Do you really do a picture a day?

November 22nd, 2010
OK, so I know some people post fillers. I certainly have. Seems others push to get that one photo daily, even if it's not the one they hoped for.

What do you do and why?

I'm relatively new. I've posted fillers, but am going to try and not do that anymore. However, what bugs me is that most days M-Fr, I can't get out to shoot. I leave as the sun is rising get home after dark. I will stop for a fantastic sunrise, but also don't want to post nothing but.

Today I may drive through this one neighborhood on my way home just to see, but my daylight is already fading, plus I already have a 50 minute commute before going out of my way. I hate posting pictures that even I feel like are hopeless, which is all I sometimes get on days like this. I've tried pictures at my house, but the lighting is horrible, and I don't really have a set-up that is conducive to a good picture.

November 22nd, 2010
I take a photo every day, with the exception of the day I get film back from processing, then for a day or two I usually post a scan of some of the photos on film. I think I've only done this under 5 times, though. Also, when I shoot a racing event, usually for two days I post photos of that, because the last thing I feel like doing after editing for 12 hours is taking another photo and editing it.

I usually try to find stuff around the house to photograph in a pinch. It has worked out well, gotten some cool results.

To me, this project is more of a diary documenting my life every day vs. taking a masterpiece photo every day. It seems to me like a lot of people burnout when they feel they aren't taking "good" enough photos every day... but for me, I'm not here to impress anyone, this is just an easier way to document my life instead of writing a written diary.
November 22nd, 2010
I've managed one every day so far, although some shots have been taken after midnight but in my world it's still today until you go to sleep, so those count.

As far as why, well, because that was the whole point of the challenge, and I'm a huge nerd that likes a challenge :)

