Anyone else..?

April 10th, 2011

It's about time I started a thread again. Dang, this is so much fun. However, seeing as it is after 3am Englishy-time, I won't be rambling half as epicly as on the last thread. Many apologies. ( UPDATE: It is now 4am and I am still here. ¬_¬ )

Now, the question is this: is anyone else absolutely *not* appearing in their own 365 projects? I refuse to be in mine; not a hand, not a finger, nothing. Is anyone else doing this, deliberately or not deliberately? And if so, why not?

Just wondered.

In other news, I will be disappearing for a few days, starting on Monday 11th, and returning on Friday 14th. There is a sad lack of internets where I will be going (that makes is sound a wee bit crazy - maybe it is!), so there will be a reasonably immense mass-uploadage-sesh when I get back.

This time: No, I don't have an exclusive Greg-shot for you. No, you don't get cookies. I would say I'm sorry - but I'm not, because .. it got a bit silly last time. And, in the inimitable style of Mr @eyebrows, (which seems slightly ironic, because I am now about to attempt to imitate it) .. there is a rumour going round that I was either drunk or sleep deprived when I wrote that. It is either true or false; I wouldn't like to comment.

That being said, I will leave you with this photo of a seagull that I may or may not have taken*, a while back. Look, isn't it seagull-y?

*I actually did take it.

N.B. I actually did ask a question somewhere in there. 3.14159265 internet points if you remembered about that by the time you were finished looking at the seagull.
April 10th, 2011
I have taken photos of myself for this project.
April 10th, 2011
You are such a cutie patootie. Why wouldn't you be in your project? Gorgeous Seagull the way. Have a fun few days away! Be safe.
April 10th, 2011
@petersonsheri :blushface:
April 10th, 2011
I photographed one eye and that is pretty much all you'll see of me on here.
April 10th, 2011
I hate pictures of myself, but I feel that's part of my personal growth process so I am taking self portraits. Not many. But a few. I'm hoping to learn to see things in myself that I haven't before just like I'm learning to see the everyday beauty around me.
April 10th, 2011
i started the project hoping not to appear in my project, 144 odd photos in and these days, particularly april the majority include me in it in some way! :)
April 10th, 2011
@katiegc24 I don't think I have yet appeared in mine - I may do a selfie at some point, but am in no rush!
Is the answer seagull pie?
April 10th, 2011
Me ! ..... well at the moment theres no me in my project and to b honest the thought of a selfie scares the shit outta me :( so my project will probably be me free ...... not that im incredibly ugly , have 3 heads or anything cos im actually not too bad , i just hate myself in photos !
April 10th, 2011
I love doing selfies. They can be really fun.

You are really pretty. You should do one with Greg!
April 10th, 2011
I'm once again tempted to post the pic I took of you with Greg...

As for me in my project... My hand was in it once... but I think that's all. It's kinda hard to photograph yourself with a dSLR if you don't have a tripod (or at least, one that isn't broken) and a remote...
April 10th, 2011
I don't particularly like taking self-portraits. This is mostly because I always pick them apart afterward. It takes me too long to get one I like, so I haven't considered it for my project yet.
April 10th, 2011
I'm with Nathan - I don't really like being in my own project but some days it's easier than finding something else.
April 10th, 2011
Never thought of including myself until I now - everyone's very creative selfies are so inspiring .... so I would like to try sometime but the quality/creative bar has been set so darn high ;) !!!
April 10th, 2011
When I began (less than a month ago) I thought "No way, no way am I going to do a selfie of any sort for 365" Like @thebluegnu now that I've seen some amazing self portraits I'm inspired. It's still not likely, but never is a long time
April 10th, 2011
@mizikei GAH! Don't do that!!! :( unless it's really good. But I can't remember. :/
April 10th, 2011
i will miss greg. my grandsons, when they come to stay with me, the first thing they ask is "can we look at greg's pictures?" i shall tell them that greg is on an extended trip. :-)

i don't intend to appear in any of my daily postings. the most selfie i've done is my profile pic and that's it. as to your seagull, it looks well-behaved, unlike the ones i see around here where i live.
@mizikei - would love to see another kate and greg pic! thanks.
April 10th, 2011
@summerfield Awwwww, I'm sorry. But they'll get a bit of a Greg-a-thon when I get back, cause I'll still be taking photos! Greg is off working for 4 days, so no promises how good they'll be :/

The seagull was fairly well behaved, although not particularly intelligent - every time the waves went out it walked closer to the sea, and then when they came back in again it seemed very surprised that it was getting wet, so ran back up the beach a little way. It just kept doing that.. amused me for a while.

@mizikei I *might* let you post it.. but you'll have to send it to me first so I can actually remember which it is!! :P
April 10th, 2011
In answer to your question....... Um Er was it something to do with Pie?
Damn, I should have paid attention.........
Oh yes, um I mean NO, NEVER, NEVER will I appear,
April 10th, 2011
@pete21 O_O woah.. that hit a nerve. Any reason why not?
April 10th, 2011
I dont intend in appearing in my 365, I am always behind the camera, never in front of it if I can help it LOL
April 11th, 2011
I have made the decision to never be noticeably in my photos. I am however, in my day 1 and 100 photos in a blink and you'll miss me type of thing.
Why? I hate pictures of myself..
April 11th, 2011
@katiegc24 Sorry, you side tracked me with all that talk of PIE!!
April 11th, 2011
@pete21 O_o I didn't mention pie :( I think that may have been Steven..
April 11th, 2011
Well you did mention 3.14159265 :-0
April 11th, 2011
@pete21 AH yes. I forgot about that. Shows how much I pay attention when I am writing topics, eh? :P
April 13th, 2011
Personally I decided to have NO HUMAN shots whatsoever in my first project...

None of me or anyone else....
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