BIG theme ideas

March 4th, 2010
K guys I wanna hear your thoughts....

Aside from the weekly theme which will continue to run, what are your ideas for longer, even monthly themes???

Please write down a 'title' for your idea and how the photos should be executed.

A couple people have mentioned a 'number theme' - how would we do the photos?
like, 3 bluebirds on a wire? 4 crows a'crowin?? haha...what do you think would work the best???

And what are some other ideas?
March 4th, 2010
I think it would be cool to do a rainbow week of color. You know, ROY G. BIV = 7 days, which would look kinda cool on your calendar. Might be one that could work best in the summer, but i think you could still find objects with great colors anytime.
March 4th, 2010
Some ideas:
Color, numbers, textures, nature, seasons, happy, body, 5 senses, signs, travel ...
March 4th, 2010
-Perfect Pairs- anything that go together ie: married couples, lovebirds, salt & pepper, oreos & milk etc.

March 4th, 2010
I like Laurie's color idea. That would be pretty cool. Number's would also be awesome.

This is probably better for a weekly theme, but music, things that represent music etc.
March 4th, 2010
Perfect pairs could be fun! I also like Roy G Biv! I will put my thinking cap on and come back. =)
March 4th, 2010
i'm biased. I would love to see a hug theme. It would be really nice to see a week of hugs all over this site. That would make me happy.
March 4th, 2010
Admittedly it is random but what about a visual game of Slug Bug? I know the vast majority of us spend a lot of time out in traffic. Just a thought. LOL! =D
March 4th, 2010
Great idea, Kiwi!!! Send out a little love...
March 4th, 2010
Yes, definitely colours, a rainbow week would be fab. Also like the idea of numbers, say 1 - 10, or 1- 25. How about pics that represent movie or book titles, or even, gulp, self-portraits - eeek!
March 4th, 2010
Oh, self portraits... That could be so liberating. I have only just recently become confident enough to attempt it.
March 4th, 2010
I like the numbers idea---1-30/31 maybe--for the month
March 4th, 2010
I like the self portrait idea as well. There's tons of stuff you could do with that!
March 4th, 2010
+1 on self portrait! ^_^
March 4th, 2010
1-10 would be cool, a week of a single color would be nice minus yellow since we did that, or we could do again, or just one week of colors, different color every day. I'm open.

As for numbers, I don't see why it just has to be 1 of this 2 of that. It could be anything that represents that number like a 10 year old child, 5th street, 5th date.... what ever the number means to you.
March 4th, 2010
numbers, rainbows, people (a month of new'd be interesting to see people man or woman up to get a strangers picture), animals, perfect pairs sounds fun.

i was also going to suggest themes like motion or photographing small things...but that would be hard for someone like me that only has a silly little point and shoot camera.
March 4th, 2010
yuck self portrait

March 4th, 2010
i'm doing self-portraits for the month of march, it's surprisingly easy! (especially because i don't have to go outside in the snowy, slushy, rainy weather.)
March 4th, 2010
Wow, you've all covered loads of fabulous themes. My mind is going crazy with creativity already! Love the colours one and perhaps the self portraits, purely to get me to take one- I have never done that.
March 4th, 2010
Colors or numbers (1-7/week or 1-10 would be enough, I think) Self-portrait...maybe 20 years ago...
March 4th, 2010
i like the number idea and like what Travis is saying - anything around numbers would work. I often see street signs or random numbers where i am at, and i photograph them because they are interesting in their texture or font usage.

i also think a weekly color is fun. i had a blast looking for yellow during the yellow week! Maybe just pick 1 color a week - the pallet is huge for color challenges.