Although, at times, it's less challenge and more chore, but meh, as the late great Magnus Magnethead said, "I've started so I'll finish;"
November 22nd, 2010
I`m still a newbie here,joined on October 2nd,and I never used fillers,and I don`t intend to.
Sure,this website is motivating me to be better,and the more I learn,the less I am satisfied with my simple photos,but if I have no other choice/possibility,I rather upload a shot of my toe,then a filler.It`s not like your reputation goes down,if you "dissappoint" your fanbase.
November 22nd, 2010
I try to take a photo a day . . . I get outdoors on the weekends and try to take things around the house otherwise, sometimes I do use a weekend shot on Monday if I've saved, but regularly . . .
November 22nd, 2010
Every single day I take pictures. Somedays it is just one photo, other days it can be 200 and I just pick the best one.
The only day on my calendar that is not from the correct day is my 10th day. I was going to use this project and alternate, one week of photos then next week of photoshopped photos.
But I quickly nixed that idea and went with everyday a photo must be taken and uploaded no matter how terrible.
November 22nd, 2010
@eyebrows I'm with you Steve. I do this project properly! And yes, it still counts if it's after midnight. It's the sleep that separates the day for me.
November 22nd, 2010
I'll hold my hand up and say I've used fillers - a fair few times! I didn't want to originally, but I just find that life gets in the way or I just cannot find the will to take a pic.. I've changed a bit now as I do try tho to use leftover pics taken fairly recently that didnt make the day, rather than pics that are too old. That way it feels like am only cheating a little bit ;-)
But for me, thats not so important anyway. I like this project to look back after a year, and I dont do anything worthy of remembering every single day. I will enjoy remembering the rest tho.
November 22nd, 2010
I've used fillers sometimes and I've also left gaps. I'm now trying to make a concentrated effort to get a photo a day for the rest of the project. I know the frustrated feeling though, I have exactly the same. There's no time in the morning, then it's dark in the evening. I think I'm going to carry on into a second year though, but with the aim of taking and posting seven photos in a week, rather that one in a day.
November 22nd, 2010
I haven't been doing this long, but no fillers so far, and all on the day. I'm with@eyebrows et al opinions on this, I want to record the days, no matter how good or bad the photos are - I think that's part and parcel of the project for me. Some days are good, some days are bad :)
November 22nd, 2010
I like the idea of taking a picture a day but I have a 2 hour commute each way everyday so it's really difficult for me to squeeze in a photo break and sometimes I'm just too exhausted. I have on occasion taken a picture on my way home/work but that is difficult at times because it's already dark by the time I get off work. So I give myself a few hours every weekend (I try to at least) to get as many pictures as I can get. Sometimes I will see something during the day and will actually have something to post on that very day.
November 22nd, 2010
November 22nd, 2010
No. I take several photos when I go out and use those.
November 22nd, 2010
I shoot (no pun intended) for a photo a day and have probably achieved that 97% of the time :-)
November 22nd, 2010
I carry my camera with me nearly everywhere I go when I leave the house. There is always something to take a picture of...even if it's the nut display at the grocery store. I don't take people shots, so my colleagues and students don't mind the camera. For me, the camera makes me re-see what I look at every day, and, so far, I've had a picture from that day to post (even if I had to wait a few days to post it due to lack of Internet connectivity). I try to post my best picture of that day. Sometimes, I look back and think, "that wasn't the best shot; I should have posted the other one." But it's a learning experience not just in taking the photos, but also in deciding which one is the best. And I certainly don't judge the people with gaps or who photoshop or who post "fillers," What's the point? I look at their work and enjoy the diversity of vision. Sorry for such a long post! :)
November 22nd, 2010
I do a photo everyday - it doesn't matter if it ends up being not so good. My aim when I started and still is, is to end up with a journal of what went on in my year, to look back and enjoy seeing and remembering good times, bad times and everything in between. Only once have I used a photo not taken on that day (in my default album) but it was for a good reason and was relevant to what happened on that day.
November 22nd, 2010
I always take pictures, every single day, but I sometimes post fillers if none that day turned out well. :P
November 22nd, 2010
I wont lie, I post fillers sometimes. It's usually on a school night when I've had lots of homework, and I really just am not in the mood to pull out my camera. Also I've been in kind of a camera "depression" lets say, ever since I had to give my cousins DSLR back and had to go back to P&S.
November 22nd, 2010
I try to do a photo every day. On Sundays lately I have been posting for the Home_a_z challenge and I sometimes go back and use fillers for that. If I don't get a photo I try to use something from the day before or the day after so it is a journal shot.
November 23rd, 2010
I do a photo every day as much as I can. I use the odd filler when I have had an extremely bad day and am in no state to pick up the camera and find something to take a photo of. I've nearly done a whole year of 365 project, and there isn't more than a handful of fillers in there. Even on a busy day I'll take a quick snap of whatever is around, it usually ends up being boring and rubbish, but I guess that sums up the day I had. I'm annoyed when I end up using a filler, but it happens so rarely that I can forgive myself! If I've taken even 1 photo that day, however bad it is, it goes up.
November 23rd, 2010
I take photos every day and try to post one the same day, but sometimes life gets in the way and I get behind a day or two. If I go somewhere special I'll post one of those pics every day until I'm" back in the groove".
November 23rd, 2010
I do take photos every day, sometimes as many as 200. I tend to post what I feel like posting, however. It usually ends up being within the week I took them but some days I may want to post a photo I took a month ago (to represent how I'm feeling). You do what makes you happy in this Project--there are many ways to approach it!
November 23rd, 2010
I would love to do a photo a day but for now while there is a lot going on in my life i sometimes have to use fillers.
November 23rd, 2010
I've been tempted to use fillers but it felt like cheating. For me the challenge is taking my camera everywhere and getting something new every day, even if its not perfect.
November 23rd, 2010
I take photos everyday, but whether I upload a photo from what I took that day depends on whether I'm feeling a connection with what I took. Sometimes I wind up using a filler from photos a taken a few days before that I didn't upload because I didn't like them at that moment. I started out taking a picture every day and faithfully uploading it everyday whether I liked it or not, and just wasn't happy and felt stressed. And if there is one thing I've learned from my journey down the cancer highway is that there is no need to take any extra baggage in life if you don't have to. So I fill when I need or want to and continue to take pictures whenever I can. No one should stress themselves about this. Its just not worth it.
November 23rd, 2010
I work too many hours each week to take pictures EACH day. I would love to have the time but honestly I just don't. Most of my pictures are taken on the weekends when I have the time to go have fun with my best friend - my camera! I don't feel I absolutely have to have a new picture each day to have fun with 365. I just love being here and sharing!
November 23rd, 2010
I try to do one a day, but I do have health issues that sometimes keep me from getting to photography. It's also why I have so many "at-home" photos. Nobody says the pics have to be taken outside, right? So that's what I do on iffy days, unless I'm just entirely bedridden. Then it's filler time.
November 23rd, 2010
I have done a picture every day and I only have 39 days left!! :) some days I'm pretty tired and don't feel like taking a picture but I do anyway....I plan on continuing when the year is up too! :)
November 23rd, 2010
Thanks for the discussion!

