Do you use a point and shoot camera?

March 28th, 2010
I have seen many great shots over the last three months. I have been wondering if I am in the minority by using a point and shoot camera. How many are using a point and shoot camera for this project. If you do, what camera and what editing software are you using?

I use a Kodak C613 point and shoot camera and either Paint Shop Pro X3 or the free program GIMP to edit my photos. I have the portable version of GIMP on my thumb drive to edit photos if I am not at my computer.
March 28th, 2010
I use a Point & Shoot - a Canon Power Shot SD100-IS Elph. Thus far, editing software has included iPhoto (on my MacBook Pro laptop), Picasa, and Picnik. I absolutely love to take photos, but I also like to have the camera in my pocketbook or pocket at all times so that is why I have not gone out and bought a DSL. They are not as easy to keep with you at all times (well, that and the $$$ factor.) So, I know my shots cannot compete with some of you real pros out there, but that's OK...jealous as I am at your talent, I am also pretty proud of myself when I get a good shot with my P&S. As we all know, it's not just about the camera you use; it's also abut the person behind the camera :-)
March 29th, 2010
I do not, but really want to get one. Most of them take fantastic images. I even know pros that carry one around at all times. They can really come in handy when a DSLR is an encumbrance.
March 29th, 2010
I do! Canon Ixus 900Ti and I use Serif Photo PLus 8.0 and Picassa to edit :]
Saving up for a DSLR though :]
March 29th, 2010
I use a Canon PowerShot A560. It is definitely convenient to carry around with me anywhere. Fits perfectly into my purse. :) Although I am also saving for a DSLR. The program I use to edit my photos is Adobe Photoshop 7.
March 29th, 2010
I have an Olympus FE-170. The only thing I don't like about it is the INCREDIBLY slow shutter speed. When it comes to wildlife photography, I stick to snails. And in low light situations, it's impossible to get it to focus. But other than that, it'll do for now. One day I'll own a dSLR.

I use Picasa for editing and I love it.
March 29th, 2010
I was using a canon power shot A630 until about two weeks ago. Now I have a canon rebel xsi dslr.
I still use my point and shoot for macro since I don't have a macro lens yet.
March 29th, 2010
I'm using a fully automated digital camera it's a Canon EOS digital Rebel XT. It takes some awsome pictures but still havnt figured out all the ins and outs of it even though we have had it for 3 years now.
March 29th, 2010
i use a kodak easyshare...thats pretty much as simple and unimpressive as it gets lol.
March 29th, 2010
Yup, I use one too - a Canon PowerShot A590. I love, love, love how small it is and easy to take with me everywhere. The only downside is that I find that I do need to touch up the contrast and curves in Photoshop. I'm saving up for a DSLR, but I think I'll probably miss the ease & portability of my trusty little point and shoot!
March 29th, 2010
i always have my point and shoot on me ( pub camera i call it ) ... i love it , it has gotten me some awesome memories !!! its a olympus mi 840 .. takes good photos for a point and shoot , here are a couple i have on here . I mainly use my SLR for this project but always have my pub camera on hand cos u never know what u might see on my travels lol
March 29th, 2010
I shoot with a Nikon P90 and love it! I know SLR cameras offer a lot of flexibility, etc but I have yet to feel limited with this camera. I know I may outgrow it at some point but I can't see that being an issue anytime soon.
March 29th, 2010
I have had the luck of using my mum's older digital SLR recently, but started this project with a Canon Powershot A720 that I still use often & keep with me in my purse at all times.
March 29th, 2010
I have a Canon PowerShot A590. It was replaced by Canon when my old Canon digital camera couldn't be fixed... they couldn't replace the lens; telling me that they didn't make that particular lens anymore. And I'm so much more happy with this one than the last one!
March 29th, 2010
I do sometimes. If I'm out for a walk or at a party or simply don't want to lug around a big camera, I take my Canon and love that little guy!!
March 29th, 2010
I'm with Chris. I don't have one but I really need one. I just attended an awesome concert where SLRs and DSLRs were not allowed but point and shoot cameras were. I missed out on some amazing photos.
March 29th, 2010
I use 2 point and shoots a Fujifilm Finepix f5 and an Olympus SP-510UZ with 10X zoom. Id love a DSLR but the money keeps being used for travel, its a catch 22 as Id love a better camera to take on our trips! I dont even have photoshop and cant seem to get any of the free sites to download or in the case of picnik even open up properly so if I 'edit' its just using the 'fix' button on windows photo gallery.
March 29th, 2010
two old ones, a HP 733 and a Kodak C-653. I use Picasa and Photosuite. I would like to find a reasonable model that I could mount either my Leica screwthread lens on or the early Zeiss Ikon Contax lens. I shot SLR's for film for years and got interested in 35 mm Rangefinders and still love the system.
March 29th, 2010
I'm using a Nikon CoolPix for this project. Served me pretty well considering. Doesn't get the same shots the DSLR is, but I've been impressed.
March 29th, 2010
yep me too. i love my little Canon Fujifilm Finepix Z5 it only has 6.3 mega. but i love it and i can grab some really good photos on it if i'm lucky.
March 29th, 2010
naaah im using my canon dslr.

