We are all friends on here

January 19th, 2013
I commented on a photo by Shirley Jess (@shirljess) and she posted a thanks to a group of us and made the comment "thx my friends, much appreciated" and I though that after a year of being on here, how nice it is think of us as all being friends ! We're not Facebook and should never attempt to be, but it's so great to know that I have a group of fellow photography lovers all over the place, whose little corner of the world I get to peek into and see what they see/do/think.

When I talk to people about my project and how great this site is; how it teaches me so much, how it challenges me and how I follow people from around the world I do always think in a little way we are pals and a bit family (sorry does that sound a bit naff??).

I stopped thanking people for their comments around the middle of last year because there were a lot of discussions that people didn't like it/that it was unnecessary/etc, but my views and comments have dropped significantly since I did that, so think I'm going to thank people again; if you don't participate and react, then this amazing community may not be there...I don't know, sorry if I'm opening a big can of worms again,or perhaps it's just me.

I still get such a thrill when I get each and every comment, especially from a few people who comment nearly every day on my photos. And getting a photo on the PP page is just so exciting !

For all your newbies, I hope you are loving this site as much as I do....I'm only a year in, and I still feel like a new girl. All I would say is devote as much time as you can to keep looking at people's work/enter the various challenges and keep looking at everything around you. I got a new job around September last year, and even tho I still updated everyday I didn't look at many photos and didn't enter any competitions, and I feel like I missed out. But I'm back here full time now.

Thank you Ross for such an amazing site (I did renew my Ace membership!)
January 19th, 2013
I like the way you think! Just clicked to follow you :)
January 19th, 2013
@istacy1011 thanks - am following you back !
January 19th, 2013
@sharonaddison Well said, Sharon. This is the friendliest site I have ever been a member of. In fact, shortly after joining, I was overwhelmed by the supportive, positive, friendly and talented people here. The people who make up 365 are the main reason I am so addicted to this place!
January 19th, 2013
from this site, I have made two wonderful friends... one in Scotland and one in Ohio -- we haven't met yet, BUT WE WILL!

as enjoyable as this site is, it is very time consuming, I do the best I can to comment, but realistically can't do it every day. I am so grateful for the wonderful lessons/people/sharing of the world that I have experienced!
January 19th, 2013
Well said Alison - I agree with all your views. I too stopped thanking for comments because of the various discussions on the subject but I do try to comment on specific points that people raise. It is truly an awesome site and I have to work hard not to let it take over my life completely!
January 19th, 2013
I wish I could win the lotto one day because my bucket list contains not places and cities and scenery but the names of my 365 friends who I would love to catch up with and hang out and just take a photo or two.

Oh and to go ice fishing, eat cheese curds, catch a tube ride, see Manhatten at night, and wrestle bears... but with fellow 365ers.
January 19th, 2013
Perfectly said Sharon, I intermittently thank - time dependant - but as you always get a thrill out of visits and comments to my project.
You keep up the good work, your photos are a pleasure to view:0)
January 19th, 2013
Nicely said Sharon. We started following each way back in week one when we were both newbies! I feel I have made friends through this site as well, and even got to meet a few when I was on holiday last year. I still say thank you for favs, and when people say something specific about a photo, and try to spend some time each day looking and commenting on others. It's a bit hard to keep up sometimes!
The themes and challenges are a great way to learn about our cameras and photography.
Bring on year 2 !!
January 19th, 2013
@claireuk thanks Claire - you were one of the people I was thinking of when I said about people who comment all the time - I love getting your comments, so thank you !
January 19th, 2013
@onie yes, I love your photos and it's people like you, whose names I know so well, that makes me feel like we are friends
January 19th, 2013
I agree Sharon, I am starting my second year and have met many new friends on this site. All the comments from each one have been much appreciated and valued. Many have completed their first year also and seem to have disappeared. I notice I have missed them already. thanks Sharon for opening this discussion... this site has given me friends from all over the world..
January 19th, 2013
@bobfoto you were the second person I ever clicked to follow, and your work is just amazing (and I do love frogs so another reason to keep following you).

Win that lotto, then come to the northern hemisphere (specifically London please), so we can all meet up! If you win enough cash on the lotto perhaps you can arrange to fly everyone in for a 365 convention??

