Is it cheating to use an older photo?

January 4th, 2013
I know what the idea of the project is and it's to make it ours and get our creative ideas out for all to see and take a photo a day. My question is, is it considered cheating if you use an older photo, or should we really try to use a new photo each day?

I definitely don't want to step on any toes or break any rules...there are things that come up that don't always allow for me to take a photo a day (as much as I would like to). Please fill me in on your thoughts on this.

Thank you!
January 4th, 2013
The only rules are the rules you make for yourself :)
January 4th, 2013
I think it's your project and you have to make it yours... do whatever you would like!
January 4th, 2013
I've taken multiple photos on certain days and used them through out the month. I'm a busy mom and sometimes I know I won't be able to shoot on certain day. I try not too, but I am always happy to have a back up photo if need be.

I'm curious to see how others feel about this....
January 4th, 2013
Welcome. I'm a traditionalist. New photo for each day. It may seem hard, there will be days when I don't have a chance for something decent, but I'd rather take a bad photo then none at all. But everyone does what they can. That's one of the great things about this site, a lot of different people, different walks of life, but we all respect each other.
January 4th, 2013
I only upload pictures that i took.
Doesn't matter if they are old. I once uploaded pictures from years and years ago when they felt appropriate.
And i uploaded once fifteen pictures in a row all at once, when i was far far behind my project, all took the same day, and uploaded in different dates.
It really doesn't matter.

If for you is better to go out on weekend and shoot several pictures, that's all right. You don't actually need to shoot and post a picture a day.
January 4th, 2013
I also use back up photos, or fillers. I am amazed at the number of people who seem to be able to do a photo a day, but life can get in the way. The only rules I try to follow are to use only my own photos, make it my project and have FUN! I don't like it when I feel really pressured. I am a shift worker, we had a death in the family early in my project, and this last month I have been fighting a cold/chest infection that won't quit. I do what I can, and I use fillers when I have to, but they are all mine and taken during the year of the project.
January 4th, 2013
it all depends on what you want to get out of the project. what you post is what feels important to you that day. I know I want the incentive to do photos every day. otherwise I might not. And I think it might help me see things I dont usually pay attention to. I also want to look back and use this as a photo diary. but I bet I will have days I post something from earlier shoots.
January 4th, 2013
I agree with both above.

I know a lot of people who end up feeling guilty they haven't posted every day or if they miss a few days (or in my past - weeks!). The project ends up being stressful, and then people drop off altogether.

I think it's important to remember its YOUR project, and you can make it what you want. I know I can't take a photo everyday and post it. Some days I'll take a lot photos, other days none at all. My aim is to post regularly and fill each day, even if the photo wasn't taken on that particular day.

