I've hit a brick wall!!!!

February 23rd, 2011
I've hit a brick wall and need some motivation to get over it :-(

Any suggestions??
February 23rd, 2011
Have a look through everyone's album. See if you can source some inspiration, something you think will challenge you, yet is still achievable. Go for a drive and take note of what is around. See if anything excites you. I've only been doing this 29 days, so people who have been doing this longer might have some more helpful advice. hope this helps a little =D
February 23rd, 2011
Same here, winter has been rude and long coupled with very busy days at worK.

What about... taking a shot of anything that made you smile today? It works fine with me for now. Spring comes in a few weeks... hopefully things will be interesting again.
February 23rd, 2011
Try something different like exploring what you can do with long shutter speeds. You can set it up outside to catch star trails, or try some light painting. Or go the other direction and use very high shutter speeds and/or a flash to stop motion completely, like capturing water drops.
February 23rd, 2011
I would fiddle around with a blahhh picture with an editing package and see what delicous piece of art you can create.
A website called daily shoot could spark a bit of creativity.
I also whole heartedly agree with Nicole, there is such creativity and diversity on here, have a long look, get inspired, try something new, see where it leads.....
February 23rd, 2011
@bugik What a wonderful idea!
@vaderkip Focus only on 1 color is very helpfull I think, it's an other way to look at... well evrything! I'm sure your inspiration will be back soon!
February 23rd, 2011
I take my camera everywhere and take photos of all sorts of things. I usually have for more than I need for each day. I'm often surprised when I download the pics onto my computer. Theres so much to photograph at dawn and dusk - wildlife, trees, plants, water - and the magnificent shadows and light.
February 23rd, 2011
Mr Vaderkip, try to take a photo of something you already have... see how you or your object has progressed?
February 23rd, 2011
do the alphabet, or 1 in a pic, 2 in a pic and soforth... :-)

I gotta take a pic tonight, what can I take??
February 23rd, 2011
@vaderkip Have you tried www.dailyshoot.com - sometimes food for a bit of inspiration - good luck :)
February 23rd, 2011
ouch...brick walls hurt. on the other hand, go find a brick wall and see what kind of pictures you can take of it and the stuff around it.
February 23rd, 2011
I'm in the same position :(
February 23rd, 2011
How bad, I really like your pictures!
I tried new things when I hit that wall (in december) and it worked. Try to shoot a new subject, such as architecture, patterns or landscapes (or total strangers in the supermarket ;-)). Or try editing it differently, that always gives me a boost. And this weeks theme, is that something? It learns you new ways to use your camera...
Hope the brick wall is a fluffy one after some time. hug!
February 23rd, 2011
Winter and stress at home has taken the toll on my photo quest. It makes me sad. I hope when spring bursts through all the colors and ability be be outside will inspire.
February 23rd, 2011
I read somewhere once that a good approach to overcome it is to shoot at a different time of the day (as opposed to when you would normally do so) and/or try an area you've not had much experience with - such as portraits if you're a landscape person.
February 23rd, 2011
I find the weekdays the hardest....under certain time restraints with my drive to and from work every day....I am at the mercy of what jumps out on the road pretty much. Weekends are a different matter....I try and think of places to go....things that might make an interesting picture. I have a couple of ideas for upcoming locations.....and I now have a shooting friend....so between the two of us, we should be able to come up with more ideas. It's finding the time that is the problem for me.
February 23rd, 2011
I just started the project earlier this month, I actually have not even taken photo's with a serious camera (Eos10D) jet,. I just make sure I have my Canon Powershot with me wherever I go. And many times I just take random shots, whenever I am walking to work, or the supermarket or....(I walk a lot;) Results are surprising. So stick (any) a camera in your pocket and keep looking around. It will come back to you I am sure!!
February 23rd, 2011
a Ladder. :) (or what everyone else said, that's good too!)
February 23rd, 2011
Give yourself a weekly/monthly theme. I chose this month to photograph the alphabet and that helped keep me going and seeking out pictures to take, Good luck!
February 23rd, 2011
As a writer (another hobby of mine) I know the feeling. When I get stuck for a picture, I do the same thing I do when I get stuck for a story- think of a story you've read and then try to recreate that with a picture. Go for mood and tone! Right now I'm planning something for Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451*"
February 23rd, 2011
I haven't found a problem finding pictures at all. For me, I've got several series of photos going and look for things that may be used in at least one of them. Also, the weekly themes, dailyshoot.com, the WWYD editing challenges, and other challenges people put out here keep things interesting.

