One for the newbs - one month down

January 28th, 2013

I was reasonably new to photography a month ago and decided to start trying to improve with a 365 project. I joined, I think like a lot of people, on new years day. The first month’s nearly up so I thought it would be nice to hear what people are thinking of it so far.

My experience has been mostly positive. The first thing I noticed was that the community feel on here is great. As for the photography the inspiration is pretty much endless. It has only been a month and I already feel wrong when I’m not carrying my camera with me! Just hoping I start to improve.

The down side is that my wife is already getting annoyed that i keep trying to take her picture! She's got another 11 months of this!
January 28th, 2013
I started mid-year in June, so I didn't experience the flux of newbies as this month. I love to see all the new energy you guys bring. I feel for your wife, as I have annoyed my friends and family on facebook every single day with these posts. I find I put off some work details until I get my shot, read the daily posts, or as I am doing now, setting up for a challenge. Congrats, and welcome to 365. @gwhit123
January 28th, 2013
i love it George :) and like you TRY to take my camera everywhere. Just makes you look at everything so differently. I think children should be taught photography from an early age, just makes the world a more interesting place.
Enjoy George, hope the wife has perfected her pout face :)
January 28th, 2013
@mrsb1980 i know what you mean, now its all about how would i frame it, or what depth of field to use. sort of takes over!
January 28th, 2013
Its all of the above ^ for me! The learning curve is amazing for sure, the encouraging and extremely giving people here is beyond belief. The wonderful and amazing thing for me so far is that I have not even considered going fully auto anymore! It's manual all the way :) So thank you George for this post and thank you to all of my 365 friends!
January 28th, 2013
I'm one of the folks who started with the new year and have been getting a lot more thoughtful on photos. The idea of snapping photos with the thought of sharing them in the project makes me think not just about the photos I take daily, but the compliation that will ultimately result from the month at a glance or at the end of the year.

I've been taking notes weekly on my blog as I share the week's photos with readers. Some of the things I've shared so far include:

1. I love that I can share photos from a really good camera or my iPhone & people here look at it for the photo.
2. I’m already glad I put that “colorful adventures” label on mine as I think the discipline of doing this daily is enough for me.
Sometimes its clear what I should photograph but other times I seem to search for something that will work.
3. There are two very different tracks I’m on — 1) casual candid photos of great folks I get to see as I move around (may be taken on my iPhone or whatever I have in hand) and 2) trying to find things to present in a unique way (most likely shot with one of my Canon DSLRs).
4. Finding time to post the photos on the day taken isn’t that easy when I’m traveling on something that really keeps me busy. I’m just happy I’ve only gotten a day or two behind!
5. Photo editing is becoming a part of my project now because I've been seeing some really uniquely edited shots from others