i remember the days of having a p+s. XD
March 29th, 2010
Yes, both of my cameras are point and day....there will be money and time to buy something different....but am enjoying what the two simple cameras can do.
March 29th, 2010
I use a point and shoot and som creativity, Canon DIGITAL IXUS 75 - 7.1 mega pixel. Has lots of features including colour accent, colour swap and shutterspeed too; which is quite rear for most point and shoots. The video mode also include a timelapse option which is pretty cool.

Software wise I use Googles Picasa to peform simple editing.
March 29th, 2010
I do! I have a Nikon Coolpoix S570 and so far it's ok. Miss my old one though, but it got nicked. This one's getting better as I learn it. So glad to see there are so many of us here using a point and shoot. Was feeling slightly overwhelmed by everyone using SLRs.
March 29th, 2010
i am just so attached to my canon ixus 95is (P & S), and just loving what it takes. it's small and very handy, so it goes with me anywhere... otherwise, it's my daughter's canon 30D but i find it too bulky to carry around, unless there's a special occasion that i need it for. i find iphoto in my imac a good editing tool.
March 29th, 2010
I am using as many things as I can get my hands on, with the majority shot on the Pentax & Canon compacts. I hope to be able to try some more camera phones at some point, but the auto panoramic functon on the Sony Saito is pretty impressive. But the owner wanted it back....


Pentax Optio 550,
Canon Powershot SX120,
Sony Saito cameraphone
Nikon D200, 18-200mm.
Nikon D700, 14-24mm, 24-70mm, MBD10

Photoshop CS3, CS4
Realviz Stitcher 5.1,
Canon Photostitch
March 29th, 2010
I use a point and shoot - a slightly weather-beaten Nikon Coolpix S550. I'm hoping that this situation might change around the time of my birthday as I've been dropping some fairly unsubtle hints for some time now....
For editing I use iPhoto, Picassa and Picnik....
March 29th, 2010
I always have my little Pentax Optio A10 with me or even my cellphone camera, so I don't miss a thing. Sometimes, it's easier than taking my Nikon D60 with me.
March 29th, 2010
My Canon PowerShot SX 100IS has to be pulled out of my purse to remember to upload. If it isn't in my purse its sitting next to my handphone. I love the thing. For the most part I leave it on one of the pre-sets- typically the toys and kids mode. But if I have time and want to try to compose something, I can play around with shutter, aperture and focus as much as my ability allows (limited). I can't carry around anything bigger. I don't think this would fit in my pocket (just a little above pocket size) but it does fit well in about any purse or bookbag- which i always have.
March 29th, 2010
I use my Nikon Coolpix or my iPhone...... I don't edit any of my photo's
March 29th, 2010
I use a FujiFilm Finepix J20 and PhotoImpression 5 to edit. I've also gone to the Web site when I'm not here on my own computer.
March 29th, 2010
I always have my Canon PowerShot SD1000. It's itty bitty and literally goes everywhere with me. When I get my Canon XS sometime this week (yay!!) I'll start taking most of my 365 pics with that, but I'm sure I'll still use my PowerShot when I'm out and about.
March 29th, 2010
I do. I have a Canon PowerShot S500 (circa 2004). It's so small that bringing it along is never an issue. I wouldn't want to haul a big camera and lenses around all day.

There may come a point where my interest in taking technically better photos will outweigh my current focus of just trying to find picture-worthy moments throughout the day. For now it suits me fine.

