Do you ever get embarrassed??

February 6th, 2011
Today I was out driving and I passed this car that had run off the road, due to all the snow and ice we had earlier in the week. This car was sort of balanced up on this rock, quite scary looking actually! I thought it looked like a nice photo opportunity so I turned around and parked on the side of the road so that I could take a picture. Right about the time I did this a truck with 3 or 4 young men pulled up behind me. I assumed that they would come ask if I needed help or something, but they didn't they just sat there. Now the guys in no way scared me I was on a busy highway and I do not think they meant any harm, I think they were just curious about the pretty young lady pulled over. ( hey I am good looking!! LOL) I got embarrassed about taking the picture though! I just drove on. In hind sight there was no reason for me to feel this way. But I was wondering do you ever have this problem??
February 6th, 2011
These are my personal photography rules:
1. Don't ever wait for a photo. Take it now, or it will be gone
2. Don't care about what people think unless they're pointing a gun at you
3. Beauty is in everything

I have found, specifically about being embarassed, that if you have a nice DSLR, most people think you're a act like you are, even if you're not! (unless a media credential is required, then you should just move along) :)
February 6th, 2011
I've had that happen a few times. Once I was parked on the side of a road so I could get a photo of the sunset and I had two people stop in the span of about 10 minutes. I was honestly surprised anybody bothered to stop, but they seemed annoyed when I told them I didn't need help and was just taking some pictures.

Also, since you mention a big truck propped up on a rock that also takes me back to my Jeep days. People with big off-road vehicles like to pose and test out their rigs on big snow banks, trees, logs, or whatever they can. And many times, this isn't exactly legal, so by stopping to take a photo of somebody doing this you may have sparked some concern that you were documenting their behavior or going to report them, etc.

Either way, I wouldn't worry. But I know it can feel funny when you're in a public place trying to take pictures and it draws a lot of attention to yourself.
February 6th, 2011
Totally agree with above, just look like a professional!!! ;)

But I know how you feel. I pulled over once on a busy road because the tree layout was gorgeous. I had my tripod with me and wanted to get a self portrait shot in. How dorky I probably looked posing for myself :/ I felt slightly embarrased at first, then decided, who cares, the pictures turned out great!!
February 6th, 2011
@beautyfly2010 Sounds like a good Photo
@sdpace Fab Rules
I admit I get embarrassed if Im seen taking Photos but must obide by Your Rules instead in future :)
February 6th, 2011
yep, but the more I do this project the less embarrased I'm getting
February 6th, 2011
I have the same problem almost all of the time. I am very selfcontious when I have a camera in my hand (especially my big beast 20D) and there are people around. I keep on telling myself to not worry what other people think. We both just need to have confidence in our hobby, passion, whatever you want to call it and in ourselves. Think of it this way....what do you think when you see someone with a camera? I think.....I wonder what they are taking pictures of. Not....who is that crazy person with a camera.
February 6th, 2011
@suzk Me too, this project is helping me get over my "fear".
@sdpace Fab rules I shall put these to practice, I just have a little point and shoot camera, BUT I will still try to look professional!
February 6th, 2011
I knew I immediately had to come look at this discussion when I saw the title. I thought I was the only one that thought this way sometimes when taking pictures! I take pictures in somewhat public places all the time and I often get embarrassed about it. Over the past few months, I've taught myself to deal with it though, or like @sdpace said, I will miss out on a wonderful picture opportunity!
February 6th, 2011
@marubozo I was surprised any one stopped too. Maybe the car will still be there again and I a can get the photo. I wont chicken out next time!!!!
February 6th, 2011
I totally relate. I can't count the number of photo opportunities have passed me by because of my embarrassment. I am getting better in public places where others are also taking photos but still don't have the nerve in places like shopping centres or getting photos of people.
February 6th, 2011
I gotta admit I kinda laughed at the "pretty young lady" description. I'll take your word for it! But yeah I've gotten embarrassed before shooting street photography and someone catches me pointing a lens at them.