You can see each of the 365 project posts at
January 28th, 2013
@gwhit123 - my husband got a bit fed up with me waving the camera in his face (likewise the kids) so I turned to the cat who seems to be far more tolerant:)) Wishing you all the best.
January 28th, 2013
My experience here since January 1 has been so positive. I feel like I'm seeing things differently - seeing things more. I try and always have my camera with me, and to take the opportunities I'm seeing. I'm trying to shoot more than just the kids, although I freely admit they are my favourite subjects... I'm understanding a lot more about my camera, which I'm starting to realise gives me more freedom to manipulate than I'd thought. I'm really enjoying the supportive community here, which is playing a big part in my learning curve!
January 28th, 2013
@gwhit123 My experience has been in general positive though I have tons to learn and get frustrated with my lack of ability. The project so far has opened my eyes to things I never really paid much attention to. As far as friends and family, their thoughts are probably best summarized by a comment someone made just yesterday, "Pam posts pictures of 'stuff' nothing really, just pictures of 'stuff." lol
January 28th, 2013
I too started my project on January 1st! The other 365ers are amazing!! I love getting positive comments on photos that I thought were just BLAH!! Since beginning my project, my camera bag rides "shot gun" in the car! Lol! I'm lost without it! I find myself just driving around town looking at things in a different perspective.
January 28th, 2013
I started the first week of January. This is THE most positive and encouraging forum I have run across. I love the inspiration, the themes and challenges, the helpful suggestions. Love that seasoned photographers are so willing to share with us newbies. I really think I have improved in a short time.
I have had a few days when I have not been able to take my camera - and was mad at myself for using fillers - but decided - heck - this is MY project - I can do what I like. LOL.
All good!
January 28th, 2013
My child is also tired of having me taking pictures of her. Even though I've only posted one of her so far, I take a lot of her. I just love this community and seeing everyone's great work.
January 28th, 2013
I have been loving it. I joined on the 2nd (didn't really realize the timing for so many joining being the new year until recently HA!) and it has been wonderful. I already feel like I *know* some people on here and could call them friends because of the community feel. I wasn't sure how long I would continue on this journey but I can say I am way more motivated than I would be had I not joined. It is awesome being able to find sooo much inspiration and awesome art here as well as receiving advice from some awesome artists :)
January 28th, 2013
I started at the beginning of the year and carry my camera with me all the time even when playing golf, though I did get accused of using it as a range finder yesterday, not even crossed my mind and the way I play it wouldn't really help.
I just love perusing other members photos and see so many ideas thatbI want to try there is not enough time in the day to get them done.
It is not that easy doing a photo each day because of work etc but I try and do use photos taken on the same day to cover the gaps and I think this is ok as it is really your project to complete.
All,I can say is keep going and enjoy.
January 28th, 2013
I, too, started on jan 1 this year since i got a 60d for my birthday. this project gives me a good reason to read up tons of materials and ideas on photography, as well as learning photoshop. In just under a month, i went from 'clicking-randomly-and-hope-for-the-best' to actually thinking what works and what i wanted from it. Improving. :)
January 28th, 2013
Like so many here, I too started at the beginning of the year. This is my first 365 project. I remembered a co-worker of mine mentioning this project and decided to try it out myself. I've been using a point-and-shoot for many years, but finally found the resources to invest in a Pentax K-x DSLR. Although I've slipped a couple of times, this project has motivated me to take my camera everywhere I go. You just never know when a photo opportunity will pop up. I am enjoying the community and appreciate all the comments. I keep myself inspired by perusing all your wonderful photos and hope that I too can improve.
January 28th, 2013
I am a newby here too and in the last month have gone from a 1000d to 60d and what a difference. It is wonderful seeing other folks photos and getting inspiration from them and also I have two lovely grandchildren who don't mind Nanny taking photos of them all the time lol.4
January 28th, 2013
I too am a Jan 1 newb and while I decided to take a pic a day I originally wasn't planning on posting them... was just doing it for me anyway. However, on Jan 1 with the beginning of the year decided to join the community here and actually post them and boy am I glad I did! The people here are Amazing! So inspiring and willing to teach and share. Such great images here and the posts and blogs... I too now take my camera everywhere, and when I get caught up with work and find myself rushing to get one in before the day ends I feel you are holding me accountable. Thank you all and I am so thrilled to join the community!! I am so excited to see the effect this has on my creativity and photography after a year...
January 28th, 2013
i love it!! I also started Jan 1 and discovered 365 on Pinterest!! Thanks to 365, i carry my camera EVERYWHERE, see everything in a different perspective and like many others, have started to annoy the main character of my project (my son!) haha... the community feeling is great, i love the positive feedback, its very encouraging! Here's to 1 month (almost) down, 11 more to go!!
January 28th, 2013
@steffguayante @divegrl @honeypuff @seafilam72 @kazlamont @jplovescotton @joluise @spankyjane @pamb @froggie0628 @jankoos @karenpics @mmartin @manuman @chanchiawei
I thought when i started this thread we would get very positive feedback! I decided to theme my project "FAMILY" as my wife is having another baby in the next few days. It is sometimes difficult to find the motivation/inspiration for a themed project but things like these discussions and themes/competitions always manage to keep it interesting!
January 28th, 2013
@gwhit123 My main project is my son and a few of myself and the hubs sprinkled in :D I use my other albums for challenges and extras. I'm going to follow you since our themes are similar. I find using the tags to search seems to help me a little but most of my shots are candid since my son is 9 months old :)
January 28th, 2013
@mmartin it does sound like we are doing similar projects. I too have extra folders to keep things interesting. I try to intersperse photos of kids with objects/things related to family, so i dont bore myself or others!
January 28th, 2013
First month and nothing but positive thoughts about taking on a 365. The community is great, the challenges are great and the inspiration is second to none.
January 28th, 2013
I've started the first of this month, with the idea that it would be nice to take a random picture every day. It was just for the memories, so I could look back over the year and see all little, beautiful things in my life. After a year I wanted to put everything together in an album as a personal gift for my boyfriend, something I worked on all year.
3 weeks in this project, after seeing all the beautiful captures on here, the simple thought from the beginning wasn't enough for me anymore, I wanted to do so much more! I got so inspired that I decided I wanted to share my boyfriends hobby and traded in my simple pocket camera for a great system camera. Now I want to learn about photography and my boyfriend is really excited to help me with that, and I have a new goal for this year.
January 28th, 2013
I'm really excited about having almost completed my first month. A friend of ours did our wedding photography for free last year, so we decided to use the money that we would have spent and buy a camera. My plan for doing this 365 project is to learn how to use it better. I decided that January would be used to just get used to taking a photograph each day, but that from February onwards I want to start stretching myself a bit.
I absolutely love the community on here, and have been so inpired by some of the incredible photographs that have been posted. I definitely have aspiration now as well as inspiration!!
Great thread, George :)
January 28th, 2013
@serpantmedia hi steve. Is that anthony gormley another place as your profile pic. Thats a few miles up the coast from me. I love it there
January 28th, 2013
@stevieinwonderland @mrswickie you're right the standard on here is so high it really pushes you to up your game. I now think about whats in the background as well as the foreground!
January 28th, 2013
Like most of you, I also started on the 1st. I've taken photos on and off for years but started to do more last year and updated my camera at Christmas. Being honest, my main reason for joining 365 was for encouragement to get out and about with my camera; the aim of developing my photographer's eye and technique were secondary goals.