I've decided I am going to try and be true to the "picture a day" theme, even if it means posting pictures I'm not crazy about. It'll require easing up on some of my OCDness, but that might be a good thing. :)
November 23rd, 2010
I try so very hard to.... and for the most part am able to... it is when I TRAVEL, which I do quite a lot that I lag behind.... so i end up taking loads of photos to fill in my missing days....
November 23rd, 2010
I really do :D most days I take more tha one picture and have a hard time deciding which one to upload here. Fortunately I have two other sites that I upload one picture a day to
November 23rd, 2010
So far I'm filler free. That's part of why I wanted to do this project though, was to force myself to shoot, even if it's not something I'm comfortable with. Sure, it means that some of my pics are not that great. But I kinda like that too.
November 23rd, 2010
So far (23 days into it) I take a picture a day. I like the challenge of it, even though my results vary so widely. I have noticed however, my camera doesn't always record the date the picture was taken correctly. I'll figure that out one of these days...
November 23rd, 2010
i do take a picture everyday, there is one blank spot in my calendar which i cant for the life of me find the photo i took for that day and the other blanks are on film waiting to be developed. there is one spot that i only took a video that day and havent uploaded it yet. Why...... because thats what i percieve 365 to be and well if i skip one, then i might as well put the camera away and skip a whole month or more.
November 23rd, 2010
Yep..everyday and proud to not have missed a day yet but I am only on like day 75 or 76 but I really wanted to see if I could do it, so far so good!! :) I like being able to look back at my pictures and remember where I was and how I was feeling that day! Some are better than others but some really represent a special event or time in my life that may have otherwise went forgotten.
November 23rd, 2010
I started out with the best intentions but I find myself getting a day or two behind. Then I might go somewhere more interesting than usual, so I take enough photos to let my project catch up. Right now, I'm three days behind and am thinking of giving up on the project entirely. I have zero imagination and I don't go enough interesting places for photographic opportunities to present themselves to me.
November 23rd, 2010
Day 522 and take a picture everyday about 95% of the time. When I do need to use a filler it is always from the few days before.
November 23rd, 2010
I try to take some photos everyday, but many times I'll do a series from one day. I've had weekends when I've taken over a thousand photos, and there is no way I can pick one and move on. I figure it's my project with my goals, so I try not to worry about a photo a day.
November 23rd, 2010
I take a photo a day - today will be no. 200 :)

I guess for me it just kinda defeats the purpose to post older photos. The idea (again, this is how I choose to approach it) isn't to just show off a seriies of pictures taken the same day. If I do have a good day with loads of pics - it's simple - I pick one :)

Although, like Steve, there have been times the picture was taken after midnight but it still counts if it's part of my day. I've only even done that a handful of times and I usually mention it in the caption.
November 23rd, 2010
I really want to take a picture a day and really try to but sometimes life gets in the way and I have to use the occasional filler but when I do it's always a photo taken that week. At the end of the year my 365 project will still be my year in photos despite the odd filler or two.
November 23rd, 2010
Rebecca, thank you for saying what i was feeling. Oh, I'm not good at shooting daily, I admit it. it's tough, but what i've gained from this project is monumental, it's been wonderful to be able to nurture my passion for photography daily, even if i'm unable to shoot/post daily, if that makes sense. I hope we can all support each other in this project for whatever it means to each of us individually, after all, we have a common bond. And, for those of you who can shoot and post daily, i have the utmost admiration for you:)
November 23rd, 2010
So far so good, I've taken one each day..but then I'm only up to 67! But I intend to take a photo every day. I've taken a couple with my phone but that's ok.
November 23rd, 2010
I try for a shot a day and some days I miss! I do have a back up file for those days. This is a jounal of my life and some days I do not seem to have one! I love taking shots around my house, inside and out, as these are the parts of the whole that makes up me. I always take my camera to work, unless it is raining, no sense us both getting soaked. There have been times when a file shot has been in sinc with a theme and I do not tag it as such as that would be cheating! I think bottom line, your project, your standards, your rules.
November 23rd, 2010
When I started doing this project I said to myself "I am going to make sure that I do a photo every day, no fillers" and so far I have been able to keep up with it even on the days where I don't want to do anything.

