New Here! Friends? Tips? Advice?

January 3rd, 2013
Hi there! I'm Michelle and new to this. I currently live in North Carolina with my husband (a Marine) and my 8 1/2 month old son. I shoot with a Canon Rebel t3 that I got about 4ish months ago. My goal for doing this project is to learn a lot about my camera and my style...and I am very excited to have a little piece of every day to look back on, and very likely feel like I get to actually see my son grow and change as he will likely be the subject of MANY of my photos (I will try to challenge myself with other subjects though...but a photo of my son every day for the next year sounds amazing because I feel like I have missed so many things and I have been home with him since day 1 lol). Any critiques for any of my photos (only on day 1 right now) are very very welcomed as I am doing this to learn as much as I can! Any advice you have to stay encouraged in this? I think that will be my biggest obstacle. Tips on how to make this really count are welcomed! :)
January 3rd, 2013
No advice sorry but I have started this new too and can't wait to further my skills! Welcome aboard :)
January 3rd, 2013
Start "digging" around the site! Find photos you like, comment, follow that person, and you'll be off and on you way grabbing followers in return! Welcome! Hope ya have fun
January 3rd, 2013
@sarah_jane Thank you Sarah! Welcome to you as well!! :)
January 3rd, 2013
@tjs_world_part_2 Thank you!! I have definitely been doing some "digging" and have already found some people to follow! I am very excited for this :)
January 3rd, 2013
Fair's addicting....but you'll have a blast. Good luck, followed ya back. Thanks to your Husband for his service....from one Vet to another.
January 3rd, 2013
@tjs_world_part_2 I sure hope I get addicted so that I don't give up on it hahah...I think I already am getting there lol...having a lot of fun looking at photos and getting some inspiration along the way. And thank you for your service as well!
January 3rd, 2013
Welcome to 365 Michelle! You'll have lots of fun here and find some great people to learn from. One of the things I did when I was building people to follow was first to find photographers whose work I really admired and wanted to emulate. Secondly I tried to find photographers who also took pictures that were very different from what I would take (for example sports action shots- not my forte! But I've learned some interesting things about point of view from them!). The best way to get critiques on your photos is to consistently comment on others' photos. I know for me that when someone takes the time to view and comment on my shots, I want to do the same for them. Have fun and once again, welcome!!
January 3rd, 2013
Welcome! I have the same camera. Wish I had better lense but if you know what your doing you can make it work wonders. Just have fun and relax! Focus on your goal and take it day by day :)
January 3rd, 2013
@olivetreeann That is great advice! I am definitely going to look for photographers that have a different perspective and style from me...what a great way to learn and be inspired.

@tbats22 I recently bought a 50mm f/1.8 and LOVE it soo much...I mainly take photos of my son and it is amazing for portraits. :)
January 3rd, 2013
This is a really good guide for people just starting their project
January 3rd, 2013
@onie Thank you Leonie!
January 3rd, 2013
@mmartin aww jealous!!!! That's my goal for the year, to get me one of those !! :))
January 3rd, 2013
@mmartin @sarah_jane Welcome to 365!!! Great advice, and great photographers on here as well as us little folk just wanting to learn more. I have loved the themes and challenges esp. when I lacked the drive and enthusiasm to get my shot for the day.

Have fun with it. :)
January 3rd, 2013
@tbats22 Have you checked out this site before? You can find used camera equipment there that is like new :) I bought mine from my sister as she was upgrading to a better one so I got lucky :)
January 3rd, 2013
My best advice, just stay involved and don't push yourself too hard or you'll have days you resent your camera :) Welcome to 365!
January 3rd, 2013
@geocacheking Thank you Mr. T ;) I am checking out the themes and challenges....when I first saw that I didn't even look at it because I thought it sounded like too much work LOL...but now I am seeing some good stuff on there and excited to enter one of them :)
January 3rd, 2013
@mmartin - There are several good thoughts in this discussion :
January 3rd, 2013
@grizzlysghost Thank you Aaron...I think that may honestly be one of my bigger challenges because I don't want it to turn into something I need to just check off for the day or something I dread needing to do...I want to enjoy it and learn a lot from it. I think if I were doing this without the community, that would be a far bigger challenge...I am hoping with all the inspiration floating around on here that I will enjoy all of it :)
January 3rd, 2013
@mmartin Hello, Michelle! I've followed you as well! Safe journey over here! It's my first year too, but I'm already feeling the fantastic mood of this community!
January 3rd, 2013
i'm new too, but the advice i'll give is to get stuck in - follow people, comment, post... and enjoy! it's such a supportive place, i think we'll all have a great year. excuse my lack of caps, 9 month son asleep on my lap! there was also a great thread i was reading this morning with some good tips, especially about making things managable - at least, that was what struck me about it, i'll find it for you.
January 3rd, 2013
no need for me to find it, it's linked by Dave above!
January 3rd, 2013
@spankyjane Thank you Mel! I get the feeling it is going to be hard for me not to get sucked into it because it already seems like an awesome environment full of lots of talent!
January 3rd, 2013
you will learn new things on here just look at other photos and just walk around or drive around like i do and play with the camera.. find unformer things too.. hope you enjoy the site like so many of us have I am going on my one year,,,and enjoying it very much and I myself am from N.C...
January 3rd, 2013
@stude73 Thank you Sandra...getting out and about with my camera is one of my goals...I have a bad habit of forgetting it or not using it while out because my son is always with me and I often feel like by the time I find somewhere for some great shots, he is tired or angry lol. Need to plan outings specifically for finding locations to take photos rather than fit it into my errand outings lol
January 3rd, 2013
@mmartin yes do that .. and take him places with you and shoot pictures and let him take pictures too.. thats what i did.. and my kids like to take picture but they are older then your little one..mine are 12 and 10 so give him a few years and give him his own little camera that you can actauly put the pictures on the computer and show him what a great job he did.. experment with your camera too..that also works as well.. that is how i learn to do some of the things with mine..
January 3rd, 2013
January 3rd, 2013
Welcome Michelle!
January 3rd, 2013
@mmartin I'll have to check it out, thanks!! :)
January 3rd, 2013
Thanks everyone this place is great :)
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