Beginner hate?

April 1st, 2011
It seems as if the beginners get no credit for their photography...or anything at all.
Yet everyone started somewhere? Right? Any advice of how to be known? Even if it's known to a small amount of people?
Thanks :)
P.S. I'm new here...
April 1st, 2011
Are you asking about being known generally in your community . . . or on this site? On this site . . . it is a process. Follow others, comment, join the challenges, take good pics (of course) and the rest will follow . . . does not happen overnight, but you will build a community of followers and people you follow before you know it!
April 1st, 2011
the best way to get noticed and to notice others is to browse by latest, comment on pics and normally people are so happy to be commented on they will follow you, If you find some great pics follow the person, latest updates the fastest which is why I feel that one is better to check out but you can always do popular.
If you want to meet a bunch of new people and make them feel welcome as well you can browse by new faces :) you just need to use the site to your advantage!!
Some people also use facebook and other outside sites to put extra pictures on (cuz come on its not easy picking just !) and you can find them by reading their intros :)

Good luck and welcome!
April 1st, 2011
I found everyone on this site to be incredibly supportive of "newbies". I'm still learning, it's a process, but i get a lot of advice, tips, support and kudos for my efforts here. If you look at some of my embarassingly awful starting photos, you can see I still got some 365 online love - even for those ones, lol. Keep it up, and remember that on here, as in life, you get out of it what you put into it:)
April 1st, 2011
Hmmmm ..... click browse/new faces. At least one of your photos is there.

The advice I give to everyone is to pariticipage in the browse and pick. People will find you easier through that. There are thousands of accounts here and it does take time to get to know people. Once you become active people will start to notice you. Welcome and remember this is your project. Do it to make yourself happy and everything else will fall into place.
April 1st, 2011
No hate towards the noobs. More people here are noobs than they let themselves believe. As everyone else has said. Browse photos, profiles. If you see something or someone you like, comment or follow.

And listen to @dmortega, she has her head on straight.

Oh, and welcome. You just might have a new follower.
April 1st, 2011
Hi Shelby...welcome to 365! Stick with it. It takes time for people to see and notice you. I know how excited my son gets when new people see and comment on his photos and chose to follow him, but be patient! The browse and picks are excellent for seeing and being seen. I've followed you, btw :)
April 1st, 2011
hi and welcome :) ..... i was a newbie 1st of jan and ive never found anyone to be against newbies everyones always made me feel welcoem :)

the best way to gain feedback is to give feedbck ..look around , comment on others photos and several people will pop back to u and look at yours :) New faces is fab to discover new people to follow as is the popular page and the more u comment the more u will see people return the comments :)

just tooka look at your first to shots , looks like u are making a fab start so im now following u :)
April 1st, 2011
people aren't against new people but you have to be active to get noticed
April 1st, 2011
Thank you everyone :D it's just I know it takes time and such yet something always feels off for some strange reason, like yes a lot of noobs don't get many comments how ever some do...
(I don't feel like replying to everyone sorry hehe)
April 1st, 2011
@suomiiiii I completely disagree I found this site nothing but encouraging.
I think if you get involved, follow lots, look at discussions and make a contribution if you are able it picks up really quickly. I was on the popular page within the first two weeks with a lucky shot of a gull and then my "perfect pear'. It (365 and it's members) have inspired and encouraged me to be creative, I love looking at others work and appreciate every comment I receive. Just keep looking and submitting photos.
April 1st, 2011
@crappysailor ---- hahaha!!! Can't tell that by looking at my picture here. ;-)
April 1st, 2011
@lynnmwatson agree completely.
April 1st, 2011
I agree with everyone who says the members of this site are extremely welcoming to newbies. I also second the advice to start to follow other members and be sure to comment on their pictures. Most of all, be patient. It takes time to make friends and build up enough followers to regularly comment on your photos. Also, don't expect a lot of attention or acclaim even if you take some awesome pictures. I've had some shots that I couldn't be prouder of slip by without much notice, getting only a few comments from my die hard followers. I'm a naturally competitive person so it does occasionally bother me that I don't get much notice on this site but I try to remind myself that I'm doing this project for me so any kind comments are just an added bonus.
April 1st, 2011
@sourkraut Wow...:D I like your choose them wisely... especially the last part.
and Yes I'm the most competitive person I sometimes it seems I'm the MOST competitive...
April 1st, 2011
@suomiiiii I think you and I might have to fight it out to see who's the most competitive! See how I even turned that into a competition? I'm hopeless.
April 1st, 2011
I see that you have only posted two photos, and you now have a mass of responses from people who read that you felt you were being ignored. I had to post about 12 before I received one comment, and I was absolutely delighted to be recognized so soon! I now receive more positive comments every day than I ever imagined possible and wish you similar success, but please do not use the word 'hate' just because your two submissions were not immediately noticed among many thousands; it takes time, and that is something you have plenty of, so keep up the good work, take plenty of pictures. post every day, and let people know your tastes by responding to theirs, telling them why you like thir work. Good luck!
April 1st, 2011
I'm new and I have felt very welcome here. :) My 365 isn't all that particularly interesting because I'm aiming it more toward my everyday life then photography, but I've still gotten comments here and there.
April 1st, 2011
@wordpixman how can that be...your photgraphy is awesme D:
edit//my keyboardd is failing slowly D:
April 1st, 2011
@jessa That's good...I kinda wanna show my everyday's kinda like a blog. :)
good luck I guess and Thanks
April 1st, 2011
Hate? ...If I would be rude,I would call you egocentric. But I`m not.