However, I can see a time when I don't have enough time to take a photo but I am going to try as hard as possible to push it back.
November 23rd, 2010
I had every intention of doing a photo a day for 365 but the day after I started I dropped my lens and broke my SLR and I didn't have the money to do anything about it. In order to maintain the habit, I kept 365 up by reviewing my existing collection of photos. However, that has proved so useful in learning about editing that I bought a battery charger for my point and shoot and upgraded to 'Ace' membership and started a new album of my daily photos. This is what they will be in the main, but I'm not a purist by nature. I'm a bit like @clarissajohal, in that I will upload more what reflects my mood. That said if a photo from the same day is impossible, for whatever reason, shots should be from within a few days. However, my 'texture' shot I'd done was seriously ugly yesterday and the frog was the most recent other textury shot.

I want to make make Pomegranite my default album - does anyone know how to do that?
November 23rd, 2010
i'm doing a photo taken every day, but i don't really consider myself a "photographer" and my reasons for doing the project are more as a photo-diary than as a photography project, so although i may post "bleh" pictures, for me it's keeping up the challenge. My camera even broke this month, so I did my best with it, took a couple with my webcam, & the 2 days missing I will fill with photos I took on a friend's camera while we were traveling.
November 23rd, 2010
In a perfect world I would stick to the one photo a day rule. Out of 107 photos so far I have one filler. Some days I love several shots, and will go so far as to retake the shot again the next day so I can post it true to the day. Insane but true. I am not as strict with my second album, most are true to the day but there are more fillers. I look at it as a learning experience and a wonderful daily journal. Sometimes what I journal is better than my photo, but I'm o.k. with that too.
November 23rd, 2010
Would be great , but unless your in retirement i don't see how you can take a picture every single day when holding down a full time job & dealing with everything else that life throws at you daily like bringing up a family looking after your home. Also the weather is a big factor in taking shots. At the moment in Northern England we have VERY dull days, some days it is hardly getting light & with a point & shoot camera something are just not easy to do...
So i take shots when i can, {& do manage to get a lot done daily ..} I usually take lots of photos at the weekend, when i have more time. So I do use fillers from the weekend that precedes the week we are in, (like this week for instance) if I don't manage to take a snap on any certain day .. This way I feel i can get my 365 done
November 23rd, 2010
I do a picture a day because is a challenge, and sometimes it really forces you to be creative, when you figure that you have like an hour left :D
I work and have a lot of others activities and I'm not trying to make pictures perfect, just to take sth. that represents that day, It's like I journal, and it is so cool when I look back and remember what I was thinking that day just looking an the picture...
I had so much fun! I've managed one every day so far, but I just started, so we'll see how long I'll keep up :)
sometimes I don't have time to upload it, but in my head I think that's no important as long is taken before 00:00 :D

November 23rd, 2010
I try to do a picture a day, but some days it turns out that a picture from the day before is more interesting/beautiful/in-the-theme...
For me it's a challenge to improve my photography skills and I'm not able to experiment as much as I want every day. As a result of that I post sometimes a picture of one or two days before, but I post a pic every day. I love this project and I'm learning myself now to take pictures with my own settings, not auto.
November 23rd, 2010
I carry my camera around with me everywhere, so it is a part of my life instead of a "special project" that requires special handling. I keep a lookout for a photo opportunity everywhere I go. I've taken pictures in doctor's offices, grocery stores, at the library, on my way in or out of anywhere. Great pictures are everywhere.

I try to take photos so i can post one for every single day. There are some days, where I simply miss taking a picture, and instead of leaving a space empty, I will post one that was taken just a little bit earlier. I do try to not go back too far in time, just so it is easier to see my progress (or lack thereof) as a photographer.

I think if I make the rules too restrictive for myself, I will get too frustrated and give up. The project is supposed to be fun, and I will continue to do it as long as it is enjoyable. Sure, I will push through some days when I'm not in the mood, but only because I know that it will be fun again in the future.
November 23rd, 2010
@miranda Ditto!
November 23rd, 2010
I would say 99% of mine are every day. I've used the odd filler, but only from the day before for example. And I too use the rule that if you're still awake after 12pm it still counts as that day. Simples.
November 23rd, 2010
Also this thread was done ages ago and caused a massive stir ! (not that you were to know that) But I think most people realise their project has their own rules.
November 23rd, 2010
First of all, thanks for this forum, Jennifer! I've been interested in how other people manage their project since I started.

