A career?

April 8th, 2010
Hi I am in the process of taking my GCSE's and then next year my A Levels, we have been told to consider different career paths and one that always comes to mind for me is photography.

Any ideas? Any ways I could get experience?

Any help will be appreciated!

Thanks everyone :)
April 8th, 2010
If you want to get into a career in photography, you have to have a lot of hard-to-get attributes. You have to be insanely driven, goal-oriented, and a self-starter. Being an artist, YOU have to get clients, YOU have to be the entrepreneur. If you think you have that, you then have to look at the state of the market now. People are undercutting the true cost of a photographer - they ask the photographer to work for free "to expand their portfolio", and if you say no, another person behind you will do it instead. (The same goes with graphic designers, watch this short video to see what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2a8TRSgzZY) Think about the cost of equipment, the very necessary amount of education you'll need to get, and the cut-throat work environment you'll have to deal with when you get out of school.

To get experience, you can offer yourself up to first take family photos, then maybe work with friends and their families, to build a portfolio. You could do an unpaid internship with a photographer. Photographers build client bases this way, if that's the kind of photography you want to get into (wedding, etc.)You could (and should) go to school for it, if you really are serious. At college, you have a great community to build a practice, and you will make connections that may or may not land you something nice (that makes mad money.)

You could say that I'm being pessimistic about the whole thing, but I don't know about that. If you're considering coming into a very tough career path, you need to understand that the job isn't just "I love what I do" or "I like snapping pictures" .... it's a life path, that you have to cultivate yourself, and for a lot of people, there just isn't enough focus or energy enough to start something like that. I see many people say that they want to be a photographer, but you have to be realistic if you want to plan out your career path. If all of this is still worth it to you, absolutely go for it. It's rewarding and exciting and scary, and a great way to live, if you're looking for an entrepreneurial lifestyle.
April 8th, 2010
cara , great video its so true !!!
April 8th, 2010
as i told some one else in this project. if you already have the talent in photography, study business before you start one.
April 9th, 2010
Wow thanks, cara, thank you so much, I definitely accept that it is a life path, and once I get into something it really does become my life. I am certain this would be no different! Rochele, only one problem, the chance for me to study business has passed as I had to take it at GCSE first :( . However, I am always doing research online and will definitely look into that even more than I already have!

Thanks so much, oh and I agree Brenda, the video was really good!

Thanks again, are there any other tips from anyone else? I am looking for as many as possible if possible please :)

Thanks any help is appreciated from everyone.

April 9th, 2010
Great tips! I did exactly that. I started taking photography classes in college, switched to business and finished a degree in graphic design. Now I have my business with knowledge in all fields. Priceless information!
Network, advertise and build a portfolio. Don't do a lot of free work, people will take advantage of you, but at the same time trying to charge money without proving you can do anything won't get you anywhere.
Unfortunately I have found age does affect the hiring process. I'm 22 with a degree and years of experience in a studio and people are still hesitant to hire me. Once they see my work, things go way smoother though. Goodluck, develop your eye and business skills! e-mail me if you ever want to talk: ariananeal@hotmail.com
April 9th, 2010
Thanks :), I have done some photography for two shows at my local theatre, one was on my mums good camera (which I am still using, much to her hatred, so I am asking for a new one for my birthday in may!) and one was on a burrowed SLR.

Must say I preferred the SLR! But very expensive, especially since I have no paid jobs, only volunteering!
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