Give feedback to get feedback. Rome wasn`t built in a day.
April 1st, 2011
...oh,and welcome to "365",it`s a great community! I hope you enjoy it here!
April 1st, 2011
@wordpixman well said Arthur...hate is a very strong word.

@suomiiiii I felt people were most welcoming on this site..and I now spend more time here than I do on other photographic sites because they do seem to suffer from huge cliques, and therefore if you are new it takes a long time to infiltrate and get responses....I havent found that on here at all. Just keep commenting and following others and you will be rewarded!! Hope you have a fantastic time here.
April 1st, 2011
@spaceman :) I'm Impatient, loud, Greedy, and Competitive...yet that proverb is my favorite :)
April 1st, 2011
@looseimages Thanks and it seems everyone is very nice too noobs here...especially on April fools day hehe
April 1st, 2011
Thank you for your kind comment, but I still have much to learn and have received so much encouragement from so many talented people here.
April 1st, 2011
My advice would be to just keep going... :) I started in January and got up to 20 followers in like almost three months, and from then up to 30 in a couple of days. I guess it goes somewhat exponentially, you just have to carry on and not care how many views you get... :) (Which I know is hard, I got a bit annoyed sometimes in the beginning as well ;P)
April 1st, 2011
@6dav1d6 good to know I'm not alone, Yet you are right, it is hard in the beginning because you notice all the good people o the site and think "Huh, I wanna be..." so on and so forth
April 1st, 2011
@wordpixman You're welcome! :) good luck
April 1st, 2011
Hate is a very strong word. You've been blessed to have so many view/comments on only day 2. Most don't get the new face page the second day in, you have to work at it.
April 1st, 2011
@myla I know...but dislike didn't
Thanks...I will work at it.
April 1st, 2011
Don't feel bad -we're generally a welcoming, funtastic community with lots of love going around (yes, really) but it does take some time. Get to know people and don't worry too much about the comments/follows :)

April 1st, 2011
@indiannie_jones Thanks
edit//I wrote like 2 paragraphs and they aren't here...D: I forget what I said...I'm sorry
April 1st, 2011
@indiannie_jones No,we`re not!.... :)
April 1st, 2011
@spaceman that's helpful D:
April 1st, 2011
@suomiiiii We will eat you alive,you know... ................ *sharpening my knife*
April 1st, 2011
I love all the new people starting 365, but I find most by coming across them in comments on other people's photos, or when I see a new name commenting on my photos. I always check the photo stream of a new name, and if I like the style, I will definitely follow it and check back often to provide comments and 'thumbs ups'.
April 1st, 2011
@spaceman I have 5 older brothers to defend me (yet ones in Japan atm and one is dead...:| ) ...try me ;D
April 1st, 2011
@suomiiiii I have a black-belt in older-brother-ass-kicking!.... (but sorry about your deceased bro.....)
April 1st, 2011
@spaceman hahaha that's GREAT (It's okay...if he were to be born alive my mom would have not had me...:D or that's what she says AND PLUS SHE THOUGHT I WAS A BOY AND SHE WANTED TO NAME ME SHELDON yes I know that's random but I thought I should mention it since it's funneh)
April 1st, 2011
Oh,okay,Sheldon.Well...I hope you`ll love it here in this community...Sheldon!
April 1st, 2011
@spaceman I most certainly will (IDC I LOVE THAT NAME...even if it is a boys name)
April 1st, 2011
Shelby, I have to say that this is one of the nicest communities online and im surprised that you use the word 'hate'. No place for that on here I'm afraid. As for critique ... you have to ask for it. You need to tag Critique-Me (i think) and support will come naturally for good photographs. Ask for advice from others if you need it.
April 1st, 2011
@jennlouise Well it's not aimed at only this's just the fact that people skip over the noobs...and go for the already popular people.
and Thanks
April 1st, 2011
I really am surprised that you are posting this since your very first pic is on the New Faces Page. Some people never get there.