When I edit (mostly cropping), I use iPhoto.
March 29th, 2010
I use two different point and shoot cameras (my own Canon Powershot A530 and dad's Canon IXUS 70) and one other (my dad's Olympus SP-560uz). Sometimes I edit my photos, usually with Windows Liven valokuvamaailma (don't know it in english :D). It's good enough for me. I'd like to have a DSLR, maybe in the summer, they're quite expensive though.
March 29th, 2010
I use a Sony SuperSteadyShot DSC-H2. It was given to me by my father-in -law because he didn't like it. I really love it, and it is a good companion to my Nikon Coolpix L10, which continues to take decent pictures, even after I dumped a bottle of water in the bag carrying it. (Ugh!)
I do a little editing with Picasa, but I have to admit, I really don't know how to use it. I mostly use it to crop.
March 29th, 2010
I normally use a Canon DSLR, but because all of my lenses and accessories can be cumbersome, I carry a P/S in my purse. It's a Lumix DMC-ZS1. I bought that recently at the recommendation of some people on this site. It has a Leica lens, and is a really sweet little camera. My 365 project is and will continue to be comprised of shots from both cameras.

If I do any editing at all, it's on Photoshop Elements - the baby brother of the big guy. Awesome program and I highly recommend it!
March 29th, 2010
It's great to see so many of us still using point and shoot cameras. I thought that I was a dinosaur. It is interesting to see the variety of cameras in use.
March 29th, 2010
I have 2 albums going... one using a Canon Digital Elph SD770 that I borrowed from my mom and the other album using my Pentax K20 SLR. My grand experiment. So far I'm finding that I can get more creative on the fly with the little Elph... but both are needed. I am a camera hoarder...
March 29th, 2010
I use an Olympus Stylus 850SW because it is waterproof. I have Photoshop 6, and I'm learning about three free aps: Picasa, Picnik, and PhotoScape. I looked at a Canon Rebel, but the size really puts me off. I like having my camera somewhere within reach at all times! (I accidentally left it at school one day and felt like I'd lost my right arm!!! LOL!)
March 29th, 2010
I almost always have my point and shoot with me, you never know. I don't always have my D80 with me. So I use both. I have even used my IPhone for a shot or two!
March 29th, 2010
I use a cannon Power Shot sx100is 10xoptical zoom But I want to get back to my first love of hard film slr's I also use a 1908 Brownie box camera which I have just gotten some more film for. If you want, look back in my archive for some fireworks pics which I took with the box camera several years ago.
I will admit, the point and shoot dig. are the camera of today.
March 29th, 2010
I use a Nikon Coolpix 9500 and I seem to carry it, or have it nearby now, 24/7 - lol
My hubby has a DSLR (can't remember make) and he's offered to loan it to me and also a crash course on how to use it sometime. For my eyesight, I find looking through some cameras and their tiny markings etc impossible to see, so I get along great with my Nikon Coolpix with clear screen and functions. I wish I had more control of the flash though, maybe I need to find the instruction book..

I use iPhoto on our Mac and Picnik on the internet for cropping etc.

Great to see what everyone else uses, good topic Joe :)
March 29th, 2010
I alternate between my Nikon D3000 (DSLR) and my Canon Powershot SD1100-IS. I think the point & shoot Canon can do just as great of a job as my DSLR, just needs a bit more editing to the finished product for aperture, etc. I find the point & shoot comes in handy as I always have it with me.

I use Adobe Photoshop, Picnik, and/or Picasa for editing.
March 29th, 2010
Unfortunately, yes, I use a point and shoot camera. For now.
March 29th, 2010
I use a P&S too, Canon Ixus100IS, it fits easily in my pocket and so is always (almost) with me . I'ld love a DSLR but they are heavier to carry around and I think the P&S would still be in my pocket!
Haven't done any editing yet, though just tried a couple of collages with Piknik.
March 30th, 2010
iPhone all the way (including editing software)!
March 30th, 2010
i am definitely a point & shooter. one day, i hope to afford an SLR but for now, it is the canon powershot SX200
March 30th, 2010
I have a PnS also. I've only tried 1 thing in BW with it. I'm still learning
March 30th, 2010
I have a point and shoot.... Samsung SL102. It is 10.2 MP. I really like it and have taken some awesome pictures with it. I do want a better camera though!