i have a love/hate with self portrait taking lol don't get me wrong, if there is a mirror i take a photo of myself - but i am not sure i would join in if i had to do it everyday for a month or even a week. but that's just me :o)

i love the challenges, btw!
March 4th, 2010
I like the rainbow ides - a color a day for a week, as well as the number idea. Personally, I wouldn't go any higher than 10, however!
March 4th, 2010
Just to be controversial and to suggest something different. How about a theme of emotions for the month.? For example, we could have the first week as sad, wk 2 as embarassed, wk 3 as proud, wk 4 depressed, or just choose which emotion the pic conveys. I also like the colour idea, and also speed or motion as a theme.
March 4th, 2010
although i'm not taking a photo but drawing a picture a day instead, it's so interesting and amazing to see how all of u came out with so many creative ideas on how to make this project more fun and enjoyable :)

keep it up people!

ps: sarah you're really creative!
March 4th, 2010
I like the emotion idea but I am thinking something more like: What makes me happy... do that for a week and so on... That could be a blast!!!
March 4th, 2010
colours and numbers seem to be real stand outs, everyone likes them...and me too.

but I'm loving the idea of things that represent music
they'd be a bit tougher i think - but great!

March 4th, 2010
oooh.....what everybody else said :)
March 4th, 2010
I love the perfect pair idea!!
March 4th, 2010
I like a color idea! How many colors does ol Crayola have nowadays? It's been a few years since I got my coloring book out.
March 4th, 2010
Numbers is a good idea. Run it from 1st to 30th/31st of a given month and you do something based on that number... could certainly get interesting
March 4th, 2010
what about shapes??.
a different shape per day.
you find them everywhere don't you?, on signs and houses and buildings like churches and windows, furniture everywhere!!
March 4th, 2010
You could also do a Francois Robert "faces" theme. You find faces in unusual things like an outlet, manhole cover, mop... Endless possibilities to find extraordinary things in the ordinary.

I like the emotions idea too. You could make a week out of the 7 dwarfs. : )
Bashful, Happy, Dopy, Grumpy, Sneezy...sleepy??? (I guess I don't know my dwarfs very well.)

How about a fun "undesigned world" theme. You could take pictures of all the tacky yard art and weird stuff you see that people pay money for and intentionally put out thinking it looks nice. You know, like my neighbor's duck on the deck, or the old tennis shoe with a plant growing out of it. Someone ought to have to look at this besides me. ; )

...and Reflections. You could do mirrors, windows, buildings, water, eyes... lots of possibilities.
Ok, I'll step down now. : )
March 4th, 2010
How about something even tougher, like a pic based on the day of the month? 1-31... Day one would have something associated with the number one, 2 would have maybe a pair of items in the pic, etc... day 27 could be very challenging creativity-wise... just a thought... (edit) I just saw Steve's post above with a similar idea... sorry Steve... didn't mean to infringe... :)
March 4th, 2010
How about a week of drumkit pictures? That'd be easy...
March 4th, 2010
I think rainbow colours over the course of a week is a great idea, I agree with Denise, any longer than 10 days would maybe put me off (however I am loving the ABC theme!)

March 5th, 2010
I love love love the pairs ..... and colors!

What about a current event type photo? Take some kind of current event - be economy, politics, the go green movement , whatever and try to translate it into photos?

Maybe? But def. the pairs and colors! And emotions! Oh you are all so much better than I am at this!
March 5th, 2010
i could be happy with any of these except self-portraits. (which probably means i ought to do that.)
March 5th, 2010
Self-portraits is a scary idea!
March 5th, 2010
Project SMILE?? where everyone takes a picture of people smiling?=)
March 5th, 2010
I don't leave the house much so I need things that would work for a homebody. The colors, self portraits would work.

