For the pros and semi pros - PC or Mac? and why?

January 13th, 2011
So I have been thinking about this more and more... PC or MAC? And why?

I was at Best Buy the other day and saw the iMac, OMG! SO FUN! I was like ooh! must add that to my list of dream items I want.

But I was looking up reviews and such last night and saw that the iMac seems to have some serious problems? Maybe these were older models? I dunno? But now im wondering maybe I need to move the iMac off my dream list and look for a really good PC?

The PC we have is and HP, nothing special, but has giving me LOTS of problems. As have the other PCs and notebooks I have had in the past.

So what are your thoughts? For those in the photog biz for picture editing, storing and such, which do you prefer and why?

Sell me on one or the other. :D

January 13th, 2011
I just recently switched from PC to Mac and I have no regrets! I've been wanting a Mac since I could remember, and finally I was able to afford it for myself for Christmas. My boyfriend went ahead and surprised me with a magic mouse & a keyboard. I'm SO happy I did it. Macs have more to offer to people in the creativity/design/photography/art field. I have a Mac Mini, since it is my first one, I'm in love. =) It's crazy fast, effective, and the design of it is just brilliant.
January 13th, 2011
A Mac will never get a virus. Apple had a contest that whoever can write a virus that will negatively affect a mac, will win $25,000. I think the contest was cancelled after 6 years with no winner.
January 13th, 2011
Mac = Stability
PC = Versatility

Which is more important to you? Myself I would rather be able to always count on my laptop to work.
January 13th, 2011
I switched to a Mac last year and LOVE it. My PC couldn't handle my work load. It was always freezing and over heating during edits. That was with me keeping the bulk of my work on an external hard drive. I have the 27" iMac and it is wonderful for editing. The detail I can see, the clarity of the screen, amazing! I now barely use my PC and that's only if I want to surf the net downstairs (PC is a laptop). But since the screen quality is so poor compared to Apple I usually just pick up my iPhone.

We researched computers, talked to a ton of IT people, and everyone kept saying the same thing. For photography, graphic design, movie making, Apple couldn't be beat.
January 13th, 2011
Years ago, and I'm talking quite a few years, it was actually true that Macs were better for creative-y stuff, and PCs for business-y stuff. These days that's something of an old wives tale, with nearly all of the software that used to make Macs special now available on PCs (barring the most highly regarded video editing suite, but we're not talking video here), and the underlying hardware being identical too.

It'll come down to which OS interface you prefer, Mac or Windows. Macs are (so I'm told :p ) simpler, but Windows offers far greater flexibility and customisation.

If all you want is something to Photoshop and browse the web on, I don't think either platform's a clear cut winner. Compare what hardware you can get for your budget from the Mac side and decent PC vendors, and go with the bigger numbers :)

Oh and if you steer clear of clicking links in brightly coloured emails you won't have to worry about viruses whichever you opt for.
January 13th, 2011
to be honest, i almost swtiched to MAC a year ago from PC. It comes down to cost. The setup I wanted/needed was going to cost at least $2700 if not more.

Meanwhile, I have a perfectly good desktop and added to that a $550 HP laptop that does a fine job for "soft proofing" my images (I always do final edits on my desktop though).

I just couldnt bring myself to shell out. I'm sure MAC is far superior but I decided to put the money into a better camera body and I'm so glad that I did :)
January 13th, 2011
As pc/mac tech support is part of my daily work I can recommend Macs hands down. You would literally have to pay me to own a pc. I've never owned one, even though I do pc support. I spend a large part of my time patching pc's so they don't get viruses. The other large part of the time I spend setting up new pc's because they don't last as long, or keeping the painfully slow old ones going. I love my Mac laptop. I got it refurbished off the Apple site last year and have had not one single problem. I've had other laptops, and, while they surely aren't 100% glich free Apple takes care of a lot of their problems with software updates, or free fixes if there is a defect, and applecare is awesome. With iLife you get iPhoto, iTunes and many other programs that run well with the operating system rather than searching the web for Windows, excuse the language, crap ware. HP's also seem to be notorious for problems, in my experience with them. We've had pretty good luck with the Dell's we do have at work. If I had to go pc I'd go Dell. Even a large part of the scientists we work with are switching to Macs because they are more stable. Ok, I've probably ranted enough. Good luck!
January 13th, 2011
i have a pc

