Do you notice the world around you more?

November 30th, 2010
I’m interested to know if, since starting their 365 project, anyone has found themselves becoming more observant and noticing the world around them more so than they did before the project? I think I have, and I think it’s improved my ability to ‘see’ a photo within ordinary every day situations. I have also noticed I keep on being drawn to trees throughout the seasons, has anyone else recognised any similar themes throughout their work? Thanks!
November 30th, 2010
I sure do! In fact, it's dangerous when you're driving...
November 30th, 2010
Absolutely! Its like you read my mind. I found my self loving the sky even more and paying so much attention to it. =)
November 30th, 2010
Most definitely, I just started and every day looking at things and making mental notes of things I don't shoot because the light is wrong and planning on revisiting those. I would say before this project most of my photos were of the macro variety...and I seem to be seeing the broader picture lately....not sure why that is. Looking at everything a little differently, experimenting more, successful less but learning along the way. Its harder than it seems, but so much fun and so good for the creative side. I seem more fascinated with light even though that is not what I've posted and I am sure I am going somewhere with that.
November 30th, 2010
Yes,"365" made me notice my sorroundings better.I was shocked at first. It was scary to clearly be able to hear the fart of a hummingbird, to see through walls and warm up my glass of milk with mind-control. But now,I`m only having trouble with levitation,landings are allways painful! ...
So yeah,you`re not the only one with superpowers,from signing up to this website!

.....but on a more serious note...yes,since I joined,and especially since I got my DSLR (as a result of joining),I often (most of the time) look at things in a slightly different perspective,and often get annoyed,that I dont have my camera with me.It`s like a third eye,an extension ...of me.
November 30th, 2010
For sure, photo-ops are everywhere!
December 1st, 2010
Yep for sure... and I echo Vik... especially bad when driving...
December 1st, 2010
Definitely! I find myself "framing" a photo when I look at things. And dreaming of photos to take...and becoming freakishly overly-protective of my camera....
December 1st, 2010
absolutely! this project has literally changed my life and given me an entirely new perspective. can't ask for much more than that!
December 1st, 2010
Of course! Sometimes during class I go nuts when I see something really pretty outside and I can't photograph it!
December 1st, 2010
@spaceman "It was scary to clearly be able to hear the fart of a hummingbird..." That KILLED me!!! LOL

And to answer, yes. Without a doubt. In fact, I think I am a better photographer overall since I started 365. I think that is just a side effect of getting out and taking pictures everyday. I cannot deal with not having a camera on me now. If I don't have my Nikon, I always have my iPhone.
December 1st, 2010
I most definitely do, and I am very happy about it. This is the exact reason I started doing this project, to better see the world around me, and I feel like I have succeeded.
December 1st, 2010
Yes, I agree! I am becoming a terrible driver and that seems to be when I see my best shots! Those seem to be the ones I can't forget i.e. the ones that got away.....
December 1st, 2010
I for sure look at the world in a whole new way
December 1st, 2010
For sure! I've always loved taking pictures, but this site has helped me learn and improve very much. And I just love the 365 community. Everyone is so nice and friendly, it makes taking pictures and sharing so much fun!
December 1st, 2010
Oh my goodness! I have said the same thing the to two different people the last two days. It's amazing. I've always been aware of sunsets and sunrises, and have always been the one "looking" for a photo, but now that feeling has multiplied.

I've joked that I need Adderall (ADHD meds) just to get from work to home, as lately my 45 minute commute has been more like 2 hours or more. "Look SHINY!"
December 1st, 2010
Yes I do! And I am much less impatient getting from place to place because I have plenty to look at. That's been one of the biggest benefits of this project.
December 1st, 2010
@moonpig Me too. I am not stressed at all when I get home, even though I spend more time in the car.
December 1st, 2010
Absolutely!!! I just wrote about the difference 365 has made in my it is cut and pasted...

I'm 30 some days into my project and am *loving* what it has taught me...that is, to focus on and treasure each moment as it comes and to take a moment to let it sink in. I have realized that I can't "come back" to any single moment whether it be a sunset, the way a leaf looks in that particular light, or whatever, because when I do, it's either gone or not quite the same.

This is a new way of being for me as I always used to rush around taking care of my responsibilities for the day without really noticing anything around me. Unless, of course, it was an outing particularly intended for communing, which was not as frequent as I would have liked. Now, if I see something eye catching I will run for my camera, pull over the car or back up...whatever I need to do to record that moment in time within my being.

