What kind of artist are you? Part 2

February 27th, 2011
Thanks to everone who participated in the first part of the thread. It was extremely valuable to have others comment on our body of work. It gave some people new insight into their art, and for others it verified that they were meeting their goals as photographers.
Part 2 requires less time, but is just as important.

Think about yourself as an artist, and describe your own body of work in one sentence. If nothing has changed from your Bio on 365, than this thread may not be for you.

Many of us started the project to become better photographers, and a big part of being a photographer is having a style and an obsession. Do we focus on kids, action, intense colors, processing? Do our pictures focus on nature, compassion? Are the pics funny?

If Ansel Adams was an environmentalist and "Romantic" B/W photographer of the American Western landscape, who are we?

Post one pic that exemplifies your body of work and one sentence that describes your work. You can copy the code from the share box to the right of the photo.

I will start us off with a sentence about my own work and a photo.


Using themes and series I combine two objects, people or places into arresting photographs that can be viewed or interepreted in many ways.

February 27th, 2011
@smapp Thanks for the thread Slater. I find it really interesting to see such a wide range of ideas from different people.

Since I started this project I've realised that my best work tends to be close up. I'm not very good at wildlife, portrait or landscape stuff but love seeing other people's! I like detail and also fiddling around with the processing afterwards. This shot is a lot more processed than most of my photos though

February 27th, 2011
@smapp By the way, I have a very simple P&S which has very few features and am longing to upgrade but need to get better at composition etc. before I do.
February 27th, 2011
I'm not sure if I have a style yet, but I guess I'd say I'm an outdoor photographer most often.

February 27th, 2011
@terek55 You didnt got the point I think. You have to comment the user before you, and try to define his style.

For you, I think you are a lovely mum who cares about her kids and her dog :) And the photo that represents you? HOME
February 27th, 2011
@psychographer Me too. I use a panasonic lx3, but am looking at DSLrs. Ken Rockwell has a really good website about cameras and photography, if you are interested. Very user friendly site.
February 27th, 2011
@lalola616 Actually you shouldbe commenting on your own work here. You may use the comments other people made about your work in the part one of the post, but this one is more about self reflection. Here is the link to part one http://365project.org/discuss/general/4440/what-kind-of-artist-are-you
February 27th, 2011
@lalola616 From above

"Think about yourself as an artist, and describe your own body of work in one sentence. If nothing has changed from your Bio on 365, than this thread may not be for you."
February 27th, 2011
I think I would have to say that I am an opportunistic. I don't believe that I have a specific focus, although I would like to concentrate more on Portrait and Landscape. It seems that I tend to try to make something creative out of what is available. This is largely in part to my non-traditional work schedule and a two kids ( 2y/o and 5months).
February 27th, 2011
@smapp @tolpol Oh, I wasnt reading your post today, i thought it would be the same as the first one :)
My bad!
February 27th, 2011

I'm the type that sets up a lot of my shots, such as this one. I enjoy thinking up ideas and setting them up. When I started, I did a lot more of just capturing something and not setting anything up. Also, when I began this, self-portraits were not any interest to me....now, the month of February in my project has several. I am learning they can be quite fun!!

February 27th, 2011
My only focus at the start of this project was nature and capturing the beauty of it. It still is the main part of my project, but I learned a lot about focus, flare, composition, exposure, editing and thinking out of the box. I have made some selfies now and some set-ups. I have an obsession for drops, when available.
February 27th, 2011
@lalola616 Its all good.
February 27th, 2011
I prefer the art of making the perfect mixtape and my love affair of the art of remix has followed me into photography where my creativity lends me to want to remix the light of life itself.

I may not have training but I do have a passion for tinkering until I get what I want out music or photography...if you find beauty in anything I do...that is all I want...to inspire others as they have myself...just remember if you like what I have produced its only a glimpse of the beauty my imagination was hoping to translate into the finished product that you viewed.

sorry about more than one photo but I feel a small view of what I mean will best exemplify how I use photography as a starting point for deeper artwork after post production fleshes it out

February 27th, 2011
Thanks Trevor great thorough response. Love the pics. @loztsoul
February 27th, 2011
@mollyanne31790 I setnup too alot, and wonder if it is beginer thing or a photographer then.
February 27th, 2011

As a person who only got into photography about 18 months ago and purchased her first DSLR less than a year ago i think so far this project has taught me loads !

I would describe myself as a hobby photographer looking for fun, that has an obsession for water and colour, i like to look at normal objects and create something eye catching. I am also a person that just loves to edit

February 27th, 2011
@lalola616 OH I didn't do it right. So sorry!!
February 28th, 2011
@smapp i wonder that too! i feel like a lot on here that i see look set-up, but then again, a lot don't too!!
February 28th, 2011
@psychographer @terek55 @jcrowley40 @mollyanne31790 @mollyanne31790 @geertje @loztsoul @flamez Thanks everyone. Great self reflections about our work. I know it helped me when shooting this weekend, and in choosing which shots to use. I don't know about you, but I feel more confident, because I have a better idea about where I am going with photography.
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