Hey @scrivna - that could be a good idea - a 365 convention ? Perhaps you can get 365'er from central areas over the world, and meet up (meets in London, New York, Sydney...etc) Would be happy to help coordinate London
January 19th, 2013
well said, and i am enjoying this site and like you it has taught me so much about photo taking.. i am going to renew my membership also..
January 19th, 2013
I couldn't agree with you more. I absolutely agree with you when it comes to thanking people. I really believe in good manors and it's just polite to acknowledge that someone appreciates something of yours enough to have made a comment on it :-)
Following you :-D
January 19th, 2013
I echo your sentiments, Sharon. 2012 was a dark year for me, but discovering the 365 website and how therapeutic taking photos can be was a lifesaver. I am so grateful for all the wonderful people on this site who take the time to comment on my photos and share all the amazing images they capture each day. It is like knowing there are a thousand open doors to peoples' hearts around the world.
January 19th, 2013
I'm very (very) new to this site, but I really love looking at the photos and reading the comments, I have been lucky and had a couple of comments on my photos too - in fact the first time my heart did a little flip, what a lovely feeling - personally I couldn't wait to say "thanks" and think I always will, it's just courtesy to others isn't it? This thread caught my eye while browsing (and learning what the site has to offer) and I'm now working my way through every one's photo's who has commented here and following you all too - how nice to find like minded people, especially ones with impeccable manners!!! Ju x
January 19th, 2013
I love the way you think and I feel the same. However, I would much rather take the time to comment on my friends' photos plus add a little extra to the comments than to thank each person for commenting on mine. It is way too time consuming to read all the notifications that are just saying "thanks." Your enthusiasm for this project is very positive and inspirational. Keep up the good work!
January 19th, 2013
I too am quite new to this site (19days old in fact) and so far have been quite overwhelemed that people have been curious enough to view my photos and kind enough to make comments. Even in the short time i have been on here ive picked up quite a lot of tips and advice, followed threads to external sites that i would never have found and even more so have been priviledged to view some amazing photos from beginners to the more advanced and seasoned pros out there. So thanks to all those who've commented so far and now off to have a nosey around some more albums x
January 19th, 2013
Well said... I have been privileged to meet one of my fellow 365-ers and my sister has met two... one who is from Beirut! I am always referring to my friends from 365 and some of my "real-life" friends think it is weird that I have friends I have never met... but those of us here on 365 know exactly what I mean!
January 19th, 2013
Well said! I'm a newbie mysel andf I try to thank everyone who leaves a commen, because I love the fact that someone took the time to take a look at my photos and give some comments and critique.
It's nice that everyone here is so helpfull, and all the amazing photos from other 365-ers inspire me to try and take better photos every day.
January 19th, 2013
I always thank those who comment on my pictures. It takes no time at all. When you have as little comments as I do, it's a piece of cake.
January 19th, 2013
Nice discussion here! Funny too - I was pondering the 'thank you' business this morning, considering asking how people felt - is it silly/time wasting to just thank someone for their comments? I do really appreciate when people take time to comment, and like to acknowledge that. I think I'm going to make the effort to say thanks... in fairness, I don't always get round to it!
Like you I really like the supportive community spirit here, it's a great place to have found myself. It's different to what I thought - thought I'd post a pic a day and that would be it! But I am getting far more out of 365 than that... thank you all for being such a friendly, supportive group! I feel like I have got so much out of it - and I've been here less than a month!
January 19th, 2013
@sharonaddison - if you arrange all the meet-ups to be at a synchronised time, you could possibly get a few laptops involved and skype the meet-ups from around the globe?
January 19th, 2013
@sharonaddison I agree with your blogg and I feel the same you have been able to put my feeling into words perfectly. I lov ethis site and get so much joy out of being here. I don't reply with a thank you on every comment but think its just good manners to say thank you for a comment or compliment, no different to recieving it in person.
January 19th, 2013
Very well said Sharon. I also stopped routinely thanking people after all the discussions about people not liking it, although I do thank people for favs and I answer all questions, and like you my views and comments have dropped so along with that and that a lot of the new people do a lot of thanking, I'm also going to start thanking again. You've got a new follower in me.
January 19th, 2013
@bobfoto good plan, it will mean though that one or two unlucky timezones will have to meet up either very late or very early !
January 19th, 2013
@bobfoto Mate you can come see me any old time....
January 20th, 2013
@sharonaddison - My insomnia means if I'm required at 3am then so beit. ;)

@agima - Gonna hold you to that, the next time I am in the nations capital.
January 20th, 2013
@bobfoto I would love to catch up at the Stateo and have a couple of cold ones.... Then maybe some more cold ones.......
January 20th, 2013
Well made post, I'm new here and up to now I have to say I really like the community that exists, I can see myself growing with this and my project
January 20th, 2013
I'm new too and absolutely loving it. Am overwhelmed by the quality of the work but sure that my skills are going to improve hugely through the project. Think it's an incredibly friendly place, but sooo addictive. My only concern is that may end up in the divorce courts as my husband is already sulking about being a '365 widower'! That's why I'm up on a Sunday morning indulging my guilty pleasure whilst hubby still snores!! Will need to try to regulate the time I dedicate to this, but just love looking at everyone's shots and reading the advice and chat in the discussions!!
January 20th, 2013
@gillg - you are not alone Gill.
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