I only edit my pictures right on the camera and usually only contrast or to make them B&W. I occasionally use picasa 3 for collages :)
March 30th, 2010
I usse a point and shoot which I love because it fits in most of my pockets, so I can always have it with me. I don't use any editing software except to crop and even that I try to keep to a minimum. While I would love to have a dslr, I think that I really enjoy the portability and simplicity of my point and shoot. And I spent less than $100 on it, so I don't worry tooo much about it. I've even dropped it which resulted in the lens jamming (so it would retract) until I forced it back in synch so it would retract.
March 30th, 2010
I use an iPhone 3G. I do some editing in iPhoto, and some post-processing for effect with a few apps.
March 30th, 2010
Most of my pics are with my point and shoot Fujifilm FinePix F72EXR - usually on auto settings (I might fiddle with the ISO a bit but that's it) and editing afterwards with Picasa. I have a DSLR but the point and shoot can stay in my handbag at all times ...
March 30th, 2010
I use a point and shoot everyday that I'm happy with - an Olympus SP-550UZ with an 18 x optical zoom and great wide angle. I recently bought a DSLR - Canon EOS 7D and will learn to use the manual controls gradually. I just uploaded several photos to a photographic website and the one they accepted was from my Olympus!
March 30th, 2010
I primarily shoot with a Pentax K-7 DSLR, but my secondary camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3. For me this is an outstanding camera for all around shooting. It is compact (fits in a shirt pocket), has a large zoom (12x optical), takes hi-def video (1366x720), and has a very decent set of preset scene features. I usually will have that camera with me at all times for that "I just gotta shoot that" moment. As far as editing software, I use two primarily... ACDSee Pro 3.0 for my photo organization and image touch up, and Photoshop CS3 with Topaz filters for artistic embellishment.

Some of the images posted with my P&S camera are these:
March 30th, 2010
i use the same camera and same free photo editting tool as April Paddock. Olympus FE-170 and Picasa for editting. i'm not crazy about my P&S camera, as April said, it has a very slow shutter speed, had i known more about camera 3 yrs ago, i would have chose Nikkon or Canon. one day i will buy a new one :) Picasa on the other hand does the work, i have no complains because it serve the purpose and it is free! I don't like to edit my photo too much anyway because i don't want to turn it into a digital art, but it's pure personal oppinion :) i only use it to do the collage or b&w effect. you would be surprised how many people on this site are using p&s camera and come out great photos!
March 30th, 2010
I've taken the majority of the pics I've uploaded so far with my Sony A300 DSLR, but a fair number have been taken with my Panasonic Lumix FS3 cheapo point and shoot, which I mostly really like. I've also stuck a few shots up that have come from my mobile phone - a Sony C905.
March 31st, 2010
I have both - I use a my old Canon Powershot G7 when my DSLR, a Nikon D40, is too big or I don't want to change lenses... I often have my 70-300mm lens on the Nikon, so I can't do closeups with it. ... I use Photoshop 7 for editing.
March 31st, 2010
point and shoot. ^_^
March 31st, 2010
I have a superzoom p&s and am probably not going to buy a dslr anytime in the near future.
Furthermore, I will probably shoot most of my pictures in this project with my cameraphone, because I can email the picture the second after it's taken and if I have to connect and upload via my computer, I will probably not go through with the 365 days.
March 31st, 2010
I have a P&S Lumix by panasonic (with me all the time) and i just bought a Canon EOS Rebel xsi 18-55 mm. Next week i'm beginning to take technique classes, but I'm trying to make pictures in the manual all the time.
I use picasa and I just start learning to use photoshop.
Total amateur!!!!
March 31st, 2010
I'm using my iPhone.
April 1st, 2010
I've taken the pics with my Sony Cybershot W150
April 1st, 2010
Kodak Easyshare. HATE, hate, hate. I miss my old Canon point-and-shoot, which was easy on the batteries and did everything I wanted. This one has a few extra features, but it's big and heavy (definitely not "portable") and eats batteries the way most of us would eat potato chips ("You can't eat just one"). Many a time, I've gotten somewhere, prepared to take a few pics (usually family or sports events) and realized my fresh new batteries would last about 5 shots before the whole thing just shut down. HATE IT.

My dear friend Lyn lets me use her Sony Alpha whenever she's visiting. Can I just say how anxious I am for her to GET HERE? ;)
April 1st, 2010
It's cool seeing so many people who use P&S's here! I use one too. I wish I had a DSLR, but that's not to be right now. Hopefully in the future, we can get one, but for now I have an Olympus C-765 Ultra Zoom and then I use Photoshop CS3 for my editing.