Here, it had just started to rain and I had just looked over the fence into the Byram River. As soon as the swans saw me, they started looking expectantly for some treat. It only lasted a moment as they realized that nothing was forthcoming and they continued bobbing for their lunch. For me, however, it was the moment when this realization hit me. Like a ton of bricks!
December 1st, 2010
For sure!
December 1st, 2010
I certainly do. I'm constantly on the look out for photo opportunities and see things around me which, previously, I wouldn't even have noticed.
December 1st, 2010
100% YES! :)
December 1st, 2010
@vikdaddy "dangerous when driving"...agree with you there! :)
December 1st, 2010
Absolutely! But I've always loved the photogenic-ness of the every day! Very frustrating when i don't have my camera!
December 1st, 2010
I'm constantly staring at fences.... up really close...... it's very odd!
@jjsooner - you gave me a good giggle, thinking of your extended commute just to get home!! :)
December 1st, 2010
this has changed my life...I can't wait to wake up in the AM. I love it. Even when I watch movies i see them so differently now. I had never really picked up a camera before this and thanks to my friend Stephanie (who told me about 365)..I can't put it down.....
December 1st, 2010
completely agree, I really have learnt to appreciate my surroundings, and like other comments to this thread I see an opportunity to capture something from ordinary daily things
December 1st, 2010
I've always taken pictures, but everything became so much more 'picture-esque' once digital cameras came along. it gives so much more freedom to play around, make a mistake, etc., without it coming out of your pocket (film, developing). Now EVERYTHING I see is a potential picture. It's like having your sight restored after years of being blind! (LOL!) I make sure my camera is in my purse before I make sure my wallet is in my purse! Good discussion, :-)
December 1st, 2010
oh yes! it's like i have a permanent viewfinder in front of my eyes. i frame up everything and think what kind of picture this or that would make. it's how i get through boring meetings too...
December 1st, 2010
Yes!!! I thought it was just me! I've taken pictures while driving, daydream during meetings about what picture I should take next, looking at the sky and trees instead of the road, etc, etc...My purse weighs a ton since I've been taking my camera with me everywhere...
December 1st, 2010
Yes, I've been enjoying seeing the world as if a lens is in front of my eyes all the time! I notice far more detail than before ... it's lovely!
December 1st, 2010
YES- in short, it has changed my entire outlook. No exagerration- I honestly think it has made me a more optimistic person. In fact, I've been in a huge slump. Thank you for the discussion thread and for reminding me what I love about this project!!
December 1st, 2010
@robinwarner I too REALLY notice a difference when watching movies. I have definitely appreciated the art of movie scenes sooooo much more.
December 1st, 2010
I find that i'm paying more attention to the things that i pass every day... like on the way to work and noticing buildings that I wouldnt before. Plaques, statues etc
December 1st, 2010
Same here! I'm noticing much more, down to the details of flowers, and the way shadows and light add to the beauty of everything. I'm even going to admit to dreaming about photography, waking and becoming aware that I'd been thinking "This would make a great photo!"....LOL. Yes, 365 Project is awesome, and I love being here...enjoying, sharing, and learning!
December 2nd, 2010
Cool, it's not just me! @Carly Jean I used to think 'That would make a good photo' but now I actually take a photo of it! The 365 is quite a creative outlet I think. @Smilyn Pleasure, I know what you mean about movies, you really gain an appreciation of the art of cinematography for example I think Road to Perdition is beautify shot. It's so interesting that it's livened up people's commute and made terrible drivers of a few!!! It's marvellous you can fit in 365 on the way to doing something else. I used to think I had to really go out with the specific intent to take a picture but I have realised that sometimes you can simply take one 'on the hoof'. @Becca Martin I know what you mean about seeing the wider picture I started off zooming in on everything to fill the frame then started to see the relationships between people and their environment more when I started to shoot wider. @Weng I know what you mean about buildings it's funny to walk along a street sometimes and instead of looking at the shop facades look at the floors above them and you see all the different architectural styles that are now hidden at ground level. @Martin Turon...brilliant!! @Hilliary Abore you would probably love The Cloud Appreciation Society I heard Charlie Waite a landscape photographer talk about them once. @Renata I love Henri Cartier-Bresson fleeting reality quote "To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy"
December 2nd, 2010
Yes! I'm not a very good driver anymore as I am so easily distracted with the scenery.
December 2nd, 2010
This morning, I realized about 10 minutes from my house that I'd not only forgotten to use my curling iron, but I also forgot to turn it off. I took a detour, and instead of turning around and going back the exact way, I went a mile east and back. I normally would have been annoyed at making myself late for work. Instead, I stopped and took some pictures. And I just loved seeing the golden early morning sunlight on the pastures, fields, and trees.
December 2nd, 2010
@Jennifer B. I wouldn't tell your boss that! :0)
December 3rd, 2010
I have been definitely been looking at the world differently since starting this project.
December 3rd, 2010
Oh for SURE! I've been late to work due to detours looking for the perfect view westward to catch the Adirondacks across Lake Champlain before the early light is gone. My driving, too, has suffered. I am paying way more attention to shadows now. The clouds catch my attention a lot. I even snapped a photo before getting out of bed one morning as the morning light filtered in through the skylight. My husband has only once, in 3 months said, "OK, *now* the lens in my face is getting a bit much" (he's a favorite subject). Reflections are positively distracting. Loving this new awareness and having an excuse to slow down and pay attention more.
December 3rd, 2010
Absolutely! I feel like I look at random stuff, espcailly in nature, and think, "That would be an excellent photo!"
December 3rd, 2010
I feel like that when I'm driving most of all. I find things that are pretty and I promise myself that I will come back to take that picture, or I'll just stop and be late!! I most especially like to stop and watch sunrise and sunsets more. :) I also have gotten over some of my shyness about whipping my camera out in public. :)
December 6th, 2010
Ah ha! A reason for my tree obsession has been found on the BBC website!
December 7th, 2010
I cock my head to the left, right and even do hand stands sometimes to get the 'angle'
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