
March 20th, 2011

appologies to all those that i follow !

I havent been very active this past week popping on only really to upload my photos and maybe 1 or 2 comments , and thats really not like me :(

It's been a bad week of illness here so really i havent felt up to it ! But i promise i will be back on track commenting on your fab photos again very soon :) x
March 20th, 2011
ahh thats nice to update :)
March 20th, 2011
Don't worry, life goes first, i still love your pictures! Love from the other side of the Northsea.
March 20th, 2011
I thought I hadn't seen as much of you. Hope that everyone is feeling much better very soon xx
March 20th, 2011
Everyone here is just getting rid of the winter colds. Finally we had some nice weather this weekend, lots of sunshine. Hope you are feeling better soon. :)
March 20th, 2011
hey same here.. no worries.. hoping people aren't thinking I'm such a snob.. I think I haven't been commenting much as of the last 2-3 months.. busy life it seems to grab ahold of me and my health too.. :(
March 20th, 2011
@flamez no worries my family had been pretty ill too the last couple so understand completely :)
March 20th, 2011
Ive been the same lately so damn busy, Lets hope this is a healthier week for You x
March 20th, 2011
oh, i have missed you!!
but illness is sort of demanding, isn't it.
sorry you have had to be busy with that.
get everyone better and it will be nice to see you back more soon.
March 20th, 2011
Totally understand. Hope the upcoming week gets better for you!
March 20th, 2011
I hope everyone is feeling better!
March 20th, 2011
We all realize that life gets in the way of our hobbies. May this coming week be a good one for you and yours.
March 20th, 2011
Hope you're soon feeling tip top. x
March 20th, 2011
Hey no worries! Hope everything gets back to the norm soon :)
March 20th, 2011
no worries, take care of your self first, catch up second. Health is wealth.
March 20th, 2011
@flamez LMAO just realised you dont follow me, but you have commented before. My previous post is truthful tho in the sentiment!! Sorry, made myself actually laugh out loud, and then felt embarrassed that I had presumed you followed *gets coat*
March 20th, 2011
@looseimages ~ ok so now im confused i was most deffinately following you !! as i remember one day i saw the same photo in both my 365 feed and my fb feed !! LOL !! will go check now , but no way would i have unfollowed u !!

thankyou all , im currently having a browse while little man sleeps so fingers crossed ill get some commenting done :)
March 20th, 2011
@looseimages ~ just checked and mine says im following u hehe ! thought i was :)
March 20th, 2011
@flamez oo flippin eck! Now I'm even more embarrassed!! Lets blame the very strong medication I am on !! LOL
March 20th, 2011
@looseimages ~ hehe ! im just sat here thinking OMG that woman is crazy !! (haha jokes) :P
March 20th, 2011
Happens to the best of us! :)
March 20th, 2011
@flamez very red-faced! Not entirely nuts, although with at least another 5+ weeks off work I may be by the end of it! :)
March 21st, 2011
been sick here in this household too :(
March 21st, 2011
There's a lot of illness 'crud' floating around, it seems... Here's hoping that all of you feel better soon!
March 21st, 2011
You are a mom and a family woman. You have to adhere to your priorities. I've found that this 365 project is an enormous time vacuum. That said, I love it and I love the community. But I don't think any of us should have to feel guilty about attending to business. Hope the coming week will be easier for you.
March 21st, 2011
No probs, your project your rules, we all know that life gets in the way now and again '-)
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