It's a good camera and I like how portable it is - can just stuff it in my purse and carry it on me at all times. I want to explore the different settings more - learn to use more than I do. I can see its limitations in some shots I want to get - especially when they turn out kind of grainy. But I'm mostly satisfied and am just doing my best with what I have! :)
April 1st, 2010
Most of the pictures I upload are taken with my Canon 30D just because I REALLY know how to use it and don't hesitate to underexpose, bracket, over or underexpose flash, and use aperture priority or shutter priority at will. I also use a Canon PowerShot A1000, but most shots are taken from "P" setting as a Point and Shoot. A few shots are taken with my Droid cell phone, but only if I was caught without a camera.

Have used Paint Shop Pro since the Jasc version 2, so not likely to change.
April 1st, 2010
Point and shoot here also! Im using the new SAMSUNG ST500. I`ve used SLR`s (before digital) when I was doing Art & Photography at college. Hubby "might" be buying me a new camera for my birthday, but only if ive been a good girl ;o) (no chance then!)
April 2nd, 2010
point and shoot...... i definatley want a dslr!! i use a canon powershot a1100 is..... i will still use a p+s when i upgrade though, for the portablity...... sometimes if i have to use my crappy cell phone camera.... gets the job done in a pinch though!!^^
April 2nd, 2010
I use a Fuji FinePix point and shoot for photography, sometimes I use my iPhone too. Editing software is Picasa and Photoshop.
April 2nd, 2010
I do! That's what I'm using actually :) I always bring it with me (talk about portability!)

I'm still thinking of buying an SLR.
April 2nd, 2010
I use a Nikon Coolpix S630. I ignore the booklet and learn slowly from experience :P
April 2nd, 2010
Point&shoot (Canon PowerShot SD880 IS. it actually does a good job for a pocket camera, you know), though I'd love to own a DSLR.
And I do not edit my photos, since my computer can't manage to open a decent photoshop and work properly... Sadly :/
April 2nd, 2010
I only used my Canon Powershot a560. I started using Photoshop to edit my pictures in January.
April 3rd, 2010
My human uses a Pink Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W220. The only 'editing' she does is to rotate some of the photos.
She likes it because it fits in her pocket and there is the instant gratification of seeing the pics.
However, her favorite is still her old Minolta SLR 101. She's had it since '72 and it never takes a bad photo!
April 3rd, 2010
I use a point and shoot (Canon PowerShot A590 IS) now and then, since my Sony A200K DSLR is too bulky to bring everywhere. I use the DSLR more, though. I post-process in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop CS4.
April 3rd, 2010
Point and shoot, Kodak easy share. I love it and the close up quality pictures I can get. Pondering a Sony or Nikon but don't know it I'd get the value from it as I like what I have.
April 4th, 2010
I do the point and shoot camera, I have an Olympus C-765, it has 4.0 mega pixel and 10X optical zoom. Would love a better camera though, especially for action shots my shutter speed just won't keep up with some photos I'd love to take.
April 4th, 2010
I've owned and used an SLR camera for years. This year I bought a point and shoot camera to challenge myself.
"It's the artist, not the tools."
I was starting to find I was getting quantity over quality in my photography. By down grading in my camera's "abilities" I've found I'm being forced to put more thought into my pictures.
April 5th, 2010
I only use point and shoot. I just got the new Sony Cyber-Shot H55 which has a 10X optical zoom and 2X digital zoom and 14.1 MP. I love point and shoot because it is always, I mean always, in my pocket which enables me to be ready for that special sudden shot.
April 5th, 2010
Panasonic DMC-LX3 - love it! I've had it a year now. I've been asked to do a wedding though so need to get practicing with my husbands DSLR.
April 5th, 2010
I have a Fujifilm FinePix J30. I use GIMP to edit my photos. It works pretty well most of the time and it I've gotten some great photos out of it, all though the macro feature isn't that great.
May 26th, 2012
If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. I have 3 point and shoot cameras that I've accumulated over the years which I still use frequently. Each has different characteristics and meets a specific need. I also have an iPhone which I would have never considered before I took this shot: Finally I do have a Pentax DSLR that I use when I'm "serious". The point is it's not the camera that makes great picture, it's the eye and talent of the person wielding the tool. I'm relatively new to 365 project but so far what I've seen has been amazing regardless of the tool.
May 26th, 2012
@gadwallakm Thanks for the reply. I forgot all about this post. I do not use a p&s that much now since I do not like how my photos come out using it. It is an old camera and yellow does not show up in the photos.
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