NorCal Carpool for April 10th gathering?

April 5th, 2010
I am probably going to look like a complete nut job offering this up but it occurred to me that there may be some local 365ers that would like to go to the gathering on April 10th but may not like driving in San Francisco or would prefer not to spend so much for gas, tolls, parking and so on.


If there are any of you in the Sacramento area that would like to carpool with me to San Francisco for the Conservatory of Flowers gathering in Golden Gate Park on the 10th, email me and we will see if we can work something out:

So I do not come across as a complete nutter, I would like to point out that this invitation is for members 18 and over. Also, if you are a serial killer or just plain old creepy, you may want to skip this one. ;)
April 5th, 2010
If you could just swing by Australia and pick me up, I'd appreciate it *hehe*
April 5th, 2010
Hehe! I know!!! How about I swing by and pick you up. You can round up a few dozen of your lovely birds and then we can let them loose in the Conservatory! I am sure it would make for some fantastic photography and more than a few squeals of delight!
April 6th, 2010
Colorado is closer and I *need* a vacation that includes sunshine and flowers!!!
April 6th, 2010
Well, book a flight! You could fly into SMF and I could pick you up on the way to San Francisco. Or you could fly into SFO! LOL!!! Easy!
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