In order to get followers and comments, you have to follow and make comments. :) When I started, I haunted the New Faces Page and followed the ones I loved and made a lot of comments.

I'm still fairly new and try to comment, comment comment and keep following people. When someone that isn't a normal follower comments on my pics, I always try to comment back and if I like what I see in their albums, I follow them.

Basically, you get back what you give. It's not different than starting a new job or school. You have to get out there and mingle, or no one will know you are there.

April 1st, 2011
@karens68 And I didn't know it was on the new faces page...
Thanks...Yet everyone says the same things lol
April 1st, 2011
Yes... what Karen Sylvia said. :)
April 1st, 2011
"Well it's not aimed at only this's just the fact that people skip over the noobs...and go for the already popular people."

There is some truth in this. Probably because the poplular people are showing up on the popular page where people tend to go. It's easier to follow people whose work we see or whose name we recognize.
April 1st, 2011
@dmortega That is true...
April 2nd, 2011
Shelby, It takes a little while to build a following. The best way, I found was already just have to get out there and look at other people's work and leave comments. If I see a comment from someone I don't know yet, I always go out and check out their photos. Really everyone is pretty nice here...I thought almost too nice at first, but you'll find that somehow, through practice and reading other people's info on how they got a shot, your photos improve and you learn a lot here! I like the latest's just a hodge podge of everyone the best way to find people to follow who may, in turn, follow you. Welcome to 365!
April 2nd, 2011
...why are you complaining? you have a bunch of followers, ALREADY. I only have you, last time I checked. o.o
April 2nd, 2011
@shainers Well...I was only trying to prove that people SKIP the noobs (I only got them because of this topic...LOL)
April 2nd, 2011
@suomiiiii lolol WELL I guess you're right tho
April 2nd, 2011
@shainers DFL;'GF
April 2nd, 2011
"...I was only trying to prove that people SKIP the noobs (I only got them because of this topic"
The ony thing you have proved is that impatience has gained the attention you demanded, whereas most people here prefer genuine unprompted responses, not sympathy. You now have an excellent following, and a wonderful opportinity to build on this early start if you stop complaining and just enjoy the wonderful support that is so freely offered by everyone here.
April 2nd, 2011
@wordpixman yet I wasn't expecting it...>_> I just thought it would be a discussion on how they skip noobs, and so on with that idea...
April 3rd, 2011
I find it hard to believe you posted this discussion without expecting to get some attention and in turn followers. I think it's sad that after posting 2 photos you felt you were ignored. I remember when I first joined I had 10 followers in my first few ours. How you ask, by hard work. I went through endless photos, found things I liked and and commented on their photos. I followed them if their work blew me away. I certainly have never complained about the few followers I had. I appreciated them and all their comments. I'm 67 days in and I have an amazing 87 followers. I never joined to gain a mass of followers, I joined for me. To challenge myself to complete 1 photo a day for 365 days. Focus on your project and the followers will come. I feel great satisfaction in that my followers found me, I didn't have to go looking for them.
April 3rd, 2011
Oops, did I accidentally log onto myspace? I didn't know this site was a popularity contest...

I don't see much noob skipping at all. Everyone here is massively supportive (in a nauseating way sometimes, but nonetheless... :P), but if you're here just to be popular, I would venture to say you missed the point of a doing a 365 project...
April 3rd, 2011
@hmgphotos I completely agree with you and couldn't have worded it better myself. Thank you!
April 3rd, 2011
Obviously you are new here, and after only three pictures most people don't have many followers, it just takes a while. Well you can feel good knowing that most of the followers you do have now are following you out of pity not because they truly like your ...3... pictures.

