California 365 gathering?

March 19th, 2010
I am launching a new topic based on the "365 Get Together in your location!" discussion. I am located in the Central Valley (Sacramento) and am happy to drive 2-3 hours in any direction for a day trip. San Francisco and Tahoe are definitely favorite destinations! Anyone interested in meeting up? I know there was discussion of a Los Angeles gathering but that is too far for me to do even as an overnighter since it is about 8 hours of driving one way. That being said, I do plan to be in LA the first week of June so... Let the discussion begin. If you would like to get in touch and discuss a possible get together, email me! =)
March 19th, 2010
i'm in san jose!
March 19th, 2010
San Jose is possible! I met up with a fellow 365er from San Jose at Filoli which is about 30 minutes south of San Francisco. Check out their site: I would be happy to go back there!!! Beautiful buildings, loads of colorful flowers and near the ocean too which is a total bonus for me. =D
March 19th, 2010
San Jose Heritage Rose Garden should be in full bloom next month!!!
March 19th, 2010
I saw some chit chat on the other posting about an LA gathering. I haven't found a separate thread for that one so thought I'd try here. So. Cal people? A Los Angeles get together?
March 20th, 2010
I'm just outside of Sac, I'd be up for a NorCal get together.
March 20th, 2010
i'm in san francisco!
March 20th, 2010
I would love to do a San Francisco trip. Maybe the Palace of Fine Arts. The grounds there are beautiful! Or maybe Golden Gate Park? I have never been to the Japanese gardens there. What do you think?
March 20th, 2010
i'm new to the area [originally from socal] so i'm not gonna be too helpful with suggestions of places and i'm usually swamped with school, but if a meet up [or monthly ones?!] were arranged i'd love to be notified to see if i could make it!

should i just email you Autumn?
March 20th, 2010
I really like this idea, but I'm fairly brand new to photography and so I'm a little nervous about shooting WITH other people... :) I'm just a shy girl. But if a trip is in fact planned for Sacramento, San Francisco, or surrounding areas I would definitely consider it.
March 20th, 2010
i'm game :)
March 20th, 2010
Well! It looks like there may be a few takers! I can tell you from my own experience that it has been a blast going out with other photographers for a photo outing. They may point out something you might have otherwise walked past, you get to help each other out with questions and tips, and it is a lot of fun to compare shots at the end of the trip. Since you were at the same place, you really get to see each other's point of view. I went with a dear friend to Napa and it was interesting to see how different our "voices" were yet harmonious at the same time. =D

How about we do this:

If you are interested in meeting up for a photo outing, email me:

Send me your preferred contact information and I will start trying to plan something. So far it sounds like the best place to start may actually be San Francisco since it is fairly central to everyone. Other Sacramento folks would be welcome to carpool with me if you like since I am happy to drive and am comfortable driving in SF.

I am soooo excited! This could be a LOT of fun!!! I can't wait to hear from everyone and get the ball rolling. =D
March 20th, 2010
good work Autumn! Can you please post the results of the meet once its done? i'd love to read what you guys got up to
March 20th, 2010
I'm 90 minutes east of Lake Tahoe, in Nevada.
March 21st, 2010
I live in Southern California but could travel to or towards San Francisco.
March 25th, 2010
I seem to have lost a couple of you after I created a new post so...

California 365ers: You are invited!

April 10th, 2010 - 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

Conservatory of Flowers, Golden Gate Park
100 John F. Kennedy Drive
San Francisco, CA

A regular adult admission is $7.

About the Conservatory:

The Conservatory (a historic 1879 Victorian Greenhouse) features four permanent galleries. Plants are rotated into the galleries as they bloom so visitors can always expect to see the plants at their peak. The conservatory houses aquatic plants, highland and lowland tropicals, potted plants and a special exhibit called Golden Gate Express Garden Railway which runs through April 18th.

Email me if you have any questions and if you would like to RSVP: I will be near the entrance by 9:30 with a sign waiting to see a flock of smiling faces and cameras! Hope to see you there!
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