Blog advice

March 30th, 2010
Can anyone recommend a good site for setting up a blog?? I've been asked by a friend to help him set up a blog and take pictures for it and I think I've seen people mention having them on here. Basically it needs to be fairly simple but take pictures and texts and look a bit professional if poss - am I asking too much? Help!
March 30th, 2010
ooh colleen this looks good, do you use one of them?
March 30th, 2010
I've used wordpress in the past but tumblr was recommended to me by someone else. Tumblr looks better to be honest. You can customise the html, colours etc. If you need any help with the html let me know.
March 30th, 2010
you are a bloody star
March 30th, 2010
ha! barely. We should meet for a drink soon though yeah? I'm less busy now!
March 30th, 2010
yes def, i find out tomorrow about my internship when im working so then can start to make plans again. and can stop spending so much time in my bloody house, i dont like not working....
March 30th, 2010
I second tumblr, I actually used it as my portfolio site before I got a real site. I use it as a photoblog now. It's really easy to customize, and it's simple to use.
March 31st, 2010
I use wordpress for a personal blog and for our work blog. I've never tried tumblr, but did try blogspot. Wordpress is less customizable than blogspot, but has great statistics so you can see how many people are visiting and how they found you.
March 31st, 2010
I use Blogspot to write my actual blogs, but I use Tumblr to collate RSS information from various sites (including this one) and organise it...
April 11th, 2010
Personally, I use Blogspot. I've tried out many other blogging platforms (including WordPress) and found them all completely frustrating and difficult to use. Blogger is extremely simple to set up, which is nice if you aren't familiar with HTML or CSS. It also gives you full access to edit those languages, if you do want to manipulate the look and function of your site. Hands down, I believe it's the best blogging platform out there.
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