Troops needed urgently!

December 18th, 2010
On Monday a small suburb (Brighwaters) on the edge of Lake Macquarie, NSW Australia (google it - it's heaven for all you in the NH) became under attack.

A small reprieve on Tuesday but by Wednesday the green forces were called in.

Alas they too were defeated. And so the critters rejoiced with spinning fire on Thursday night in celebration of their victory not aware of a counter attack to be carried out by the first class paratroopers early Friday morning.

But news late Friday was they too fell into difficult territory and again the critters celebrated and made their way into the main premises.

Awaiting news of how the household is.. no news to date and although no news is good news no news in times of war can also mean communication lines are down or ... worse....

Thankfully Nikki in the US has the bravery to support the Aussie troops.

Is there anyone else to assist and send support?

If so put your pic up here and tag it 'crazy arse australians' 'army' 'carlita' 'critters' or 'tomorrow when the war [began] will finish' ...

Awaiting news - will post when it comes through.
December 18th, 2010

Waiting orders...

The US Air force is waiting Orders from General Carlita, We have it under advisement that the Australian troops are under attack. As the Australian forces have always supported the US we will now return the favour.
We heard that a squadron of paratroopers were over taken and destroyed today.
Latest reports is that Santa is also under attack. That will not do..
General Carlita sir, just give us the word and we will be there to aid you...
December 18th, 2010
That is soo funny must ask the UK troops for help for you
December 18th, 2010

Joe will (eventually) be there to help in any way he can when his coffee break is over.
December 18th, 2010
@jeremy480 With thanks J - news coming in critters in other locations and a new wave arriving Sunday morning. send [stop] Joe [stop] asap [over] (insert sounds)
December 19th, 2010

Intergalactic War Room.

The Intergalactic War room was awash with generals from all over universe .. Could they put aside their differences for the good of every species out there?
General Carlita was yet to arrive and Barry ( the red bug in the foreground) needed to establish control over this motley group of space roughs..
December 19th, 2010
@jeremy480 , good one!!! lol
December 19th, 2010
Late Special Edition - December 18, 2010

December 19th, 2010
@misschuff , Things are heating up,, I dont know if we will service this..
December 19th, 2010
I'm calling in the Special Forces from Virginia:

December 19th, 2010
@allie912 Thank you Allison - your Special Forces are a welcome to our ailing forces.
December 19th, 2010
Attention General Carlita -

I regret to inform you all Groovy Beach troops are unavailable at this time. (Surf's seriously up, dude, and there was simply no calling them in.) However, we do have at the ready a fleet of smokin' hot (wheels) to mobilize of your units at warp speeds. I am trusting this will be of assistance to you in your efforts in this epic war of worlds.

Ever yours in battle,

Commander Jenn

December 19th, 2010
@aikiuser Thank you Commander Jenn. This is a mammoth effort and we appreciate all the assistance you and the troops under your control have given.

@allie912 @nikkers @jeremy480 Alas the war has been stepped up a notch today (Sunday) with news just to hand of the zombie critters having their first humanoid 'catch'. A sad sad day. It appears that they are only after the young.

More news when it comes to hand.
December 19th, 2010
A sad day in the battle of the zombie critters but the nation hold hope for a brighter tomorrow (Dec 20) with a celebration of the young. It is rumoured the zombie critters have no defence for the innocent despite their 'victory' late today.

Viva le/la children ....

December 20th, 2010
NH has heard the call. They have been invaded but are gathering troops to fight the critters. People are in a panic and young people are being kept off the streets, except the teens who refuse to stay home, they are in danger, as is anyone who gets between a critter and its prey. Usual weaponry is no deterrent. Spiderman has been able to slow them down. Will report in again soon.

December 20th, 2010
@justkariherself oh many many thanks for your support and the sending of troops and special forces. glad to say the imagination of many has enabled a major reprieve .....
December 20th, 2010
With thanks for all the assistance, interest and support.

Some are heros, some are legends in their own lunchtime, some are ... General Carlita!

December 21st, 2010

Backup on its Way:
Fear not O Citizens in the Great City of the South! We bear you tidings of great Joy. My brothers and I are speeding towards you in our supersonic dodgem cars to rescue you from the plague of critters.We bring with us the mighty weapons of Peace, Joy and Goodwill to all zombie critters. And if that doesn't work, our giant candy canes pack a powerful punch. We aim to have the job done and dusted inside four days as we have a prior booking for the evening of the 24th.
December 21st, 2010
@cmt2812 @justkariherself @aikiuser @allie912 @nikkers @ukers @jeremy480

The war is over ... for the moment/season/year ...

National and international supporters stay vigilant to these critters and may your silly season be free from angst, conflict and full of love, happiness, good cheer that will give you strength throughout 2011.


General (with thanks to Nikki for the promotion) Carlita!
December 21st, 2010
Freakin' BRILLIANT ! ! ! Oz is saved
December 21st, 2010
@misschuff Somebody had switched Joe's coffee with decaf, so I'm sorry to say he couldn't get out of his cup to help. It seems everything was under control, though. Whew.
December 21st, 2010
Fantabulous!!!!!!!!! er,, that's wonderful new General.. I shall stand my men down.
We will await further orders from you, and be at the ready, if these critters make a come back...:)
December 21st, 2010
The Inch High Army Rapid Response Unit are on still on high alert in case of a repeat swarm.

Under the watchful command back at HQ of General Spudtrooper - who remains vigiliant in these dangerous times

December 21st, 2010
I have sensed a great disturbance in the Force. We cannot allow the mythological Lord Claus to be harmed in any way - the fate of the Empire may rest upon his shoulders. I will send my TIE fighters in at once, starting with the 181st. This pitiful rebellion must be crushed immediately.