You may want to consider other ways of getting your name out...
April 3rd, 2011
@jessleeca haha, thanks. I come off as crass sometimes on this site (I blame normal photo forums for making me that way, they're a bit more... real/tough than this site), but sometimes this just gotta be said, eh? :D I joined this site so I'd actually go through with completing a 365, and the follows/friends I have made are just an extra perk. I am thankful for everyone that does comment and follow my work, but I'd still be here with or without them...
April 3rd, 2011
@hmgphotos well I love your photos so I'm on board to follow you! :)
April 3rd, 2011
@jessleeca @hmgphotos Haha, I agree with both of y'all and was trying to figure out how to say it! I had a fairly slow start as well -- such is life. You gotta give some to get some. If you comment on others' shots, they'll likely return the favor. Starting a discussion about "newbie hate" when you only have 3 photos... *shakes head*
April 3rd, 2011
You sure are new! Only three photos! Don't worry...nobody 'hates' beginners we all were there once. Good thinking though..posting this will get ya some followers! ( lol)
April 3rd, 2011
Oy, do this for YOU, that's the point of the 365, to improve your photography skills, not to get the most comments.
April 3rd, 2011
@cholbert agree!!!
April 3rd, 2011
eh, I've been here a few months and only have 60 followers, most of which probably never look at my photos (quite a few of them I'm glad people don't look at!). If you go through life expecting to please other people you're never going to be happy.
Totally agree with @cholbert on this.
April 3rd, 2011

>sometimes it seems I'm the MOST competitive...

Sounds like a challenge...
April 3rd, 2011
Twenty-one followers after posting three pictures? It took me months to get to that! Seems like you're not doing too badly, really... ;)
April 3rd, 2011
Exercise some patience. You've only posted 3 images. The word hate is very strong. Likened to the Adolph Hitlers of the world. Use it wisely.
April 3rd, 2011
I am not at all competitive. I just do what I do, and like to express my appreciation of others, but perhaps I have missed the point, so here is a suggestion: Suppose we all post messages begging everybody to follow us, even if they only send a single line message saying fab, awsome, great, or wonderful. We could then spend all day reading them and not have time to take photographs, but it would prove that we are appreciated and loved, wouldn't it?

Well ... wouldn't it?
April 3rd, 2011
It takes a while to build up a following. The best way to get people to comment on your photos is to follow them and comment on their photos. I never look at the latest uploads page, but I do check out people who comment on my photos and on the photos of others I follow. I participate in the browse & pick threads, making it a personal rule to never post after someone I already follow so I have the opportunity to explore someone new's work. And yes, I follow the dreaded popular page. I've seen a great mix of photos from newbies and well-established members. Not every shot that ends up there is a fantastic shot...I've had a couple show up on the popular page that were just quick grabs that I didn't love, and I've had shots I thought were amazing that never made it. But it's great for seeing what catches other people's eyes and finding people you can learn from.

April 3rd, 2011
Hate is a strong word. I doubt anyone hates anyone on this site apart from stealing images they'd have no reason to. Do this project for yourself, at times i wanted more attention if i'm honest but i just reminded myself that it was for me and that was enough to keep me going.
April 3rd, 2011
That's interesting that you think you need followers.. I have hardly any and it's not that big of a deal. You can post your photos on blogs, chats, etc. and maybe someone will think they are cool. But it doesn't matter all that much. Yes I would like to be recognized, I'm not saying I wouldn't, but this is mostly for fun.
April 3rd, 2011
@neda @sonialast I completely agree with you two. I have 278 photos posted, and 43 awesome followers. At first I used to get upset to see the low number of views on my pictures compared to other people, but then I gained the realization that I'm not doing this project for their approval. I'm doing it for myself, to challenge myself and my photo-taking abilities. Taking pictures for this project makes me happy, so that's why I do it!
@suomiiiii I know you're frustrated with the occasional "popularity contest" that happens on here, but you'll do fine as long as you do this project for yourself and not others. Good luck and happy hunting (of photos, that is... haha)!
April 3rd, 2011
I read once about a professional artist that longed for more studio time. He was spending a lot of time with clients, gallery owners, critics etc. Based on his comment it seems as if nurturing relationships is just as important in the pro world as it is here.
April 3rd, 2011
Hi, I have followed people whose photos (from 'latest') I like, I comment as often as I can and Fav photos I like.
Under half of the people follow back and a handful comment but that's not a bad return for life in general :)
I don't know if my photography will improve, I somehow doubt it, but the chances are I'll find some people who like the same sort of images I do...
April 3rd, 2011
I think I may have been going about this the wrong way, after one week I only had two followers and they are both good friends.

I have looked at other peoples photo's and followed the ones I liked, I like to think that I am getting out what I put in. I love doing this because:-

1) I'm here to document my year in photo's for - ME

2) Followers? WOW thank you to everyone who feels I am worthy of following.

3) The supportive family atmosphere of this site.

There is no NOOB HATE it just that it take TIME and EFFORT from YOU to build up followers.