Maybe a set of everyday objects in alphabetical order? A for apples, B for Book...hmmm I may do that one myself anyway. :D
March 5th, 2010
@Brenda, the ABC project is going on right now! I think they are up to J maybe? I don't really know.. I'm not doing it lol
March 5th, 2010
I don't really do the themes myself, but I do love looking at everyones interpretation of them!
My first photo class ever had a theme for alphabets, except you find an object every day that spells the letter. Such as using a curvy road to spell 's' or tree branches to spell 'A'. Hopefully that makes sense. =)
March 5th, 2010
Once I'm done with the ABC (I started late, I'm only at C) I'm going to try a Circles and Squares month. Everyday things that incorporate those shapes, like a dinner plate on a placemat, or a bathroom scale, that sort of thing... :)
March 5th, 2010
I really like Laurie's rainbow idea!!
March 5th, 2010
I like the movie idea, something that represents a movie!
March 5th, 2010
I'm loving these themes and competitions... it keeps your creative juices running. I hope the 365project admins come up with a really really tough theme competition and the winner will get a prize like... i dunno... an Ace Membership or something... :D
March 5th, 2010
I like the colors and smiling ideas.
March 5th, 2010
@Chris Thank you I did not realize that. I guess I should learn my way around this place a bit. lol :D
March 5th, 2010
How about fruits and Veggies idea?! or something about living a "healthy lifestyle" idea.. ? The sky's the limit on that one I'm sure.

March 5th, 2010
I love some of these ideas, but the one that really jump out for me is numbers:)
March 5th, 2010
i like all the ideas :)
March 5th, 2010
only faces (young and old faces and anything in between,animals)
international or at least capturing different cultures in your community
architecture week
Agree with Dennis an ace membership as a prize would be fab for a major theme
March 5th, 2010
@laurie labadie - i like the finding faces in things idea. i am always seeing faces in objects, i never thought about photographing them! neat idea.
March 5th, 2010
I'm all for numbers or colors. Looking frwd to whatever the next theme is :-)
March 6th, 2010
What about the original intent of the 365 project??
March 6th, 2010
Numbers, colors, it doesn't really matter. It will just be another way for motivational photography. And another obsession for me. I love it.
March 6th, 2010
I was thinking about this as I walked to school to teach yesterday morning and I thought about one on Life Lessons. For example, I have a picture of two children whispering secrets to each other so my Life Lesson 1 could be...Find Someone to Share your Secrets With or Be Careful Who You tell Your Secrets to. Another example could be something funny or created like a picture of an egg splat all over the ground and that could be a Life Lesson 2 Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket or You Have to Crack a Few Eggs to Get an Omelet. We could do a set number like 10 Life Lessons or we could do it for a set time such as a couple weeks or a month. It would be fun to see and share the simple wisdom we have all gained over the years and explore photographic ways to express those little things life has taught us along the way. Plus it woudl give lots of room for creativity and people could chose whether they wanted to set up a picture to represent a lesson they have in mind or make up a lesson to go with their picture for the day.=) The tag could be lesson-1, lesson-2, etc.
March 6th, 2010
hmmm, Richard R Tuckey has a point, I think... What about making the project a real way to document a year in your life, and not having it seem too contrived...?

What I mean is that, if I spend all day setting up synths for the new CD (which I will have to spend a day doing, fairly soon!) or tuning a kit, or driving to Wales, or baking muffins, I'm going to take a picture of something which reflects those activities, because that, for me, sums up my day... Rather than going out of my way to find something with a face on it, something that begins with "W", something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, etc... ;)

Just a thought, right?
March 6th, 2010
That is the beauty of 365. If you wish to follow a group theme for kicks, you can. If you would rather just stick to documenting your life in your own way, you can. If you want to create your own theme and follow it for 365, for example Kiwi with his hugs theme, you can do that too. There is room for all at the 365 table!

