
March 19th, 2011
I got my first DSLR!!! My amazing boyfriend, Kevin, bought me the Nikon D3100 for my 21st birthday yesterday. I have wanted it for about a year now, and I am sooo happy to finally have it!!! :)
Now for the dilemma...I have NO clue what I am doing!! Never used one before, barely even played with one....any tips would be greatly appreciated because I feel a bit a fish out of water....but so HAPPY!!!
Thanks in advance ;)
March 19th, 2011
Congrats! I'm new to the DSLR world too, for me it's been about trial and error. Just playing around with the settings to see what I get. It's been a ton of fun and a learning experience. Have a great time!
March 19th, 2011
Grates on your new DSLR! I think the most exciting part is just getting comfortable and experimenting. The only way to get better is practice! Maybe do a community course to help with the more technical things like what each setting means. I think the manuals for cameras can be so daunting! Happy 21st btw!!!!!
March 19th, 2011
@shutterbunny @tkallen thank you guys...i will definitely be playing...i already was annoying my fam tonight! paparazzi!! i do believe he signed me up for a 3 session course as well, but its not for 3 months! I am going to have to find my way for awhile!
March 19th, 2011
try whacking dslr tutorial or dslr tips into youtube theres loads of stuff on there :D
March 19th, 2011
i just got my first DSLR too! i've found that reading the manual helps alot! playing with it is the best way to get used to it and to get experience. have fun!!
March 19th, 2011
Congratulations on 21st and new camera.

I recommend using automatic mode to start with. When you get a photo you like, try switching to av or tv and use the same settings. Then change the settings a bit at a time and watch the changes in the photo...
March 19th, 2011
That IS an amazing boyfriend. Did you tell him that a DSLR is on par with an engagement ring ;) lol!

When I first got mine I would set it on auto, see what the camera wanted me to have for settings, then use that as a starting point in manual. My manual was so boring I also bought a companion book specifically for my Nikon D90. I'm sure someone wrote one for yours. I find them more interesting to read.

My photography instructor for the class I just took advised anyone going from auto to manual, "Your photos will get worse before they get better, but do not let that intimidate you. Post the bad ones and ask for tips."

Good luck and have fun! Full moon tomorrow :)
March 19th, 2011
When I started this project I was determined to learn the manual settings for my camera so I got the manual out and read. That helped me get familiar with the buttons and menus. The read up on exposure and go from there! Congrats!
March 19th, 2011
For me, the best way to learn about my nikon was watching videos! Just go on youtube and there are tons of tutorial videos!
March 19th, 2011
Congrats! You're going to have so much fun! When I got my first dslr I played around with it, but that can only take you so far. I would suggest going on YouTube and typing in Nikon D3100 tutorial. A lot of people post helpful videos!
March 19th, 2011
I'd recommend looking around on there's loads of tutorials there.
Here's a great one:
March 19th, 2011
@mollyanne31790 Congrats! You will love it. I bought myself my first one just after xmas and I'm in love!
March 19th, 2011
Congrats, lucky girl!

Like what the others said, play around with it on different modes from Auto to Manual. Youtube tutorials are nice too. Enjoy your new cam!
March 19th, 2011
That's amazing! you are gonna have so much fun with it. When I got my DSLR, couldnt stop playing with it :)
March 19th, 2011
Congrats!!! How spoilt are you?!? lol. I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun with it.
March 19th, 2011
@asrai oooo, good idea!! i didn't think about that!
@gwilkowski i hateee reading manuals, but i think i've come to terms with the fact that i need to read this one!! hahaha!
@chrisra thanks!! good ideas!! :)
@sevinstitches thanks!! i am going to look on amazon right now for a companion book! (and he was laughing saying this was an engagement camera because now he can't afford a ring!! LOL)
@lislee75 thanks for the tips :)))
@sarahbear9995 i will try that! :) thanks!
@refriedradio awesome, thanks Jess!
@soxfansara thank you bunches!!! great resources!
@annielf we are lucky ladies!!! i am already incredibly obsessed!
@bugik thank you thank you!
@lalola616 my family is getting rather annoyed with their new local paparazzi!! hahaha :)
@looseimages lol.....maybe a tad spoiled :) LOL.
March 19th, 2011
Taking an introductory or intermediate DSLR class should be helpful. You will learn a great deal and meet some fellow shutterbugs, as well. Good luck!
March 19th, 2011
For me the manual was like reading Greek - complicated and not very intuitive. I really like the "for Dummies" book that was made for my Nikon. They have them for just about every model out there and I found it at Barnes & Noble. Congrats on your new toy and good luck!!
March 19th, 2011
@angbell088 yes, i hope i remember when mine comes around!!
@chamrick thank you for the idea, because the manual is foreign to me as well!!!
March 19th, 2011
Happy Birthday! Lucky Duck!
I've had my hand-me-down dslr since Oct of last year and there were MANY times I almost gave up. I took awesome photos with my point and shoot but, out of 50 pics on manual, only 2 would turn out. Very frustrating!
My advice is to play with it constantly! I found this website saved me and it is the whole reason I'm doing the 365! Great tutorials and i get the newsletter.
(the dummies books are very good too)
March 19th, 2011
yay Molly!! that's wonderful news!! so fun. My main advice is take tons of pictures while can learn your camera inside out simply by trying things. Put it on manual focus and see...put it on manual setting and see...see what happens when you move different dials, hit different buttons...and just keep snapping away.
March 19th, 2011
@shutterbugger thanks!! that website loos so awesome...saved to my favorites :)
@amyhughes thank you! i am very excited...i am little scared to touch too many buttons without knowing what they are cause i don't wanna mess it up! but i need to get over that, and more comfy with it :) so excited!
March 20th, 2011
yes, yes you do lol. ive been reading mine when ever i can't 'figure it out' per say lol.
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