I just passed the 100 day mark, and am proud to say I've posted a picture every day (my next "day" starts the moment I post today's pic) with only 3 or 4 being archive photos.

The weekly themes always manage to inspire something in me. I have no social life to speak of, so I've got plenty of time for this new hobby of mine :)
November 23rd, 2010
I'm usually pretty good but this weekend I was helping out at an event and my camera stayed in Ops most of the time. I have like two photos from the whole weekend, failtastic! I'm not that shy about posting filler pics upon occasion, and I just point out that it's so. At the end of the day, I was having a good time and being useful, so lackage of pictures doesn't matter so much. I get more annoyed with myself when I haven't posted because I've been ill or whatever, because then I'm lolling around the house and really have no excuse!

For those folks wanting to take pics indoors and finding the lighting's a bit phooey, you're best off investing in a tripod :)
November 23rd, 2010
I try to take a brand new photo every day... even if it's only with my phone or a basic camera. There is the occasional day though when I choose an older photo off one of my many hard drives and choose a photo that has been sitting, unprocessed, to give some much needed life to in photoshop. I enjoy the challenge of a new photo each day but also want to find time to get stuck into photos taken during a time when I wasn't as motiviated.
November 23rd, 2010
I tried to originally take a photo a day, but there came a point where my choices stood between posting an older photo that means something to me and that I want to share, and taking an uncreative snapshot just to post "something". I then chose to go down the route of using old but meaningful photos.

Furthermore, this time of year is quite dark in my corner of the world, so if I'm not home all day, it will normally be far too dark to photograph anything outdoors, and there's only so many interesting things I can get photos of indoors... Light is very poor in my little apartment as well. At this time it's borderline to be able to photograph outdoors around 3 pm, and definitely too late to try past 4 pm as it's fully black by then.
November 23rd, 2010
Fo shizzle...I've always wanted to say that.
November 23rd, 2010
I wish I could but because I'm studying full time, it's a bit difficult finding the time to produce something of a good standard every day. And my 365 isn't about posting something to remember each day, but rather to force me to take photos MOST days but - more importantly - to challenge myself and my photography.
November 23rd, 2010
I make sure that I take a photo every day for this project ... it doesn't matter if it's not some perfect shot as that, for me, isn't the purpose of being here. It's about sharing day to day life. Even if I've forgotten to take anything during the day I'll make sure I find something around my flat at night!
November 24th, 2010
I mostly take a photo a day, but I'm not going to let it stress me if I don't get to. But it's been fun trying to find something to capture every day and that pushes me to try lots more photography then I would otherwise.
November 24th, 2010
I shoot daily. If by chance I don't get a chance to shoot, I will choose an image from my archives of something that represents my feelings and do some sort of editing/post processing to improve my photographic / artistic skills.
November 24th, 2010
I take a photo everyday some may be good and some may not be but thats ok. I started this as a fun project to improve and just have fun with. I'm almost half way through and haven't used a filler and don't plan to.
November 24th, 2010
I post fillers usually when I'm away. Either because I have more than one shot from one day that I like, I didn't shoot one day or didn't take any good photos that day. I try my best to stick to a photo a day though.
November 24th, 2010
I shoot photos daily, too, but hardly ever get to upload them daily. I end up posting two or three at a time, to the appropriate days on my calendar of course.

@The Steve and Vikdaddy - I agree that it's still today until you go to sleep! ;-)
November 24th, 2010
@hmgphotos I try to take a photo a day. But I move around a lot so sometimes have to post ahead, because I don't want to miss a day, or when i know I don't have access to my computer. I enjoy 365 so much.
November 24th, 2010
I post photos that interest and have meaning to me. I rarely post on the same day.
November 24th, 2010
I am on day 81 of my project and so far I have taken a picture every single day. It's been my goal and a challenge to not use fillers. Often if I either forget to bring my camera out with me, or am stuck at home with no where to go (as a stay-at-home mom that is often the case), I try to find something around the house to get a picture of. I find this has actually helped my photography improve. It makes you look at simple, mundane everyday objects and try to find the right angle and lighting to make that object interesting. Maybe add a filter or a touch of post processing to bring out more emphasis. Some days I wouldn't get around to touching my camera until it was time to go to bed, but I would stay up just to get the shot I want. Since there's not a lot of lighting at night I would resort to a flashlight and do what I call "flashlight photography" or I would get a shot of the light coming off our Wii Charging Station through a star filter. If I can't find something to take a picture of, I will make it, and I won't go to bed until I have a picture to show for the day. I try to post a picture every day, but if I just don't have the time, I will wait til morning. As long as I took a picture that day, that's all that matters.
November 24th, 2010
I take and post a photograph every day.... sometimes not great quality.... but my personal challenge is to do it every day.
November 24th, 2010
it has been a challenge to take a photo everyday and life on the road dependant on a borrowed or public computer access makes posting everyday all but impossible.
November 24th, 2010
(oopsss..did not post full comment..will try again) <