There is nonsuchbthing as cheating if you so it on your own terms.
FYI: the only "rules" around here are "have fun" and "try to get involved".
January 4th, 2013
Oh God yeah.............. Too many fillers and your account will be deleted... :-)
January 4th, 2013
No rules- about 99 percent of people on here resort to using older "filler" pics when they have nothing new due to time, illness, or technology issues.
Do what you can when you can. Making it too rule-bound increases the likelihood that you'll give up, and nobody wants THAT to happen!
January 4th, 2013
great to see this post as I have also been wondering about it. I think I will try to take fresh photos for this project as often as I can, but sometimes I rework older photos and MIGHT upload them here if I didn't get a chance to take a new photo on that day.
January 4th, 2013
Thanks for the feedback everyone - it is greatly appreciated! I will definitely strive to shoot a photo a day, but as can get in the way. I'm already enjoying the 3 days I have been here so far!
January 4th, 2013
I did it today. But, I hope to be able to take a new photo a day. Sometimes that's not possible.
January 4th, 2013
I'm a newbie and i don't want to feel under any pressure. I take photos almost every day with my camera but I often don't get to go through them, choosing the keepers and processing some, deciding which I will upload to Flickr, Facebook and now My 365 Project until a few days later. I do a 365 on my mobile phone and because I have it with me all the time and usually just take the one pic each day to post it's easy. This is the way I manage things and I'm happy with it.
January 4th, 2013
Some people take a photo each day and post it without fail. Some will go on a shoot and get a lot of great shots that they want to share and will post from those for a week or so. Some people even "gasp!" skip a day here and there. I do all three of those things! As long as YOU took the photos that you post, no one really cares. Though I admit that I unfollowed a guy who posted photos that were all from 2003. IMHO, I feel that the photos should be fairly current, otherwise why post to a 365 project? And believe it or not, there have been people who have joined and then posted other people's photos.
January 4th, 2013
Most of my pictures are taken the day I post them but sometimes I use photos no more than a few days old. As other commentators have observed, it's your project -- enjoy it.
January 4th, 2013
It's YOUR project.
For myself, I have succeeded so far in posting only photos taken that day. I recently upgraded my account and will be using one of those extra albums for some older shots and for extra shots that don't make it to my main album.
If you can't post daily, don't let it stress you out...that could set you up for dropping out completely.
January 4th, 2013
I'm a newbie as well and have been trying to come to a landing on how I want to manage my 365 project. Personally, my overall aim is to get out there and shoot.. so i'm going to try my best to upload a new photo each day (taken from that day). In saying that, i'm sure there will be times where I get too busy/sick or get a serious case of cbf'd.. in that case I figure i'll use a filler. But I really only want that to be on the rare occassion. Grand plans and all that.. i'm on day 4.. we'll see how it goes :P
January 4th, 2013
No one will freak out...we call them " fillers" to fill that spot. And you need to do what you can I get into trying to get that "Shot to document my day, each adn every day" but if I have to post a filler shot I like instead, I do. Especially in year two....I will post alot of filler this winter when I cannot get out in the light of day to take pics...
January 4th, 2013
@andycoleborn I hear Ross will also ban you from the Internet. You gotta read the small print, but he has that power.
January 4th, 2013
@elliotwb No never.................... I have special 365 powers and can never be kicked off :-)
January 4th, 2013
I'm doing this project to get me to shoot everyday. So the plan is to take a picture every day, but I may not upload them everyday when I'm really busy.
January 4th, 2013
@anewday as an ace member I have created a second folder called extras, sometime you just want to share older stuff.
January 4th, 2013
The project is yours to do what makes you feel creatively fulfilled. there are some that scan old negatives and use them. Some have several albums (you need to buy an ace membership for that) because posting 1 pic a day is not enough. Keep sight of the fact this is supposed to be fun!
Good luck!
January 4th, 2013
I try to take photos every day but it doesn't always happen - life gets in the way!

Some people view the project as a photographic documentation of 365 days of their life.

I and some others view it a bit differently - I see it as a way to expand my photography. So if I'm feeling zero motivation or inspiration, and it's 11:58pm and I just cannot be bothered taking a photo, I won't! I would rather grab my camera when I am feeling it (which is most days), rather than force myself to take a crappy photo.

So that's the thing - it depends on how you view your project, and on why you're doing it :)

Best of luck!
January 4th, 2013
in my opinion....there are sites that people use to post random photos. i feel 365 means 365. in about 16 days i will complete my 365 and each photo i posted was taken on that actual day. i missed one day due to my appendix surgery and instead of posting a photo from 2 years ago or whatever, i posted an image of a diagram of the human body that shows where the appendix is.

January 4th, 2013
set goals for you to accomplish
January 4th, 2013
I plan to use this as a layout for a book highlighting important moments so honestly, anything goes as it's your project. Have fun with it, that's the most important thing!
January 4th, 2013
Follow what you feel is best for your set the rules. Otherwise I could see it easily turning south and becoming more of a headache. I want it to be a learning experience where I expand my knowledge....not something that stresses me out. I want to have fun with it...not dread getting it done. So if I have days where I am not in the mood to take a photo or be creative or just too busy...then so be it, I always have more than one photo I like once I do pick up my camera so I will surely have multiple others I could post :)
January 4th, 2013
"Your account will be deleted"
Oh thank you Andy, that was the best laugh I have had in days!!
January 6th, 2013
I'm retired, so I am trying to take a photo each day, but understand that people who actually work for a living probably can't do it. So far, so good, but after I complete my first 365 I intend to ease up on the rules.
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