365 Get Together - London 2pm on 10th April

March 25th, 2010
Hi Everyone,

Ok I thought i'd start a new thread for this specific meet and try to keep information concise.

WHEN : 2pm, Saturday the 10th April
WHERE : Starbucks on the corner of Holland Park Ave and Claredon Road (just near the tube stop). We can then go to holland park from there

if youre interested in turning up please reply to this thread or email me wengtan365@gmail.com. I'll send my mobile number for we all have a contact point in case any of us are late / lost / whetever :)

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you all there!
March 25th, 2010
I'll search the internets for this info if you don't know it off the top of your head, but, as much as I am a fan of the underground I do much prefer driving... is there anywhere to park near here, do you know?
March 26th, 2010
sorry steve, no idea about parking
March 26th, 2010
excellent! Steve, ping me an email mate and i'll send you my contact number so none of us gets lost :)
March 26th, 2010
Cool, you can use fnymbjlm@trashmail.net
March 27th, 2010
oooo... have fun everyone. I stayed at the Holland Park Youth Hostel in October. There are so many great shots in that park. I wish I had been able to spend a day shooting there!
March 30th, 2010
Will try to make it, might get P to bring the kids to the park too, the play area is really good!
April 5th, 2010
So! Four days to go, or something like that; is it still just the three/four of us?
April 6th, 2010
Looks like it. Definites to date :
- Me
- Steve
- Ross

- Emma, can you make it along?
- Choy?
April 8th, 2010
Ok so we're getting closer to the date. Just wanted to bump this back to the top to remind people that the date / times at the top are confirmed. Just so you dont have to scroll back up :

WHEN : 2pm, Saturday the 10th April
WHERE : Starbucks on the corner of Holland Park Ave and Claredon Road (just near the tube stop). We can then go to holland park from there

If anyone else is interesting in joining us, please feel free to come along!
April 8th, 2010
Was hoping to make it - but am a bit strapped for time this weekend so apologies. Have a good one and hope to make a future date.
April 9th, 2010
Yay!!! I can't to see all of the 365 gathering photos! Have a great time everyone! So far it looks like maybe 6 or 7 are coming for the San Francisco gathering! Good thinking on giving a contact number. =) Off to do that myself now!
April 9th, 2010
actually, good point.. i'll put mine on here now for anyone in london wanting to come but hasnt replied yet :

07 931 795 719

Hope to see you all there! Forecast is cloudy so we should be ok
April 10th, 2010
ok guys, we're in the home stretch... see you at starchucks! I'll be sitting with my fiancee probably drinking a fruit juice or a tea
April 10th, 2010
so just a quick update. 4 of us 365'ers managed to make it into london today. Ross, Steve, Alex and myself. I have to admit, I was a little slack and didnt really think about what to do aside from walking around the park and take photos in the Kyoto Gardens.

Steve was delayed by an unfortunate tube problem but managed to make it a little later. Hopefully we all got enough photos to keep us all happy? I definately did and i've uploaded mine on flickr
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