have some AMAZING sunrise photo's from the honeymoon from my iphone, but once home and put on photoshop they just have too much noise for my tastes. But on those afternoons where the sun was shining bright, agreed, the colors just popped on my little iphone. Though I suppose that opens up the raw vs. jpeg discussion doesn't it?
December 24th, 2012
I know there are many iPhone photo artists, but I follow this guy's work since he's in Indianapolis ... pretty awesome and amazing stuff coming out of that phone.
December 24th, 2012
I've used my iPhone throughout my 1st 365year ... Had some amazing results I can tell you .
December 24th, 2012
I only use my iPhone because I just can't drag my camera around all the time. In fact I only use hipstamatic. It's great fun with lovely reaults most of the time. After dark however don't count on perfect shots :-)
December 25th, 2012
Since I have been without my DSLR for a few weeks, I have some practical thoughts here. I have the iPhone 5 and a Canon SX-260 HS point and shoot.

I am very disappointed with the iPhone and probably more to the point, the iPhone camera app. I know there are undocumented APIs that would allow much more flexibility to the iPhone app, but no one wants to take on Apple it seems. Apple just doesn't want to expose to the world how noisy this camera really is, so the app constrains "settings" very severely.. It (the camera and especially the app that controls it) is almost a non-starter in anything but "normal" light.

I actually upgraded to the iPhone 5 for its camera, and I wish I had saved US$200. It does nothing useful for me.

On the other hand, the little Canon P&S (the SX 260 HS) for US$200 (the exact cost of the iPhone upgrade) I have nothing but praise for. While only 12 MP, the image processor is sterling! In low light it behaves beautifully.

I see that others have had different experiences.but I can only report what I have experienced. I am not sure that other commentators have been able to run the iPhone against the P&S competition. And the P&S has so many advanced features that the iPhone (and especially the app) can't even pretend to copy.

December 25th, 2012
I think the iPhone does an outstanding job in most cases, and some of the apps are (literally) out of this world!

The main reason I don't use my iPhone as a camera more often is because I don't want to regret having all of my other wonderful (and expensive) equipment! ;)
December 25th, 2012
I'm incredibly disappointed in my iPhone camera. There have been times I only had my iPhone and the photos come out all noisy and just awful. If I have the flash on, it helps a little, but still the photos are not as good as I'd like. It's disappointing to me because everyone raved about the camera on it. Maybe I'm just a camera snob. :)
December 26th, 2012
@livin365 I think you the nail on the head. I use my iPhone when I can't bring my camera where I'm going or usually don't want to take too many pictures.

It does fantastic when there is a lot of light especially if there is a high amount of it but the less as the light disappears the noise in the picture goes up exponentially.

Still does a heck of a job for a phone.
December 26th, 2012
@sarie Are you shooting in low light? It's terribly noisy in low light but if there is a lot of natural light it does really well.
December 26th, 2012
@dloche both. I find that if I use the flash it's better. I think I'm just spoiled by my Nikons. :) If I'm using the iPhone it's usually in my living room--with crappy light.
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