Home Studio Setup?

February 18th, 2010
Hi All,

As I progress through my 365 project I can see that I'm probably going to want to do some "studio" type photography. e.g. high speed photography, macro, still life.

I was just wondering who here has a home studio, what is your setup, how much room does it take up and what do you think are the essential components for a home studio? The key here would be relatively inexpensive and not too big.

Thanks in advance!

February 18th, 2010
Hello Lisa,
I do use lighting when I need to, but would not consider it a "home studio".

I follow the "strobist" approach to lighting, as it is inexpensive, but more importantly very portable.

withought standard strobes (about $85), my kit cost me around $200.

More info at: http://www.strobist.blogspot.com/
February 18th, 2010
Thanks Kevin. I'll have to read the Lighting 101 later (when I'm not supposed to be working) but looks like some great info.
February 18th, 2010
You took the words right out of my mouth Lisa. I'm itching to set up a little studio at home to play around with too. I too don't want to spend a fortune. Thanks Kevin, I took a peek at 'strobist' - great info. I'm going to go thru the whole tutorial in detail! Love the first video - that really explains a simple set-up so clearly.
February 18th, 2010
I picked up an inexpensive 3 160 WPS strobe light kit with umbrella diffusers and wireless trigger for $250. While it is "plasticky", it works great. It is a good investment to learn with. Made by RPS lighting. Soft boxes are next!
February 18th, 2010
i don't use a home studio.. mainly cause I am not a huge fan of unnatural lighting.. I like the challenge of using natural lighting to my benefit.. and sometimes it really just doesn't work.. sometimes it works amazingly though.

I am prob going to make one of the light boxes that Sarah Posted on here earlier last week.. and as always I recommend a soft box.. They are great for that natural soft light when additional lighting is necessary. Also.. never underestimate lighting experiments.. I did some night time photos during our snow this past weekend and was out there with a flashlight as my additional light source.. created some neat effects.. Have fun with it :)
February 18th, 2010
I just have 2 flashes and a 36x36" black felt piece that I hung on the wall and drape onto my work bench in the garage.

I don't have this but I know some that do and its the cheapest, most complete, compact and flexible solution I have found..... It has a light box, two lights (not flashes) and different color back grounds all inside a nice compact bag to store for about $80
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