Battery life -Nikon Li-ion

March 18th, 2014
I should probably know the answer to this - but i've not really taken too much notice!

I'm heading away for 5 days and have 2 x Nikon Li-ion batteries.

Will they last the distance - or should i take my charger? less charger = one extra pair of shoes... (kidding)
March 18th, 2014
It depends on how much you use your camera! Personally, I never feel comfortable without my charger, and I do have two batteries! One is the original Nikon battery that came with the camera, the other one is an aftermarket one that I purchased later. I noticed that one of them does not hold the charge as long, but I have not taken the time to determine which one. I use one while I keep the other one charged.
Nikon batteries are supposed to last pretty long, and they do, but if you decide to view your pictures after a day of shooting, then you will lose charge. And, I like to do that after a day's shooting in the hotel room, especially if I have not brought a computer to upload them (now, how many pairs of shoes is that laptop?!!).
In conclusion, I would always bring my charger. I have a second one that I purchased when I thought I had lost the original one, and I like bringing that with me. It does not have a long cord, but folds onto itself with retractable prongs. I think I might have gotten it from Overstock.
March 18th, 2014
I find camera batteries similar to the phone ones - after a while they do not hold the charge as well - take the charger - they are small and don't take up that much space hahahahah
March 18th, 2014
A single fully-charged Nikon battery for my D300 last several weeks of my typical use of carrying with me every week day and taking a few photos (sometimes quite a lot) as I go for a walk in my lunch break. I went to an airshow last year and took over 900 photos in a 4-hour span, using continuous shooting and continuous auto-focus and only had to change the battery for the last 100 or so and even then only to be sure I could capture something I really wanted to see. I never use flash and have the rear panel set to power off in the shortest possible time, I only use it for the histogram display (if at all).

You should be fine then. I'd still take the charger though ;-)
March 18th, 2014
I would opt to take the charger. If you do then you won't need it. If you don't, you will kick yourself when the batteries run out at the most crucial moment!
March 18th, 2014
@steampowered @smalbon @annied @panthora
thanks everyone.. yeah i would totally kick myself if they ran out!! In the pile of rubble to be packed.
March 18th, 2014
Take the charger otherwise you may regret it. I went away with the family to France a couple of years ago for a week and wanted to get a shot of the family we were staying with as my final shot before we left but the sodding battery ran out of power (I'd taken 2 with me and used them both up). The charger won't take up much space but it's there in case you need it.
March 18th, 2014
@psychographer thanks Lisa.. agreed! bummer about that last pic!
March 18th, 2014
5 days of photography is pushing your luck with only 2 batteries. I would take the charger!
March 18th, 2014
Take the charger.
March 18th, 2014
Definitely take the charger. I go through about 1.5 batteries a day when I'm on a trip, sometimes I'll exhaust both batteries. That's one thing I don't like about my current camera. It was much easier to replace AA batteries.
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