Shots are everywhere right in front of us. You can consider macro, panorama, b&w, fisheye, pinhole, and there are countless editing options for even the most ordinary photo. Photo options are literally endless. Maybe you need to stop looking at the obvious and start training your brain to see beyond the obvious.

And if none of these ideas, suggested by everyone above, send your off with your camera then do a search in the upper right on "inspiration". You will find the subject is a popular one. ;-)
February 23rd, 2011
When I get totally stuck creatively, I tend to listen to music or watch a movie. Those tend to re-spark my creative side. Or I'll follow my daughter around looking at the world from her level.
February 23rd, 2011
How about taking a picture of a brick wall and muse about hitting it?
February 23rd, 2011

check out this website...it gives a daily assignment of something to shoot. i use it when i am zapped of ideas.
also, i did the abc project when i was outta inspiration, and it really helped pull me outta my slump.
February 23rd, 2011
@vaderkip Welcome to my "old" world, this is what I was through when I started the discussion "Ideas", but all these wonderful people here with just a few SIMPLE replies (like websites, place etc...), threw me right back on track and I feel a sudden rush of thoughts when I pick up that camera. So if you need any help just go to my Ideas thread and see if you find something useful!! Hope I helped :)
February 23rd, 2011
I hate it when that happens. I either take a short break, and very soon I am itching to take photos again..especially after viewing everyone else's, OR I just push through it by using different angles (lying on the ground, from above looking down, etc.). Taking a walk helps. I was telling someone on here before that I live along a busy highway, and was getting honks from passing cars while I was laying on my driveway shooting a flower in the crack of the cement. It actually made me feel silly in a good way, and got me in a better mood photographically. Don't know if any of that helps you, but there you go.
February 23rd, 2011
@vaderkip For the month of February I signed up to do a joy of LOVE online photo class/challenge. It has really motivated. Maybe you could find something like that just to get you thinking a little differently about what you photograph? Oh, and now I see that @mollyanne31790 suggested something very similar :)

I also like @kalexa 's reply!
February 23rd, 2011
This happens a lot, I am sure you'll find your inspiration again! Here is how I deal with it:

1) Go for a walk or a drive and see what grabs your attention - you can stumble upon a beautiful scenery, a lonely leaf, or a brick wall (sorry, couldn't help it! :-) I have a picture of one in my project ;-)
2) Pick an object (from your desk, kitchen, dining room) and find an interesting angle to present it in its best or unusual light
3) Food - take pictures of food! It can be any vegetable from your fridge, or cookies, or chocolate... You get it :-)
4) If all of the above fail, take a selfie! That's what i do as a last resort - snap pictures of myself, and then I edit them until i like them :-)

Hope this helps! :-) Looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with! :-)
February 23rd, 2011
ugh, no fun at all. i am sure you will find some motivation soon. here's the wall i hit the other day...

February 23rd, 2011
Sometimes when I get like that I take a random object around my house and I try to make it look different than I would usually see it and see how "different" I can make it look haha
February 23rd, 2011
me too..it's this winter....last night I was trying to take a picture of the shadow of a watering can.... can you say desperate!
February 23rd, 2011
@parisouailleurs I have focused on the colour red for the month of February and it has been a challenge but given me a new way to see things... though I will be glad when I will have the freedom to shoot anything and everything
February 24th, 2011
@frameit @lbaker @hotto43 @alwaystheocean @slava @sevinstitches @laceyjogautreau @anand2996 @mollyanne31790 @lolanae @dmortega @valhamil @sosaboe @kylapalin @aiksas @kathyd @indiannie_jones @makasper @geertje @cmisplon @msk1p2 @boozysoozy @robynelizabeth @bobfoto @hunnybee @parisouailleurs @iandec @natew214 @bugik @nicolelouise83

Thank you all for your wonderful support and comments. I really appreciated it.

I'll certainly be trying some of your ideas and suggestions out. So stay tuned.

Cheers all.
February 24th, 2011
I have days like that, I will have a day where I have no ideas and every photo I take Im not happy with then it gets late so I decide to use one even though Im not happy with it but then I have days like today and yesterday where I am actually happy with my photos, Im sure You will find some inspiration and get some great shots :)
February 25th, 2011
A kind soul once responded to a similar query that I posted on my blog. He posted a link to an article describing the Helsinki Bus Station Theory. If you're stagnating in your art, or feeling like "just one of the crowd" you MUST read this.

It will inspire, and perhaps give a fresh perspective. It's lengthy, so grab a cupajoe and enjoy. http://www.fotocommunity.com/info/Helsinki_Bus_Station_Theory">
(BTW, this is not a link to *my* blog) ;)
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