However, any time I get caught or get a little embarrassed I just finish up shooting the photo and strike up a conversation with the people. I have always found that people give me weird looks even when I'm shooting a sunrise on the beach, so it's best just to ignore them, finish my shot, and let them know I'm a kickass photographer later.
February 6th, 2011
@jasonbarnette I have been looking at your photos, and wow you are good!! AND I am pretty ;) haha.
February 6th, 2011
I used to be way too embarrassed to take most of the shots I wanted to get but, mostly thanks to this site, I find I'm getting a bit better at putting my reserve aside. I'm still not totally comfortable with whipping out the camera in some situations but I fully intend to put the rules @sdpace posted above into place.
February 6th, 2011
@beautyfly2010 Thanks! You're photos are looking good, too. Any idea what area of photography interests you most so far? And...I'll have to take your word for your beauty!
February 6th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Honestly right now I love it all!! haha, I am taking a photoshop class and a digital photography class. I don't graduate from high school until the middle of march though. But I have already started applying for a job at my local photo studio, there is only one in my town : ( I figured that would be a good place to start. I am interested in perhaps doing work for a newspaper, I also like to write so I may pursue that at some point. As a professional I would welcome any tips or ideas you have for me!
February 6th, 2011
I shoot a lot of live shows and i get in front of a lot of people to get my shot. I try not to be a fixture and move a lot. At first i was embarrassed to push through and get shots but not anymore. The only time people questioned me as because they were interested in what i was doing.
February 6th, 2011
@sdpace I love your advice...I'm going to make a card of your rules so I can be less embarrassed too :)
February 6th, 2011
Yes, I have been embarrassed before. This has happened mostly in my neighborhood. People see me with a camera and almost run into their houses. The most embarrassing time came when I knelt to get the right reflection of a window in a house about 2 blocks away from mine. People slowed down as they drove by, so they could look at me. I really wanted to get my shot, so I stayed my ground. With this 365 project, I am getting braver. I do feel a bit leery though of taking pictures of people I do not know. As I get better at taking pictures, perhaps I will feel like asking people if I could take their pictures. In my community, that seems to be the policy.
February 6th, 2011
@jasonbarnette also any critiques are always welcomed, I want to Improve my photo skills!!
February 6th, 2011
@sdpace To be honest I'd probably want to get a cool photo of the person pointing a gun at me...

The whole SLR pro thing is great but sometimes a hindrance, working some places and either being treated overly nicely and getting a lot of strange awkward shots or alternately having constant requests for pictures taken, where they'll go etc. I'd say groups of girls tend to be my biggest problem, since they want to see the picture do piles of poses and so on... It's OK when you're shooting the crowds I guess...

February 6th, 2011
in my early younger days of taking photos i was always embarressed and missed quite alot of amazing pics because it was far to embarressing....these days i really dont care if i look like a noob standing on a street corner trying to take photos of street lights and what not lol
February 6th, 2011
@beautyfly2010 I'll look over your photos and write some comments. I'm always happy to critique, comes with having a big mouth ;)

And I'd be happy to share what I've learned in the last couple of years about photography. Writing messages isn't really good on here, so if you like find me on Facebook.
February 6th, 2011
@sdpace Very nicely said!
February 6th, 2011
Fortunately for me, no one notices me taking pictures of them. My friends say I should be paparazzi.
February 6th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Will do, thanks!
February 6th, 2011
I have had the best conversations with people wondering what I am taking photos of. I contort my body in all ways with a silly point and shoot camera. Totally can't pull off the pro persona but enjoy just being myself and going for it. The funniest thing was I sorta trespassed one morning to get a picture of a cow. That cow pic got me picture of the week and several wonderful conversations with the owner of the farm. ;) Risks are good.
February 6th, 2011
heres the thing, I could be walking along a deserted road at 4am and find something to take a picture of, the minute I pull out the camera someone appears seemingly from out of nowhere! what is that? And because I am alone it feels even more awkward...On the other hand, I am becoming increasingly more comfortable with stopping and lining up a shot. If I am downtown with lots of people I feel more comfortable because I feel that I don't stand out as much AND I can pretend to be a tourist! lol
February 6th, 2011
I embarrass my kids all of the time. A few weeks ago my daughter had to have blood drawn for lab work. I soooo wanted to take a close-up of the butterfly catheter in her arm and the tube full of blood. She said "Mom, don't you dare!"...LOL. I am always taking shots in stores, parking lots, wherever,
February 6th, 2011
I would rather get some funny looks then to think back and regret not getting the shot :)
February 6th, 2011
Gotta go with him on this one lol @sdpace Fake it so they think you made it? LOL I dont care. I took a shot the other day of a row of bikes outside of a bike store and EVERYONE was turning around and looking at me weird. Whatever. I got the shot, I liked the shot, and they can kiss my... Camera.
But I also usually have a kiddo with me so I can at least look like I just happened to find something else to shoot aside from my main subject of him :)
February 6th, 2011
I still feel very inhibited about taking photos when I'm out and about, and have missed out on quite a few pictures I would have liked to have taken. This is probably why so many of my pictures are of small objects I've found around my home!
I'm getting slightly braver, though - and look forward to the point where I can just take the photo I want and not care whether anyone is watching or what they might be thinking!
February 6th, 2011
Definitely I'm not a professional photographer " Yet" ha ha ha ha. Before whenever i hang my DSLR around my neck and walk along the road, Mall, Park and wherever i feel like shooting it, I do felt embarrassed because i know for sure that I'm not a professional holding this kinda big camera with me and very few people here are carrying DSLR. usually they only have the digital cameras. So i felt like they were thinking that i just want to show off and know nothing about shooting. but like wise yes" Who Cares " and " Act Like professional" so i practice holding the camera in a professional way LOL!, But now I'm not embarrassed anymore. Looking at my finished work I know that i do give justice using, buying and shooting on my DSLR Camera.
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