but mac is the way to go for photos!!!!!!
January 13th, 2011
on my PC now, when im using photoshop I would say 7 out 10 times, I will have it freeze on me. I will have to restart several times, or even wait a day or so before it works again.

At one point IE wouldn't work, it would freeze the whole computer, I had to get firefox, that worked fine then all of a sudden firefox won't work I have uninstalled, and then tried to get it again, and still doesn't work. Now im stuck with IE which some days is fine, other days. nothing but problems.

January 13th, 2011
My MacBook

literally running day and night, with a handful of reboots, for the last 16 months.
hardware fails: 0
crashes: 0
viruses: 0

AND when I wanted help synching my gmail and mac mail, Apple tech support helped me in 5 mins flat. Good luck getting that support from Microsoft.
January 13th, 2011
I'm not a pro/semi pro or anything close... with that said, I've had the same MacBook for over 3 years now... in the same time my husband has been through two PC's because they both crapped out on him, not to mention his replacing random bits of hardware all the time and constant complaining about his computer crashing.

I can count on 1 hand the number of times my MacBook has crashed on me in those 3 years. I've had to replace the power cable once, only a few months ago. I had a hard drive fail because I dropped it and the guys at the Apple Store replaced it quickly for me, it literally took them 5 minutes. I managed to melt a hole in the back of the screen over a year ago with a candle and was surprised to find that it still worked properly. I'm very hard on it and it still runs wonderfully.

Not to mention the sheer ease of use of the MacOS over Windows. I wont ever buy a PC again.
January 13th, 2011
pc running linux. have had mac, but switched to linux and quite happy. most editing can be done in gimp, i have a win machine for a few photoshop images, but hardly ever use it.
January 13th, 2011
Personally I prefer using Windows. I use my PC for gaming and Macs are severely deficient on that front :D
I only use Adobe Lightroom so I guess I could switch to a Mac...

@drewbears Download google chrome, its faster than both IE and Firefox, however it's pretty streamlined and plain looking
January 13th, 2011
MAC!!! Easy to use with no issues. We have an iMac that is 9 year old and still running. I love my new MacBook and now with the new AppStore for Mac I am liking it even more. Wouldn't go back.
January 13th, 2011

I like Macs - they make a nice looking product. But no matter which system I use I'll be running Adobe software, and it is exactly the same on either Mac or PC. On Windows 7 now, PS actually runs faster than on Snow Leopard. Don't believe me? Try it - I have. The days of Mac being the graphics / desktop publishing only-way-to-go are long over. Hardware is the same - Macs are Intel-based now. Mac OSX is just UNIX with a shiny Apple skin on it. Mac hardware is presented in a nice enclosure, for a lot more than the same thing on a PC. And, if you don't like Microsoft, you can run any kind of UNIX OS you like (LINUX, even OSX if you like Apple's interface).

And screens, well, if you're serious about colour management you don't want an Apple screen anyway. The old 30" screens are good, but the new 27" screens (those new ones, and also iMac screens) are terrible for trying to calibrate, and for using in any room with any light beind your chair. Yes, you can put a "matt" sticker over it, but try to calibrate it then. The screens use cheap LED backlighting with a yellow tint instead of RGB LED, so colour concistency is out the window. If you have an Apple, you probably need an NEC or HP monitor (or EIZO if you're really serious) just to get your colour right. So there goes some of your nice Apple looks right there. If you're doing serious photo editing, the iMac isn't enough machine anyway so you'll need to spend the $5k+ on a good Mac Pro setup which, other than the OS, is just an expensive PC anyway.