I have summoned some ground troops and artilliary also. I trust they will be put to good use.

Do not underestimate the power of the Force!

December 21st, 2010
@hednod The General salutes you - cheers and thanks for all the fish.
December 21st, 2010
@jinximages just brilliant Captain Jinx - the critters knew your troops and forces were in the wings and just knowing this has scattered them more quickly than anticipated. The resident Transformers, Trekkies and other 'star' troops and forces battled to the end ... for now
December 21st, 2010
A handfull of romanian astronauts heard the ozzie distress call,while on their way back from Uranus,and landed in the land down under!
But,being nerds,they have no skills in modern warfare against these ruthless critters,but they shall provide medical care for the wounded and technical support.
December 21st, 2010
@spaceman you sir are brilliant and an so glad Uranus was able to spare your men and their experience and knowledge. They have been working overtime on General Carlita and suggest a trip to Thailand to return the General to a previous more healthy state.

The Romanian Astronauts were fully distressed at the loss of the Aussie lego fighters and believe they require highly sophisticated body work ... and may also need overseas treatment.

Second Major General Nikki (@nikkers) will be able to give further directions for the injured or wounded until a miracle in Thailand or Malaysia is found for GC.
December 21st, 2010
this. is. hilarious.
December 21st, 2010
Romania also has military trained spermwhales and some brave seamen,for nautical battle,but they will only arrive next week,because of the long distance.
December 22nd, 2010
A little birdie told me that a fat man in a red suit may be delivering a young troop of legogetters to stand at the ready. They are buried deep in his sleigh and in route. More news as the troops arrive!
December 22nd, 2010
@autumnseden may thanks for the offer of support - always welcome from an old world ally
December 22nd, 2010

The critters shall 'LEGO' of the troops when we get deployed. But they might have to wait. Our men are confused because they can't seem to find their knees.
December 22nd, 2010
@nellycious your assistance is appreciated .. GC is still MIA or should that be MIR (re-embodiment) your troops will experience warm temperatures, a lovely northeast breeze in the afternoon blowing off the ocean and much festive food (
December 22nd, 2010
lock the doors and they come in the windows!! we're doing all we can here in coastal south america...
December 22nd, 2010
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!!! (late, as always)
December 22nd, 2010
@sassykat awww Buzz you are NEVER late and ALWAYS welcome. I have it from good sources that he and Jessie and Pig and Woody are special toys GC had in her war room. They helped determine the moves and hear they are planning an assault on the reigning young ones to bring the anarchy to a halt and try to restore law and order ....

December 22nd, 2010
@nikkers @ukers @jeremy480 @allie912 @aikiuser @justkariherself @cmt2812 @hednod @jinximages @spaceman @autumnseden @nellycious @sassykat


Corporal Christina Curell ( @ccenecua ) in Ecuador has sent a wire that they are bing invaded and at the moment Shrek is standing fast at the window.

Stay strong Shrek, I shall amass some festive fire power and forward it to you.
December 22nd, 2010
In case there are any surprise attacks or clean up needs, these clones will be on their way....right after they get through disco dancing on their awesome reflective stage.

December 26th, 2010
Boxing Day we had a minor conflict .... but Buzz came to the rescue. Three cheers for Buzz Lightyear.

Hip hip horray, Hip hip horray, Hip hip horray!

December 28th, 2010
December 28th, 2010
I love this thread!! :)
December 28th, 2010
Air Strike

May the sun always be behind you, the wind under you winds, and the angels your wing man.

Accepting orders from General Carlita, we have gathered our finest Airmen, women and intergalactic species, to form a Air Strike.

Unfortunately Jay-Jay the Jet plan, was unable to be with us.. he was is grounded for 2 weeks for buzzing the tower.. These youngsters today.!!

These brave souls have gathered from all corners of Northern America and are prepared for a battle royal!!

December 28th, 2010
This is so cool , Like it.
December 28th, 2010
how to add photo in this discussion? :)
December 28th, 2010
@blueburn11 go to your photo you want to share - on the right hand side is the 'share' area under the tags .... copy the code that starts with "
December 28th, 2010
December 28th, 2010
Thanks, i think with my binocular i can help the troops finding anything. though i need to hide co'z my purple coat strikes so much the attention of the target. :)
December 28th, 2010
The troops arrived promptly on Christmas, assembled, and took quick action against the fruitcake. There was one small casualty but he seems to have pulled himself together again and is ready to assist. If only they had a flag!

December 30th, 2010
@autumnseden Many thanks for your response ... hope your troops weren't too inebriated from the fruit cake.
December 30th, 2010
@blueburn11 sooo special for the little 'Ewok' to keep a vigilant eye on the situation.
January 3rd, 2011

uh...19? Is that what y'all say? name's Mater....*ahem* Is this thang on?
"Just start talking, Mater," McQueen said from the background.
Oh, uh...yeah. 10-4.
We inter-sceptored an emergency call from the radio here in Spring. (Not Radiator Springs, y'all. That was like 4 years ago.)
*shuffling of the microphone...static...*
"Give me that thing," McQueen grunted. *clears his throat; exhaust growls* "Lightning McQueen here. We heard you need help, General Carlita. We heard the call from Barry in the Intergalactic War room. We're on our way. As soon as we can get out of this movie screen, we'll be there faster than fast, quicker than quick. We've got Sarge leading the troops..."
*shuffling of tires as the group searches for their leader*
"Sarge?? Where is Sarge?? Noooooooo!!!!!"

January 3rd, 2011

They're Back....
January 5th, 2011
@amyhughes so love the HRD and thrilled they could come to the party to assist ..
January 5th, 2011
@amyhughes oh Nooooooo I'd better get the local troops to help you out.
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