The best advise is take photo's for YOU and IF anyone follows you it's because they LIKE your work.
April 3rd, 2011
Hi, I didn't know you were here. I will follow you. It sometimes takes awhile for us to find you.
April 3rd, 2011
@suomiiiii if you follow pl theylook at you if they like your stuff they follow you.....simples
April 3rd, 2011
I have 94 pics, 16 followers. Looks like u r doing pretty good for only having 4 pictures! Good luck...enjoy your journey, for you.
April 4th, 2011
I hate this discussion :)
April 4th, 2011
I always suggest writing about the photo and why it means something to you. In the end this is all suppose to be like a diary of a year, so it's worth the time to write a bit under each photo..for yourself later and to help others understand why this is the photo you chose now. Enjoy yourself and post photos that you like and that excite you, that will make others excited too.
April 4th, 2011
First, I think this project should be about you, doing it for yourself. There are days I get a lot of comments and days I don't and really, I doesn't matter. I take photos because I want to and enjoy it. I am not doing it for recognition and comments. I can say, if you comment on other people's photos they will most likely comment back. But, this project, in my opinion, should be about doing something you want to do because you enjoy it. I also agree with Chris, hate is a strong word, you should be careful how you use it...
April 4th, 2011
@andrewdearling I'm with you, Andrew. HATE this discussion.
April 4th, 2011
no shelby dear, most of the newbies are the one who always in POPULAR page .. trust me .... so just do whatever you want to do .... keep your cool....
April 4th, 2011
@andrewdearling I do too....
April 4th, 2011
@andrewdearling Me too!!!!
April 4th, 2011
I agree - I have only been on this site for technically 3 days now and I only have 3 followers. Does it look like I care? I really don't, I am doing this for me as a hobby to help improve my picture taking skills. However I am being a helpful person in this site by commenting on pics other people took and following people, etc.
April 4th, 2011
Its early Days... be patient, it does take a while for people to discover you ;-) and remember its your 365 so Enjoy taking the photos
April 4th, 2011
@nectarfizz Couldn't have said it better...Thanks Bekki
April 4th, 2011
First & foremost it's a picture diary of my year, for me . I feel incredibly pleased if someone wants to follow me & almost guilty if I don't follow them, is this silly ? I am very new to this project too but loving it so much. If you are lucky to get friendly helpful comment s along the way ,fantastic! Sometimes I am overawed by the quality of photographs on this site & I salute you all !!!
April 4th, 2011
4 days into it and already complaining about being skipped over? Hm... Well how about commenting other people. Following other people. That's the best way to get feedback. And I know personally, I really only comment on shots that really jump out at me or grab my attention for whatever reason. Sorry but I wont comment on someone's picture just because they are a noob lol. Thats not really what the 365 is supposed to be for. It isnt facebook.
April 4th, 2011
I don't have many followers either, and I will admit that I don't follow a huge number of people (if you look at it in statistics, then I follow twice as many people as follow me, but double 5 isn't many!) but at least it means that I see all the photos that my followers post (even if I don't necessarily comment on all of them, I do see them, and do appreciate them), and it also means that I get incredibly excited when one of my photos gets a comment, or I get a follower, or my photo gets more than 10 views! Sometimes it is disheartening when a photo I really like doesn't get any interest, but you bounce back. It's my diary of the year, and it is for me.
April 4th, 2011
I like to look through the daily shots and every now and again I will pick one person and look through all there shots and comment on the one I like best for each month. It's a fun way to see what other people are working on and if I really like their stuff I will follow them.
April 4th, 2011
@andrewdearling ~ I don't know about HATE but I find it to be more of a creatively egocentric way of getting attention. Since the photos can't make the popular page without views and you can't views without being notice - get noticed by stating that people hate noobs. Surefire way to get the attention that is being sought.. good or bad, attention is attention... savvy?

I do my project for me, and only me. I learn so much from this wonderful community and I also get inspired. If others like what I do - that is a purely joyful bonus. If I get a comment or a fav, that's awesome and I honestly appreciate each and every one... but my love of this project wouldn't change if I didn't have a single follower or comment - because I'm not doing it for that... I'm simply doing it for me.
April 4th, 2011
April 4th, 2011
@pprmntmochamama Beautifully put! Lots of us have said similar things in this thread so I'm glad we're all able to enjoy our efforts for ourselves.

I'm a little irked by how much attention this thread has gotten for someone who may have been a bit dramatic in writing off this site when she only had two pictures up. If I'd noticed that I probably would have had a slightly different response initially. I'll just say that I hope she runs with it and comes up with her best work to thrill all of those new followers. I also hope she heeds everyone's advice and becomes an active member of the community who actually gives back by viewing others' work and leaving comments. It's a two-way street if you want to get and keep followers.
April 4th, 2011
She's 15; cut her a little slack. I'm sure she's learned a lesson here.

And I agree. Waaaayyyyy too much attention on this thread. Let's all move on.
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