I know several high-end wedding photogs who have switched back to PC from Mac for those very reasons.

If you don't know your way around computers very well, Mac make a very elegant machine that won't cause you too many problems. They still crash. They still get viruses (especially now they're Intel-based and run dual-OS) - UNIX is a more secure system, but I know people with Macs who have had viruses. Difference is, 90% of poeple use Windows so that's what the scum who write viruses target. Stay away from bad sites and use third party email, and you don't need anti-virus even on a PC. But yes - non-techie types tend to find Macs easier to use and maintain. Me? I did Comp Sci as part of my university studies, I worked on PC and Mac extensively. For me, there is no benefit whatsoever in switching to Mac, and I can say that with confidence because it is something I look at every time I get a new computer.
January 13th, 2011
@photophil but I didn't need the support... I just openned up OUTLOOK filled out the 3 questions and it work... and I filled out the same three question on my smartphone and bam... Outlook, Outlook Mobile and Gmail all sync'd... (which is great because I have had three phones burn out on me and re-entering 100's of contacts is NOT fun)

For me it is the easy for doing updates... need more RAM in a PC or a new CPU... 5 mins... done... in a MAC I still cannot even see how you open it up... and RAM/hard drive/ CPU chips do die... no matter what OS you are running...
January 14th, 2011
Having the iMac 27" screen, being a portrait photographer, having my images printed with a couple different professional print companies I have had no problems with color. I also have a ceiling light that is positioned behind my computer chair, still no issues seeing the screen. Not even a slight glare. That's my personal experience.
January 14th, 2011
I've recently switched back to Mac, although still have a work computer that's Windows. I am very content with my iMac.
January 16th, 2011
What sort of problem were you reading about, with the iMacs?

I have used Mac at home, and MS at work, for many years, ever since college. I'm glad I am familiar with both. I love Macs, and since they overhauled their operating system to Mac OS X some years back, I have really loved them. They just keep getting better.

Some reasons people might choose PCs over Macs:
1) Price for a PC is cheaper for the equivalent amount of hard drive/RAM
2) There is specific software you would use a lot, which is Windows-only**
3) You would use your own computer for work, and your place of employment uses Windows, which you would need to have in able to do the work.**

**There are now three different ways of running Windows OS on a Mac computer, which will meet need of #2 and possibly #3.
January 16th, 2011
I use multiple PCs... and have never had viruses, hardware failures, all those other things I'm "suppose" to experience because I don't use a Mac. I think people are grossly misled into believing that they MUST have one if they wish to do photography. Ummm... right. I don't think my photos would turn out any differently if stored/edited on a Mac, I truly believe that. I've (accidentally) opened 300 RAW files in Photoshop at once on my desktop with Vista, and it didn't crash, or slow down or melt into a pile of goo. Therefore, I find the speed/whatever just fine. And I like my mice with two buttons, thank you very much.

@jinximages I'm super glad you gave your input. You wouldn't believe how many people I have run into that think Photoshop either doesn't work on a PC, or is vastly superior on a Mac. It's the same program, argghhh!
January 16th, 2011
I think it boils down to personal preference. I use Windows at work and Mac at home. There are those that have drank the Apple punch and an equal number of Windows freaks that are Apple haters. I know some incredible creative people that absolutely refuse to even consider Apple. Personally, Mac gets my vote. My last MacBook Pro lasted me almost 5 years. No issues, no re-installs of OS, etc. Contrast that to the 4 work laptops I went through in that same time frame. Not to mention the multiple format and OS reinstalls. If I had an open budget, I'd get a MacPro with Lacie or ColorEdge monitor as my workstation and a MacBook Pro laptop. There's some sacrifices made going with Mac, but for me it's a good trade.

This is a lot like the Canon v. Nikon debate. Besides the smart asses that might answer - Niether...I'd go Hasselblad, it's honestly personal preference. One would be hard pressed to look at a photo and determine what brand of cam captured the moment and same holds true for post production hardware/software.
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