I will say this though, I do a little of it all. Sometimes I follow a theme for fun and sometimes I just say and share what I want to share theme be damned! =) With the alphabet project I have had fun doing that because it allows me to do both, document my life AND creatively follow a theme. I still have all the pictures that I would post anyway, I just play with the words to get adjectives and descriptors that go along with the letter for today. If I ever felt like it was taking away from my expression of my life, I wouldn't do it. Again, that is the beauty of this site. I have the choice! =) That is why there has been such a rich tapestry of diverse subjects and people woven throughout 365, everyone gets to choose for themselves how they approach the project. Blessedly, in this supportive environment that sort of freedom produces some amazing variety and captures! =)
March 6th, 2010
It's always up to you what to do with 365. Sometimes a theme might just get you thinking outside of the box, even if you're not participating in it.
March 7th, 2010
I'd love to see one that would be a month long theme on your town or city. I think you could do so much with this...the people, the places, the landscape, the history. Just the everyday life where you live. Everyone views their areas differently so I bet 2 people in the same town wouldn't even have the same ideas.
March 7th, 2010
Hmmm, this might just be a week one, but what about a photo that can be portrayed as different things like this what do you think?
March 7th, 2010
I love the idea of the rainbow theme and also the shapes theme - both could give lots of scope for interesting pictures without being too restrictive - it would also give those of us who lack inspiration at times some direction.
March 7th, 2010
A Day In the Life Of (insert 365 name here)
I like Kit's idea. Actually photograph your day.
Work, school, cooking. Whatever consumes your week.
It could be interesting to look back on & see how your life has changed.
Everyone always thinks there pictures have to be creative & eventful... Is snapping posed fruit & flowers really your life? A while ago there was a discussion, "Who are you outside 365?"---show us.
March 7th, 2010
Some of these ideas are really cool. But how about food as a theme. I don't know about anyone else, but food is a pretty big part of my life, so why not spend a week or maybe a bit longer photographing it?
March 7th, 2010
Well stated Sara! Anything I shoot obviously is a representation of a day in my year. Following the alphabet basically has no boundaries.. it automatically mirrors my mood, or where I was that day. The number theme would be a bit more contrived... BUT.. isn't that in itself a representation of your personal 365 making that "commitment" to follow a theme for x amt of time??

I have been having so much fun with A is for.. B is for... all the day long with my friends and it has become part of our lingo!!

March 8th, 2010
I love all of these ideas... colors (what about expanding to include the "XX" colors in the Crayola box or Pantone color range?)... Emotions? That could be a ton! Is there a preset list? I like themes that last a full week or better, a full month.
March 8th, 2010
I'd like to do an A to Z for a month...
I know there's only a certain amount of letters but surely it's close to the amount of days in a month!
March 8th, 2010
the day to day theme could be really fun. it could even be expanded to be more of an hour by hour thing for 12 days or so. day 1 6:00 am. day 2 7:00 am. then you would REALLY detail your day to day life.
March 9th, 2010
Okay, thought of another. What if we each picked one item and had to have that particular item in the picture everyday for a month. You could pick any item...a doll, a pencil, what have you, but it had to be in the picture somehow. I think it would be really fun to do and watch others do! Would make you think hard about what object you would like to bring around with you as well as photograph for a month as well. FUN!!
March 9th, 2010
Are we going to attempt a colour challenge after the A to Z challenge?
Only there is a colour challenge starting on Sunday the 14th which overlaps the A to Z.
It would be kinda nice for the benefit of the community to try and get these challenges aligned and all starting on a Monday
Or does it really matter?
March 9th, 2010
I like the colors, shapes, and faces ideas.
March 9th, 2010
just my opinion i think all photos pictures or shall i say a capture of realism is always beautiful. ive looked at some of thw work here and you guys are amazingly talented cause like they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
March 10th, 2010
Could be about "brands" or things to share of our countries....
March 10th, 2010
I really like Sara's idea with the life lessons. that's too cute.
March 11th, 2010
Thanks, Lisa. I think that is going to be my next self imposed theme after the alphabet one ends! I am in China right now and I have liked playing with the titles to match the letters and pictures that I took from the day. I think pulling a different life lesson out of each of my daily shots here would be fun and challenging. =) Again, not changing what I take pictures of, but how I describe it. I like doing things like that.
March 12th, 2010
@Peter - I think the colors challenge was scheduled for the 14th so green would fall on St. Patrick's Day. Silly of course but whatever works. =)
February 14th, 2012
Was "Something, something new, something borrowed, something blue", done? I was thinking that would be a great theme idea and didn't want to post another discussion about it if it had.
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