
April 2nd, 2010
Okay.. so this might seem a bit stupid but.. I figured that ya'll might be able to help me out. I have never been a big fan of the photos particularly the wedding shots of the bridal party jumping in the air.. but.. I was wondering .. how do ya'll achieve this.. I have played with this a bit and can't seem to get the same type of result.. what am I missing folks?
April 2nd, 2010
Between you and I (and this entire community) I am not a fan of it either. When I was married (we won't go there), I saw that the photographer (friend of mine) uses this a lot. It is not my style. I asked that we don't do that.

Any old way...I think it is done with the camera in the continuous mode. And you know how that is, the better the camera, the more FPS's. And, a flash with an excellent recycle time doesn't hurt. Also, a flash sync of 1/250(?)

I think I am just using logic. I am starting to sound like one of those people that have all the answers, that really doesn't know.

So, I'll shut up now and see what the people that do know have to say!
April 2nd, 2010
I've not done this with a wedding, but I do take a lot of action shots of my son and my dog. You need a fast shutter speed, 1/250 minimum and good timing. Oh and practice, practice, practice. I have not had great success with non-slr cameras because of the shutter lag. I have had great results with a Canon Rebel and now the Canon Mark II.
April 2nd, 2010
Heather...I see that you are using a Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi. That is plenty of camera to take that shot.

The simplest thing for you to do it to turn your mode dial to the Sports Mode...icon looks like a runner starting to sprint. The camera will set itself to continuous drive mode, A1 Servo focus, and shoots at high shutter speeds. Get low and have your people jump toward you to start.

Your camera shoots about 3 frames per second, so hold down the shutter when they leave the ground and hold it down until they hit the ground. This will be one case when you'll be glad you have the SLR and not a point and shoot.

Good Luck...have fun.
April 2nd, 2010
Chris.. i am so glad that I am not the only one out there that really doesn't like doing those types of shots... I have been lucky thus far that none of my couples have asked for this during their weddings.. but i figure i might want to know how to achieve it if they do.. again.. thanks to all of you for your advice.. I will have to throw my camera into sports mode and see what comes of it..

I have been seeing this particular shot so much lately that I was worried that I was missing something as far as my attempts.. Seems like it's just practice and luck.. we will see.. Wish me luck :)
April 2nd, 2010
yes, this shot is cliche', however the bridal party loves it, and they have fun and it gets some great emotion on the faces...thats when i tell my second to zoom in on the bride and groom and they can capture some fun shots. its not for everyone, depends on the personality of the group.
what i tell my group is, we do it on a count of three, and i have them kick there feet up behind them, instead of just jumping straight up in the air. its more dramatic and it really looks like they are getting some air. and i demonstrate for them and they LOVE that hehe
fast shutter speed count of three, if they kick their feet up behind them and hands up in the air it looks better
April 2nd, 2010
thanks rochele.. I will keep your tips in mind.. I am prob going to do some practice shots with my little one this weekend (if he will cooperate) and see what sort of results I have.
April 4th, 2010
heather im using the same type of camera you have and have had sucess with the jump shots usually after a few trys i have my lenses on auto focus all the time so i usually push the button half way to make it focus then have the person/s do there movment whatever it may be and click i also found just trying the different modes helps to i just had to goof around with the camera for a while and now i know what mode i need for the shot im taking even figured out how to create ghost pictures which involves alot of really fast moving cause the faster you go the more transparent the person is (my friend was bouncing around in my living room for an hour so we could get the perfect shot) so in closure my suggestion is to just goof off with it you might learn something fun.
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