sometimes a photo becomes more relevant on a different day than when I originally took it, for example my school bell photo.
November 24th, 2010
not to clogg things up...this computer isn't posting my full comment. sorry
November 24th, 2010
I take a picture every day and post it. I have used fillers a total of three times (because I was sick and really dissatisfied with the result of my labour), but have always posted a link to the proper picture of that day in the caption. So I still feel as if I've not cheated. LOL! It is really hard some days. Like you, I work and leave the house in the morning, when it is still dark and get home, when it is dark again. I have noticed a huge drop in the quality of my pictures since winter started and it really bothers me, but then again, it wouldn't be the "proper" 365 project for me, since when I started this thing, I wanted to take a picture a day from start to finish. :)
November 24th, 2010
very nearly! It's really close to every day. I fall behind sometimes in getting them uploaded. I'm NEVER without one of my two cameras. You just never know what kind of opportunity will present itself.
November 25th, 2010
In the beginning I tried as hard as I could to take a picture for each day. But every now and again i would use a backup or filler picture. I've also posted really bad pictures that i was pretty ashamed of. But recently.... i just did a hugee cheat in my project and now im trying to redeem myself:P
December 3rd, 2010
I don't use fillers. I take a picture a day...even if it's just a last minute junk photo. My thought on the project was to actually take a photo a day. So that's what I do. And I take pictures of lots of stuff and sometimes interesting ones pop up that were not planned for so I surprise myself at the end of the day when I post. Sometimes I don't get to post til the next day because by the time I get my pic for the day it's near bedtime, but I get it before midnight. You never know what you will capture so take your camera EVERYWHERE and yes, that includes inside the supermarket. I got a great pumpkin shot in October.
December 3rd, 2010
@kcphotography That's awesome. I think it's a lot harder to commit to every day pic taking even when you aren't up for it and can't find inspiration. Kudos. I have noticed a lot of others use fillers a lot of the time. I am on day 185 and have yet to use a filler. And I vow that I never will. Even if I have to take a pic of my ugly big toe at the last minute.
January 29th, 2011
I can't upload my pictures for some reason it's beginning to get on my nerves I'm thinking of giving up altogether !
January 29th, 2011
i do take a photo everyday , but im a stay at home mum and can usually find time to fit it in without too much trouble :)
January 30th, 2011
I guess I post fillers. Usually I take at least one shot a day, but I still have some that I'm proud of from the day before so I try my best to post chronologically, even if that means I use multiple photos from one day. It really depends on how busy my day is, and when school starts back tomorrow it's just going to get more difficult.
January 30th, 2011
I try to to get one everyday, but sometimes I get on a roll especially themes then I will post a couple at a time. When I don't have creativity I post fillers or if I get good photos but I can't upload the right away then I save themn for when I can.
January 10th, 2012
I have post three photos so far and I have some that I might use as fillers. Reading above posts make me realize its a daily thing. There will be days that I will not touch my camera (once a week...shabbat) and then the holidays where I will use fillers, and won't beable to use my camera. Hope that will be OK. Guess we make our own rules...
January 10th, 2012
I'm attempting to post a photo a day - though it is so tempting to post a filler sometimes.
January 12th, 2012
I hope Im not to late for this disscussion because this is my biggest Question since i started my photo a day project...I am so tempted to post fillers as i love more then one shot that i have taken in a day and i want to share ..I am one of thoses who has difficulties in making decisions..I love feedback...comments ..ect,,,and when i dont get a comment i feel like ..maybe i should have posted one of the others...hmmmm im getting a little frustrated and I dont want to be...I am really enjoying all of the information on this site and how nice everyone is....can someone tell me if its ok or not to post a pic that is not taken on the same day and not be breaking any rules...or am i just being to hard on myself???
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