
April 13th, 2010

The picture linked above is something you are all familiar with. The last point on my "graph" shows the date from a month ago and I get the stats associated with that day when I log in. I was wondering if the monkeys are aware of this and if they have a plan to correct it?
April 13th, 2010
Your stats for today

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I noticed that too..I log in and here are my stats for today...which is totally wrong this happens a lot!
April 13th, 2010
yea my stats are NEVER correct.
April 14th, 2010
I don't even pay attention to the stats, cause they're never right.
April 14th, 2010
If the stats don't work, what's the point of paying for the membership?
April 14th, 2010
You get multiple albums instead of one and I think the photo stats are correct when you go to individual shots - I think it is just the top stats on the home page are off.
April 24th, 2010
Hi, I cant see any problem with the statistics for the dashboard, can you explain to me what you expect.

The stats are calculated at various points during the day and are not "live" as in to the minute.

April 28th, 2010
Hi Ross,

I am not even sure how to explain to you what I see in my dashboard, but I will give it a try.

My stats that I see when I log into the website are from exactly one calendar month ago. When I click through to the account statistics, I am able to see that my today statistics don't match up with what's on the log in page.

Does that explain what's going on with my account at all? If not, let me know and I will take screen shots for you.

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