Within the first week I really felt my senses being tuned and since then I've seldom been without a camera.

The 365 community is so warm, friendly and everyone is so helpful. My only problem is trying to manage my time! If I’m not out taking photos I’m editing, posting or simply browsing the site.
January 28th, 2013
@dave_rv time is a problem. I find this site slightly addicitve. So if not takibg photos im on here. Dont have time to learn to edit yet
January 28th, 2013
I have asked myself the question "is 365 actually helping me improve" Truthfully the answer has got to be YES and NO. The yes is it has made me look at my work quite critically. If you look at your Months view of photos you can quickly see patterns, I personally was taking all the same type of shots and have become aware that I need to mix it up. Get radical. The ability to track other people going through the same process is great and I have gained motivation from other peoples shots. BUT some days I am guilty of just getting a shot to post rather than finding ,shooting and editing a great photo.Going to keep on with the project though.
January 28th, 2013
@felix2013 i know what you mean about just getting the shot on some days, which i guess is not ideal. but you have to think on those days you would not have even picked your camera up at all before 365.

Trying to differ the types of shots i take is definitely something i am trying to do - but having given myself the theme for 365 finding it a bit difficult - any suggestions?
January 28th, 2013
@gwhit123 Can you elaborate on "but having given myself the theme for 365" Not sure I quite understand what you mean by that.
January 28th, 2013
@felix2013 i decided, probably stupidly, definitely naively, that i would assign a theme for the entire project. My wife is having another baby in the next week or so, so i thought a "family" themed project would be appropriate
January 28th, 2013
@gwhit123 I see, Mmmm I would accept that you are setting yourself a massive task there George. How about still continuing with that theme but allow yourself some freedom to mix it up and move out of that zone from time to time. I notice your an ACE member so you can create other albums. Have a family album but give yourself some freedom on your 365 It's hard enough for a shot every day but on one subject could be to much.
January 28th, 2013
@felix2013 im sort of doing that but the other way round. So using mt extra albums for other stuff like get pushed or other interesting shots, but keeping 365 as family. Have a look. Let me know how you think im doing
January 28th, 2013
@gwhit123 Ha ha I really like peepo , that's great and your other shots aint half bad at all. If you can keep the theme going you have got the makings of a great 365, best of luck on your project and the new family addition, I can see some 3am shots somewhere in the future :))
January 28th, 2013
Thanks for starting this thread. I, too, started on the 1st and have been amazed by the results so far. I have gotten much more comfortable bringing my camera with me and pulling it out to shoot whenever the mood strikes me. My heightened awareness and search for shots has yielded a few shots I'm rather proud of that I don't think I would have taken. I would love to get more involved in the community and would love some feedback. If anyone is interested, please follow me and I will definitely follow you back. I am definitely seeing the value that comments and feedback provide for continual motivation.

Also, have any of you tried the competitions or themes yet? I was thinking of trying some of the February words of the day. I figure it could be a good way to get the creative juices stirring on days when I am working and then heading straight home.
January 28th, 2013
@rstrum follow - tick.
I really like the fence. Great b+w.

Its a nice idea about favourite pic of the month. May well start a new thread.
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